• watch file for Fiji

    From PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 7 15:50:02 2024
    Hello, I am trying to write a watch file for Fiji

    All the version are available in this


    I tryed with the simple

    version=4 https://downloads.imagej.net/fiji/archive/@ANY_VERSION@/fiji-linux64.zip

    but I end up with this error

    $ uscan --verbose
    uscan info: uscan (version 2.23.4+deb12u1) See uscan(1) for help
    uscan info: Scan watch files in .
    uscan info: Check debian/watch and debian/changelog in .
    uscan info: package="fiji" version="0.0.1-1" (as seen in debian/changelog) uscan info: package="fiji" version="0.0.1" (no epoch/revision)
    uscan info: ./debian/changelog sets package="fiji" version="0.0.1"
    uscan info: Process watch file at: debian/watch
    package = fiji
    version = 0.0.1
    pkg_dir = .
    uscan warn: Tag pattern missing version delimiters () in debian/watch, skipping:
    https://downloads.imagej.net/fiji/archive/(?:[-_]?v?(\d[\-+\.:\~\da-zA-Z]*))/fiji-linux64.zip group
    uscan info: Scan finished

    What is wrong ?

    thanks for your help


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rakhmatullin@21:1/5 to PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel on Wed Aug 7 16:00:01 2024
    On Wed, Aug 07, 2024 at 03:25:25PM +0200, PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel wrote:
    Hello, I am trying to write a watch file for Fiji

    All the version are available in this


    Where is the HTML page that lists these that uscan can download? You may
    need to add it to d/watch explicitly, assuming it exists.

    I tryed with the simple

    version=4 https://downloads.imagej.net/fiji/archive/@ANY_VERSION@/fiji-linux64.zip

    This is malformed AFAIK. The format of the second line is
    "URL matching-pattern [version [script]]".

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAmazfSMtFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh ROcP+wSMH4FmkCFZUlBC1eYWfar5Nwbsoj3Z6J+f7L+ZZksNFsCi5Pok0DyMgAEA TDO8n0umy7ZyD3NtCQ9DrrgNNedjsMEFqswsDsMTUBHSydCHzctiRb4t2XbunXQv 6OmDRujlRH0CYL51M1cP/sVdmGNLJYRRaB+hiCgmp9z3TrleG7CyqqPGusG9QVr4 3W/xd4vGe2wtfxbpnZSB26+93dNEP7bv6Ll4EWL+EBno/+O4btJZ0cz/zpFaRB3/ GI30/CfFIsMqZ2bmAySRV5FG2zQmgLNLbwIHLKu2JWx1IEYQeOK980gzOhSb/TxO LIczn3REXZhmZs/S1/S2TfXKr6H2rkaT45Tj9qAdsqz97ceUDy+hFJFLTi/tptVI cPh90SrLmviM5Cxj3V7qGULoaV+ZB1xGl8UR5czXMWqvI+vEUg02o3wM427FSDuf mWcI1iNq7txz0mFrn0CtC8HXeDVD520GEw66MtJzlCXxrTov0eQDFxRmDc0Angld dAdNsUjiZq/TQza9iENt2uG1ms75Inx9inWeMSS5+IiPwG74sNFnD3RRpanLp+Kl iZpI7TBv63BGIZIWcCKxV/G/BVoVL9tgcJwaW2Hlp+f9j4s8lLcSdJi6ZI1lnGps b7MSg5F/yErHP5RB0rHqh0uijHrui9NFacAcXdjnvCjeEXCO
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  • From PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 7 16:10:01 2024
    to myself :))

    it works like this

    # Fiji
    https://downloads.imagej.net/fiji/archive/@ANY_VERSION@/ .*/@ANY_VERSION@/fiji-linux64.zip group

    now the next one :))

    i just need to download


    $ uscan --report
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Devscripts/Uscan/WatchFile.pm line 340.
    Newest version of fiji on remote site is 20240614-2117, local version is 0.0.1
    Newer package available from:
    => https://downloads.imagej.net/fiji/archive/20240614-2117/fiji-linux64.zip
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Devscripts/Uscan/WatchFile.pm line 353.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Devscripts/Uscan/WatchFile.pm line 353.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Devscripts/Uscan/WatchFile.pm line 372.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Devscripts/Uscan/WatchFile.pm line 378.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Devscripts/Uscan/WatchFile.pm line 400.
    Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/perl5/Devscripts/Uscan/WatchFile.pm line 400.
    uscan warn: Tag pattern missing version delimiters () in debian/watch, skipping:
    https://drive.switch.ch/index.php/s/WOVSIPMky2JsXsp/download checksum

    Is it possible to ask for uncoditionnal download ?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 7 16:20:01 2024
    thanks a lot I found the solution for this one.

    the other which consiste in a simple download of a file via an url


    the downloaded file endup with this name on the disk xlib_.jar

    Is uscan capable to do the job for his

    this wget command which does the job is

    wget -O xlib_.jar https://drive.switch.ch/index.php/s/WOVSIPMky2JsXsp/download

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Soren Stoutner@21:1/5 to debian-mentors on Thu Aug 8 19:46:12 2024

    Uscan needs to be able to find the file to download based on the version number in the debian/changelog. So, for example, if the changelog says:

    privacybrowser (0.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium

    It will look for a download with version number 0.6 (uscan automatically removes the `-1` Debian part of the version number).

    For example, here is the watch file that, paired with that changelog, can find the correct download.

    opts=pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.asc/ https://download.stoutner.com/privacybrowser-pc/privacybrowser-(.+).tar.xz

    This is pretty easy because all of the releases are in one directory and are named similar to the release number.


    Your case is more complicated, because each release in the archive you are referencing is stored in a separate directory based on the date.


    But, it looks like the source code is available on GitHub.


    Uscan can download release artifacts from GitHub. For example, the following watch file downloads two (manually uploaded) release assets from GitHub and combines them into one orig.tar.xz.

    # uversionmangle rewrites the binary tarball releases to sort before the
    source releases.
    # For example, 3.052R becomes 3.052~R.

    uversionmangle=s/(\d)((R)\d*)$/$1~$2/" \
    https://api.github.com/repos/adobe-fonts/source-sans/tags?per_page=50 \
    https://api.github.com/repos/adobe-fonts/source-sans/tarball/refs/tags/v? @ANY_VERSION@ opts="searchmode=plain,dversionmangle=auto,component=precompiled-binary-fonts, \
    filenamemangle=s%.*/v?@ANY_VERSION@%@PACKAGE@-$1.tar.gz%" \
    https://api.github.com/repos/adobe-fonts/source-sans/tags?per_page=50 \
    https://api.github.com/repos/adobe-fonts/source-sans/tarball/refs/tags/v? @ANY_VERSION@R same uupdate

    It looks like you might only need much simpler options. Try using these instructions:


    To pull directly from:



    P.S. I find `uscan -vv` (extra verbose) to be really helpful in troubleshooting what uscan sees when it scans for a download.

    On Wednesday, August 7, 2024 6:25:25 AM MST PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel wrote:
    Hello, I am trying to write a watch file for Fiji

    All the version are available in this


    I tryed with the simple

    version=4 https://downloads.imagej.net/fiji/archive/@ANY_VERSION@/fiji-linux64.zip

    but I end up with this error

    $ uscan --verbose
    uscan info: uscan (version 2.23.4+deb12u1) See uscan(1) for help
    uscan info: Scan watch files in .
    uscan info: Check debian/watch and debian/changelog in .
    uscan info: package="fiji" version="0.0.1-1" (as seen in debian/changelog) uscan info: package="fiji" version="0.0.1" (no epoch/revision)
    uscan info: ./debian/changelog sets package="fiji" version="0.0.1"
    uscan info: Process watch file at: debian/watch
    package = fiji
    version = 0.0.1
    pkg_dir = .
    uscan warn: Tag pattern missing version delimiters () in debian/watch, skipping: https://downloads.imagej.net/fiji/archive/(?:[-_]?v?(\d[\-+\.:\~\da-zA-Z]*))/ fiji-linux64.zip group uscan info: Scan finished

    What is wrong ?

    thanks for your help


    Soren Stoutner

    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEJKVN2yNUZnlcqOI+wufLJ66wtgMFAma1gvQACgkQwufLJ66w tgOZIw//VFgsikI6Y6iw6Rnw7AycMDUz89xdZD1dytp/6CM9JDqgJWvM7viNVOaB 0qleU9BGq57jJDqkRQTtscarXLmnLrYjoPz5c4XSVa4a7nIkYcwWh1cGWoXHumaq mQZuFpeDzXYt82VoXOGat2XNZ8uylpJWpJT0bZlkygf9XAdVTaLl7JsxfkHdGaWI ReGk2tpMw2+ZdTjzxLTWilc0+43S8zfhrfBvqfcJRpbyclgS8UOPaiAL3Pg52gIE DCpmuiuY+eYbXndIqqenX8pDaH7bI1CnEMHrob5y42K2o6POJQBtdMrc5dP9Ecy2 TUBeScE6zTOYyCmQc8HBXv/elIuBpnsUr2hVSmcYPvRPN3LxmDFaLbhC9HrDYE/w vUzYd59h6dXq6PB+0vTGk68byp5MVL6mUExL4USi+Q36qBwZ7JMyZY4plYi565Qr cY1O04BHTHoDJM9bdjerO4lC/J77HEQi28Qi7QR7cq6gkLTYHCvfXFJGCjWQ53u8 PTmmpGfFMT4eV+3eVqgJHwff6TEno9RFqQq+rxcffAf1puRQ/rtwsuymmmzq70zG Z/S0+lqhypPPo6oSlPkwBYbNh/Czl+22X+a5Tov9kakGoHkQMUuMoLFjYIZPTm0e ZPfIpiRPR1SrJ9HU/1rhLibi+fCVc2d2dAdt3qEYtFrlnn/8bzc=
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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrey Rakhmatullin@21:1/5 to PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel on Fri Aug 9 11:00:01 2024
    On Wed, Aug 07, 2024 at 03:52:12PM +0200, PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel wrote:
    i just need to download

    Is it possible to ask for uncoditionnal download ?

    I don't think uscan is useful for this.

    WBR, wRAR


    iQJhBAABCgBLFiEEolIP6gqGcKZh3YxVM2L3AxpJkuEFAma12B8tFIAAAAAAFQAP cGthLWFkZHJlc3NAZ251cGcub3Jnd3JhckBkZWJpYW4ub3JnAAoJEDNi9wMaSZLh PuAP/141LwPdUixywGQiOSHSDiYVxqGydPKosLn5yFrKoAEL2FWjbTNZUzcR6duk LQB/xDXmrq5e+fDu40MjP4Hj8x20uLVUQ/vt+McC/QyAFs+F+TxYQsgqNRsioIIl HwuI0fLaKkPVcODoqDeIvcz7p4lZjQlNk+Wh7DQ4ADbVdeVz5lHL6ve/SYTT8f2r 3szMpdU4bHqW06ZZDdnDBN+Q3MyL2tbN1AOjt4e1FLyQAXmSIzSnHao/Qh7Lfg57 PKymPVWhBGoCjhPPAL2U9RNqxhCdEjKYA/L4BMZHzqmATA5V7wnueMwu5eaNhmZa xJj1INyr4pjIictBLMOssXA2qgF6ItFZ3KL9wuEkC6h6VrH4tD8JbqQ2Jdzp7cKS DJdk7r2FrMpeMugd3Zapw8QSrf/+F0KG3ca+sObGXZllJeoOkvJiVN3M1FBKJWlQ rf7h1rZVnEyZ4GL9WTNskE+rxeTHOmdxT4SKBQIT9bzDEOylD7d+gbyuknY3PTJu 2aEIa+SGmroC06uAKdKtJQk3a9ggpt7nsD5npGvpY5R0ZLVb7289T7XNdq7rgBtx 658XPL/Mv28GaMKw2kOL0Qpwbo7OMPftADjtF/45MHPggNJUbgLHj3pINP4XZQUF 4EXMc01wbhLHO/wDcKQMx2NfDB0CDUY2I8uCNWbDaEKFKND0
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