• Bug#1082830: unpaper: sometimes the data loss happens even for 300dpi p

    From Manny@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 11:40:02 2024
    Package: unpaper
    Followup-For: Bug #1082830
    X-Debbugs-Cc: debbug.1082830@sideload.33mail.com

    The defect is very reproduceable when the width well exceeds 2550
    pixels. However, even when an image is normal (2550 pixels wide a4,
    300dpi), it sometimes still truncates ⅓ of the image.

    The following two images went through the same processing prior to
    feeding to unpaper:

    $ identify broken.pgm workng.pgm
    broken.pgm PGM 2550x3508 2550x3508+0+0 8-bit Grayscale Gray 8.53101MiB 0.030u 0:00.042
    workng.pgm PGM 2550x3508 2550x3508+0+0 8-bit Grayscale Gray 8.53101MiB 0.040u 0:00.122

    The images have the same geometry. Yet broken.pgm lost a chunck of
    content and workng.pgm had no issue. So images >2550 pixels wide are reproduceable but images at 2550 pixels wide are unpredictably broken.

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