• Re: [gentoo-dev] Updating community maintained Gentoo Eclipse IDE repos

    From Filip Kobierski@21:1/5 to Eli Schwartz on Tue Sep 24 11:40:01 2024
    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) -----------------------af045136470c2746847d73020742c51f Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
    Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8

    Hello everyone!

    I wholeheartedly agree with Eli on this.
    If it is on official gentoo infrastructure then something
    needs to be done.

    I do not know how important eclipse is but I think that if
    no one wants to maintain it then it should be archived.
    Of course having Kevin's work go to waste is not a good thing so
    I think it should be included in the archive.
    It could stay in that state until someone wishes to maintain it.
    Then it could be moved to guru or back to the official git.


    On Friday, September 20th, 2024 at 05:29, Eli Schwartz <eschwartz@gentoo.org> wrote:

    On 9/19/24 11:00 PM, Kevin Brace wrote:

    Hi Sam,

    Okay, if I was not clear about what I wanted, I will try to clarify.
    I personally wanted the "sort of official" Eclipse IDE Gentoo overlay on GitHub to take up my updated EAPI 7 based ebuilds, but the only person I was able to contact refused.
    I call the repository "sort of official" since it is still on the Gentoo wiki page. [1]
    I fixed the ebuild so I do not feel like it should be rejected by the developer, but it is what it is.
    Since this is what the situation is, I feel like the existing "sort of official" Eclipse IDE Gentoo overlay should be forked, and the updated ebuilds should be incorporated.
    Or, perhaps I can gain access to commit the updates to this repository, but I assume the people listed on the GitHub page probably will not allow that.
    I hope the explanation I wrote here makes sense.
    I was not aware of the alternative unofficial repository .
    I will take a look at it.
    That being said, the wiki page still has the now broken repository. [2] Something needs to be done to remedy the situation.

    The eclipse overlay is hosted on gitweb.gentoo.org and IMHO if it's
    going to be there rather than in some individual's private github
    account there should be an expectation that the Gentoo project can seek
    out new maintainers to take over, if the current maintainers don't wish
    to continue maintaining it.

    If the current maintainers wished to keep maintaining it, that would be
    one thing, but refusing to maintain it in the desire to have it die is
    pretty silly.

    Another option would be to package it in GURU: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:GURU -- this would imply that you
    expect all users who have volunteered to contribute to GURU to be able
    to make updates to eclipse.

    Then delete the eclipse overlay as obsolete and superseded.

    Eli Schwartz

    Version: ProtonMail

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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kevin Brace@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 20 05:10:01 2024
    Hi Sam,

    Okay, if I was not clear about what I wanted, I will try to clarify.
    I personally wanted the "sort of official" Eclipse IDE Gentoo overlay on GitHub to take up my updated EAPI 7 based ebuilds, but the only person I was able to contact refused.
    I call the repository "sort of official" since it is still on the Gentoo wiki page. [1]
    I fixed the ebuild so I do not feel like it should be rejected by the developer, but it is what it is.
    Since this is what the situation is, I feel like the existing "sort of official" Eclipse IDE Gentoo overlay should be forked, and the updated ebuilds should be incorporated.
    Or, perhaps I can gain access to commit the updates to this repository, but I assume the people listed on the GitHub page probably will not allow that.
    I hope the explanation I wrote here makes sense.
    I was not aware of the alternative unofficial repository .
    I will take a look at it.
    That being said, the wiki page still has the now broken repository. [2] Something needs to be done to remedy the situation.


    Kevin Brace
    Brace Computer Laboratory blog

    [1]: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Eclipse
    [2]: https://github.com/gentoo/eclipse-overlay

    Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 7:34 PM
    From: "Sam James" <sam@gentoo.org>
    To: "Kevin Brace" <kevinbrace@gmx.com>
    Cc: gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org
    Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] Updating community maintained Gentoo Eclipse IDE repository ebuild to EAPI 7

    Kevin Brace <kevinbrace@gmx.com> writes:


    I am a first time poster who just subscribed to the gentoo-dev mailing list.
    I installed Eclipse IDE 4.6 to one Gentoo Linux installation using the community maintained Eclipse IDE repository ebuild when Portage still supported EAPI 6, but the current release of Portage no longer does
    I have been increasingly annoyed by this community maintained Gentoo Eclipse IDE ebuild giving me weird warning type messages when running Portage.
    Of course, it does not stop Portage from running, but I do not like it aesthetically.
    The cause of the warning messages are that ebuilds are still at EAPI 5 (for Eclipse IDE 4.5) and 6 (for Eclipse IDE 4.6), and they need to be updated to at least EAPI 7.
    I got so annoyed by this that I decided to take them into my own hands, and I managed to update ebuilds in question.
    I got rid of all the annoying messages displayed when running Portage, and it appears that Eclipse IDE installs fine.
    So I directly contacted one developer of the three still active on GitHub, but he refused to take up the ebuilds and update them.
    He does not seem to want to maintain the repository any longer (he
    appears to be disillusioned with the Eclipse IDE ebuilds they
    developed for some reason), and even suggested that a new community repository to be created to replace the now obsolete Eclipse IDE repository.
    This one I am talking about.


    Personally, I really did not want to get involved in this type of OS infrastructure project because I work on totally different type of
    code development projects, but I feel like something has to be done to update the Eclipse IDE ebuilds to keep up with Portage.
    Let me know what more experienced Gentoo developers think.

    In general, packaging Java is pretty painful and everyone has migrated
    to using just prebuilt jars for useful applications (like Eclipse).

    e.g. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/4EHBACT4I263R4QF75HB3DUJWWANGHAS/,
    and I think Chewi wrote a similar email at one point.)

    I'm not 100% clear what's being requested here:
    * it definitely looks like the eclipse overlay is pretty dead and
    should probably be removed from the repository list;
    * we can consider requests if someone wants access to it (perhaps you!)
    to contribute fixed ebuilds to it, but it might just be better to make
    your own repository for that;
    * there seem to be some newer ebuilds for eclipse in other repositories,
    see e.g. http://gpo.zugaina.org/Search?search=eclipse


    Kevin Brace
    Brace Computer Laboratory blog


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Sam James@21:1/5 to Kevin Brace on Fri Sep 20 04:40:01 2024
    Kevin Brace <kevinbrace@gmx.com> writes:


    I am a first time poster who just subscribed to the gentoo-dev mailing list. I installed Eclipse IDE 4.6 to one Gentoo Linux installation using the community maintained Eclipse IDE repository ebuild when Portage still supported EAPI 6, but the current release of Portage no longer does
    I have been increasingly annoyed by this community maintained Gentoo Eclipse IDE ebuild giving me weird warning type messages when running Portage.
    Of course, it does not stop Portage from running, but I do not like it aesthetically.
    The cause of the warning messages are that ebuilds are still at EAPI 5 (for Eclipse IDE 4.5) and 6 (for Eclipse IDE 4.6), and they need to be updated to at least EAPI 7.
    I got so annoyed by this that I decided to take them into my own hands, and I managed to update ebuilds in question.
    I got rid of all the annoying messages displayed when running Portage, and it appears that Eclipse IDE installs fine.
    So I directly contacted one developer of the three still active on GitHub, but he refused to take up the ebuilds and update them.
    He does not seem to want to maintain the repository any longer (he
    appears to be disillusioned with the Eclipse IDE ebuilds they
    developed for some reason), and even suggested that a new community repository to be created to replace the now obsolete Eclipse IDE
    This one I am talking about.


    Personally, I really did not want to get involved in this type of OS infrastructure project because I work on totally different type of
    code development projects, but I feel like something has to be done to
    update the Eclipse IDE ebuilds to keep up with Portage.
    Let me know what more experienced Gentoo developers think.

    In general, packaging Java is pretty painful and everyone has migrated
    to using just prebuilt jars for useful applications (like Eclipse).

    e.g. https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/4EHBACT4I263R4QF75HB3DUJWWANGHAS/,
    and I think Chewi wrote a similar email at one point.)

    I'm not 100% clear what's being requested here:
    * it definitely looks like the eclipse overlay is pretty dead and
    should probably be removed from the repository list;
    * we can consider requests if someone wants access to it (perhaps you!)
    to contribute fixed ebuilds to it, but it might just be better to make
    your own repository for that;
    * there seem to be some newer ebuilds for eclipse in other repositories,
    see e.g. http://gpo.zugaina.org/Search?search=eclipse


    Kevin Brace
    Brace Computer Laboratory blog


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Eli Schwartz@21:1/5 to Kevin Brace on Fri Sep 20 05:30:01 2024
    This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156) --------------GNxyjg2DmCk1WwYDkzNVxC6w
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

    On 9/19/24 11:00 PM, Kevin Brace wrote:
    Hi Sam,

    Okay, if I was not clear about what I wanted, I will try to clarify.
    I personally wanted the "sort of official" Eclipse IDE Gentoo overlay on GitHub to take up my updated EAPI 7 based ebuilds, but the only person I was able to contact refused.
    I call the repository "sort of official" since it is still on the Gentoo wiki page. [1]
    I fixed the ebuild so I do not feel like it should be rejected by the developer, but it is what it is.
    Since this is what the situation is, I feel like the existing "sort of official" Eclipse IDE Gentoo overlay should be forked, and the updated ebuilds should be incorporated.
    Or, perhaps I can gain access to commit the updates to this repository, but I assume the people listed on the GitHub page probably will not allow that.
    I hope the explanation I wrote here makes sense.
    I was not aware of the alternative unofficial repository .
    I will take a look at it.
    That being said, the wiki page still has the now broken repository. [2] Something needs to be done to remedy the situation.

    The eclipse overlay is hosted on gitweb.gentoo.org and IMHO if it's
    going to be there rather than in some individual's private github
    account there should be an expectation that the Gentoo project can seek
    out new maintainers to take over, if the current maintainers don't wish
    to continue maintaining it.

    If the current maintainers wished to keep maintaining it, that would be
    one thing, but refusing to maintain it in the desire to have it die is
    pretty silly.

    Another option would be to package it in GURU: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:GURU -- this would imply that you
    expect all users who have volunteered to contribute to GURU to be able
    to make updates to eclipse.

    Then delete the eclipse overlay as obsolete and superseded.

    Eli Schwartz



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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)