• Re: [gentoo-user] Bug 919184 - sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3.6-r4

    From Eli Schwartz@21:1/5 to Michael Orlitzky on Tue Sep 10 17:00:01 2024
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    On 9/9/24 8:50 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
    On Mon, 2024-09-09 at 21:33 -0300, João Matos wrote:
    Dear list,

    I'm trying to install the Checkpoint client for linux (cshell_install). It >> requires sys-libs/libstdc++-v3, 32 bits. I couldn't compile it and found
    this bug: https://bugs.gentoo.org/919184

    TIL that we have a twenty-year-old libstdc++ in the tree.

    Do you know any way of work around this? Maybe copying the binary file from >> another distro or try to use another gcc version?

    It's running a test program to find the glibc minor version:

    #include <features.h>
    main(argc, argv)
    int argc;
    char *argv[];
    printf("%d\n", __GLIBC_MINOR__);
    return 0;

    But this test program, having been written 20+ years ago, is crap. It's missing <stdio.h> and a correct signature for "main" at least. Newer
    GCCs (like the one that you're using) will refuse to compile it. So the
    test fails unexpectedly, and the build stops. You might be able to
    trick it by disabling -Wimplicit-int, -Wimplicit-function-declaration,
    and whatever other warnings that program raises... but then you have to actually compile the rest of it with a new GCC. Good luck :)

    It shouldn't be *that* hard.


    And as Sam noted:

    I concur with Eli and Enne. We should just strip it all. It's a brittle
    package for ancient binaries.

    Eli Schwartz



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