• UEFI, Export from Virtualbox [WAS Re: new computer arriving soon]

    From Andrew M.A. Cater@21:1/5 to Sr. on Sun Dec 22 09:50:01 2024
    On Sat, Dec 21, 2024 at 08:14:11PM -0500, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
    On Saturday 21 December 2024 02:20:20 pm Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
    On Sat, Dec 21, 2024 at 12:44:34PM -0500, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
    So I have a DVD with 12.something on it, not too old. I plan to install that, and then see what's on this workstation that I also might want to install, and then go from there. I'm currently using virtualbox on this machine, but would like to
    explore some other options for virtualization on the new box.

    Any suggestions as to how I might proceed to making things current and what other software I might want to include are welcomed...

    Straightforwardly - boot from the DVD (if the new machine has a DVD drive)

    It will have one.

    Set the machine to boot in UEFI mode if this is available rather than legacy MBR / both.

    Why is this preferable?

    This is the modern approach to booting/power management/firmware. Given
    that this is coming from Thinkpenguin and is the Intel Q670 chipset,
    that's UEFI out of the box anyway. And for an i5, you should get
    the UHD770 which is probably covered by Intel firmware supplied as non-free-firmware in the boot medium.

    Use KVM/QEMU instead of virtual box. I tend to use virtual machine manager

    Okay, I will have to look into that, and then figure out how to get the data out of this one and into the new one.

    Export the file as an OVA file from virtualbox.

    It may be as easy as something like File - Export as

    Use qemu-img to convert it - various instructions on line but one
    command line is:

    qemu-img convert -f vdi -O qcow2 /fromSomewhere/foo.vdi /toSomewhere/bar.qcow2

    Yes. I'm pretty happy with Xfce, for the most part. I like konqueror for some of the things that it can do that the other file managers don't. And I have no particular fondness for gnome...


    All the best, as ever,

    Andy Cater

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