• Bug#1090224: fortunes-eo: FTBFS: konwert: unknown filter -- utf8-ascii

    From Radovan Garabik@21:1/5 to Santiago Vila on Fri Dec 27 17:30:01 2024
    Control: reassign -1 konwert
    Control: affects -1 fortunes-eo
    Control: severity -1 grave
    Control: merge -1 1088738


    I could rework the build scripts not to use konwert (not too difficult),
    but let's hope konwert will get fixed soon.

    On Mon, Dec 16, 2024 at 05:50:13PM +0000, Santiago Vila wrote:
    Package: src:fortunes-eo
    Version: 20020729b-1.1
    Severity: serious
    Tags: ftbfs

    Dear maintainer:

    During a rebuild of all packages in unstable, your package failed to build:
    konwert: unknown filter -- utf8-ascii

    | Radovan Garabøk http://kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk/~garabik/ |
    | __..--^^^--..__ garabik @ kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk |
    Antivirus alert: file .signature infected by signature virus.
    Hi! I'm a signature virus! Copy me into your signature file to help me spread!

    Version: GnuPG v1

    iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJnbtH6AAoJEGhWpKZArz/TyxgP/0UYKHkRdd6dV94Xhb6/d5uq D7IQIwCF0xloiVZe+Xvquvz9CFKvrfA8szXp8bCIAkKEFsfnianu8abgn4bDbZN0 5LLjimEoIv1f5G+8XTKuFbqFeXpd/uk3Q8bRKX8iOMR0v8j8kA8c03g6aofB2YeS nxM0hdQRyVKn/3m2o1NEc10jkg4w+BevTXZASj8ogEyS4jFdbj9w/wnCWSn2SrXG OKpZ/l0l27ndAG/WZyJhJhq+Zo3FSy64Msc00AiU5B9iqYQpWU2UEPYoYtH/iiXz Xs9mDCNvNLIthVUM9Z4RFISosWAjpP5Sb9tMiZpoOOPyW1hq+eU4NGPUFmDsPojB /VeifDYRWW84jbRPz7OnlqxWnGzsehhCkfQNX+bebEKxZE6geX57MOqM8+NowKj/ kqjX9n1YZWTfP1JO4csN5kbdZpx84Hz2Gg2TCcyRAS6hQ3A88L6I0QWt9ajyVbfl CZO7vhSJzQ8IFLwB4TpApMsKEiWWFb9bRoO1exl5Jco3
  • From Santiago Vila@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 18:20:01 2024
    El 27/12/24 a las 17:12, Radovan Garabik escribió:
    I could rework the build scripts not to use konwert (not too difficult),
    but let's hope konwert will get fixed soon.

    I also think it's better to wait for konwert to be fixed, because
    the bug seems to be a minor artifact of the conversion to dh:


    In fact, I see that:

    - The last upload was a "team upload of the debian team" made by Andreas.
    - There is a trivial MR fixing the bug, made two days ago.

    So, I'm going to do another "team upload by the debian team".


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Santiago Vila@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 22:10:01 2024
    El 27/12/24 a las 21:47, Andreas Tille escribió:
    I admit I have no idea how I can help. If I should merge some MR and
    do some upload I can do so, but I don't know what exactly to do.

    Don't worry, there is nothing to do anymore.

    I uploaded 1.8-15 this afternoon:


    I Cc:ed you just because you were the author of the previous upload,
    but that was only for your information.

    (i.e. when I said "I'm going to fix this" I meant "you don't have" :-)


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)