• Refreshing copyright information

    From Loren M. Lang@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 23 10:10:01 2025
    Hello mentors,

    I am currently working on updating a package for Debian that is a few
    versions out of date, but I've noticed that the debian/copyright file is
    also a little out of date. Looking through the diff between the last
    release and this one, there's no apparent change in license or copyright
    beyond a bump in the year. I didn't see any other new files either that
    would need to be called out. Here's the main copyright stanza as it is

    Files: *
    Copyright: 2019–2021 itchyny <itchyny@hatena.ne.jp>
    License: Expat

    Files: debian/*
    Copyright: 2021 Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>
    License: Expat
    Comment: Debian packaging is licensed under the same terms as upstream

    First question is, is it standard practice to bump the copyright file
    on the first release of a package in a new year? I believe I've seen
    that elsewhere, but it doesn't always seem to be followed.

    Second, I was going to bump the first stanza to be "2019-2024 itchyny"
    to match the copyright in the upstream source and last release date of
    the package as opposed to just making it go to 2025 right now. The
    bigger question is what should I do with the second stanza. Is there a
    Debian best practice for this?

    Should I just bump it to 2025 for the original maintainer? Should I add
    a copyright for the team instead? Should I instead add myself if I plan
    to take over maintainership? Or just leave it as is and not worry about
    it like the first stanza?

    I should add, I am asking this more in general with helping with
    packaging when I run into an out-of-date copyright file. I am not
    currently planning on taking over maintainership of his package unless
    he decides he wants to move on to bigger and better things. :-)

    Loren M. Lang
    IRC: penguin359

    Public Key: http://www.north-winds.org/lorenl_pubkey.asc
    Fingerprint: 7896 E099 9FC7 9F6C E0ED E103 222D F356 A57A 98FA


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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Salvo Tomaselli@21:1/5 to Debian-Mentors Mailing List on Thu Jan 23 15:45:05 2025
    Yes the copyright file should be kept up to date.

    You can bump the year if the authors are the same.

    For debian if you are now owning copyright you add a line with yourself and
    the years of your contributions.

    Salvo Tomaselli

    "Io non mi sento obbligato a credere che lo stesso Dio che ci ha dotato di senso, ragione ed intelletto intendesse che noi ne facessimo a meno."
    -- Galileo Galilei


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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)