• Re: Apache + mod_php performance (2/2)

    From Dave Froble@21:1/5 to Dan Cross on Thu Oct 10 23:32:02 2024
    [continued from previous message]

    ! Copyright 2011 by Dave Froble Enterprises, Inc.
    ! This program is the sole property of Dave Froble
    ! Enterprises, Inc. and may not be copied in whole
    ! or in part without the express written permission
    ! of Dave Froble Enterprises, Inc.
    ! Modification history:

    Option Size = ( Integer Word , Real Double )
    %Include "FL:SUPLIB.INC"
    %Include "FL:KBCOMM.INC"
    %Include "FL:TCP_STRUCT.INC"


    External Long Function SYS$ASSIGN, ! System services &

    Declare Long ByteCount%, ! Longwords &
    Long ClientNameLen%, &
    Long ClientPort%, &
    Long D9%, &
    Long ReuseAdrVal%, &
    Long ShareVal%, &
    Long Sock%, &
    Long Stat%, &
    Long Temp%

    ! Declare Variables of User Defined Structures

    Declare IOSB_Struct IOSB, ! I/O status blk &
    ItemList_2 ServerItemLst, ! Server item list &
    ItemList_2 SockOptItemList, ! Socket options list &
    ItemList_2 ShareSockItemList, ! Share sock list &
    ItemList_3 ClientItemLst, ! Client item list &
    Sock_Addr ClientAdr, ! Client IP adr/port &
    Sock_Addr ServerAdr, ! Server IP adr/port &
    Socket_Options SocketOption, ! Socket options &
    Buff ClientName, ! Client name buffer &
    Buff ServerName, ! Server name buffer &
    IP_Adr IP, ! Ip address &
    Buff MSG ! Message buffer

    200 !**************************************************
    ! Program Initialization

    GoSub 4990

    Print #KB% ! Display banner
    Print #KB%, P8$; " "; DATEL(D9%,4%); " "; TIME$(0%)

    BuffSize% = LEN(MSG::BUF$)

    ! Read from command file, get Socket Device

    Print #KB%
    Print #KB%, "Beginning to read command file"

    !Open "SYS$INPUT:" As File #91%
    Open "TT:" As File #91%
    Print "Socket device> ";
    Linput #91%, SockDev$
    Print "Client IP> ";
    Linput #91%, ClientIP$
    Print "Client port> ";
    Linput #91%, Z2$
    Close #91%

    Call NRVAL( Z2$ , Z2 , E% )
    ClientPort% = Z2

    Print #KB%
    Print #KB%, "Command file read:"
    Print #KB%, " Socket device is: "; SockDev$
    Print #KB%, " Client IP: "; ClientIP$
    Print #KB%, " Client port:"; ClientPort%

    ! Open MailBox, read data

    !Print #KB%
    !Print #KB%, "Beginning to read MailBox"

    !Open Dev$ as file 91%
    !Field #91%, 32% as Mbx$
    !Get #91%
    !SockDev$ = Trm$(Mbx$)
    !Print #KB%, Mbx$; SockDev$
    !Get #91%
    !Print #KB%, Mbx$
    !Call NRVAL( Trm$(Mbx$) , Z1 , E% )
    !ClientIP% = Z1
    !Get #91%
    !Print #KB%, Mbx$
    !Call NRVAL( Trm$(Mbx$) , Z2 , E% )
    !ClientPort% = Z2

    Print #KB%, "ClientIP%"; ClientIP%
    IP::IP% = ClientIP%
    ClientIP$ = NUM1$(Ascii(IP::IP1$)) + "." &
    + NUM1$(Ascii(IP::IP2$)) + "." &
    + NUM1$(Ascii(IP::IP3$)) + "." &
    + NUM1$(Ascii(IP::IP4$))

    !Print #KB%
    !Print #KB%, "Mailbox read:"
    !Print #KB%, " Socket device: "; SockDev$
    !Print #KB%, " Client IP: "; ClientIP$
    !Print #KB%, " Client port:"; ClientPort%

    ! Assign a channel to Socket Device

    Stat% = SYS$ASSIGN( SockDev$ , ConnectCh% , , )
    If ( Stat% And SS$_NORMAL ) = 0%
    Then Call VMSERR( Stat% , E$ )
    Print #KB%, "Unable to assign connection channel - "; E$
    GoTo 4900
    End If

    Print #KB%, "Internal VMS channel for connection socket:"; ConnectCh%

    ! Now tell listener we have the socket

    !Lset Mbx$ = "Done"
    !Put #91%
    !Close #91%

    Input "Wait for listener to close socket", I0$

    1000 !************************************************************
    ! Main Processing

    1100 !**************************************************
    ! Read the Incoming Message
    Print #KB%, "Reading client message ...."

    GoSub Read_Socket ! Read byte count
    If E%
    Then Print #KB%, E$
    GoTo Deassign_Channel
    End If

    Print #KB%, ByteCount%; "bytes read from socket"
    Call PARSE( Left(MSG::BUF$,ByteCount%) , LF , Z$ , Msg$ )
    Call NIVAL( Z$ , MsgLen% , E% )
    Print #KB%, Len(Msg$); "message bytes in first buffer"
    GoTo Msg_Completed If Len(Msg$) >= MsgLen%

    GoSub Read_Socket
    If E%
    Then Print #KB%, E$
    GoTo Deassign_Channel
    End If
    Print #KB%, ByteCount%; "bytes read from socket"
    Msg$ = Msg$ + LEFT(MSG::BUF$,ByteCount%)
    GoTo Read_Loop Unless Len(Msg$) >= MsgLen%

    ! Message Received, Display Message
    Print #KB%
    Print #KB%, "Message received, message is"; Len(Msg$); "bytes"
    Print #KB%, Msg$

    ! Reply to Client
    Print #KB%, "Writing message to client ...."

    RET.MSG$ = "Worker process received <" + Msg$ + ">"

    NumByte% = Len(RET.MSG$)
    If FnWriteSocket%( NUM1$(NumByte%)+LF ) ! Write # bytes
    Then Print #KB%, "Error in write NumByte% - "; E$
    GoTo Deassign_Channel
    End If

    While Len(RET.MSG$)
    Z$ = Left(RET.MSG$,BuffSize%)
    RET.MSG$ = Right(RET.MSG$,BuffSize%+1%)
    If FnWriteSocket%( Z$ )
    Then Print #KB%, "Error in write - "; E$
    GoTo Deassign_Channel
    End If

    ! Break the Connection
    ! Deassign Channel
    Print #KB%, "Deassigning connection channel ...."

    Stat% = SYS$DASSGN( ConnectCh% By Value )
    If ( Stat% And SS$_NORMAL ) = 0%
    Then Call VMSERR( Stat% , E$ )
    Print #KB%, "Unable to deassign connection channel - "; E$
    GoTo 4900
    End If

    GoTo 4950

    4900 !************************************************************
    ! Exit Point

    Print #KB%
    E% = KBINPT( "Type <CR> to exit ...." , 0% , I0$ , E% )

    4950 Print #KB%
    Print #KB%, "End of "; P8$
    Print #KB%
    GoTo 32760

    ! Subroutines

    4990 !**************************************************
    ! Program Initialization

    P9$ = "TCP_WORKER" ! Program name
    P8$ = "Worker Program To Service A Connection Request"
    On Error GoTo 32000 ! Enable error trapping
    KB% = 99% ! Keyboard channel
    KB.MODE% = 0% ! Mode for keyboard ope
    Call KBOPEN( KB% , KB.MODE% ) ! Open keyboard
    X3% = 0% ! No cursor addressing
    Z% = CTRLC ! ^C trap
    Call SYPRAM(U1$,U1%,U2$,U3$,D9%,U5$,T2$) ! Read sys parameters
    E1$ = " not a valid " ! Std error text
    E2$ = "Unable to " ! Std error text
    DI0$ = STRING$(4%,0%) ! DI zero string
    Return !

    6800 !**************************************************
    ! Read From Socket
    Stat% = SYS$QIOW( , ! Event flag &
    ConnectCh% By Value, ! VMS channel &
    IO$_READVBLK By Value, ! Function code &
    IOSB::Stat%, ! I/O status block &
    , ! AST routine &
    , ! AST parameter &
    MSG::BUF$ By Ref, ! P1 - I/O buffer &
    BuffSize% By Value, ! P2 - length of buffer
    , ! P3 &
    , ! P4 &
    , ! P5 &
    ) ! P6

    If ( Stat% And SS$_NORMAL ) = 0%
    Then Call VMSERR( Stat% , E$ )
    E$ = "Unable to queue read client message - " + E$
    E% = -1%
    End If

    Stat% = IOSB::Stat%
    If ( Stat% And SS$_NORMAL ) = 0%
    Then Call VMSERR( Stat% , E$ )
    E$ = "Unable to read client message - " + E$
    E% = -1%
    End If

    ByteCount% = IOSB::Cnt%
    E% = 0%


    20000 !**************************************************
    ! Write to Socket

    Def* FnWriteSocket%( Z0$ )

    MSG::BUF$ = Z0$
    ByteCount% = Len( Z0$ )

    Stat% = SYS$QIOW( , ! Event flag &
    ConnectCh% By Value, ! VMS channel &
    IO$_WRITEVBLK By Value, ! Function code &
    IOSB::Stat%, ! I/O status block &
    , ! AST routine &
    , ! AST parameter &
    MSG::BUF$ By Ref, ! P1 - I/O buffer &
    LEN(Z0$) By Value, ! P2 - length of buffer
    , ! P3 - remote address &
    , ! P4 &
    , ! P5 &
    ) ! P6

    If ( Stat% And SS$_NORMAL ) = 0%
    Then Call VMSERR( Stat% , E$ )
    E$ = "Unable to queue write to socket - " + E$
    SaveStat% = Stat%
    FnWriteSocket% = -1%
    Exit Def
    End If

    If ( IOSB::Stat% And SS$_NORMAL ) = 0%
    Then If IOSB::Stat% = SS$_ABORT &
    Or IOSB::Stat% = SS$_CANCEL
    Then E$ = "Timeout"
    Else Call VMSERR( IOSB::Stat% , E$ )
    End If
    E$ = "Unable to write to socket - " + E$
    SaveStat% = IOSB::Stat%
    FnWriteSocket% = -1%
    Exit Def
    End If


    32000 !******************** ERROR TRAPS ********************

    32700 Print ! Final error trap
    Print "Unforseen error detected in <"; P9$; ">"
    On Error GoTo 0


    32766 Chain U1$ Unless U1$=""

    32767 End

    David Froble Tel: 724-529-0450
    Dave Froble Enterprises, Inc. E-Mail: davef@tsoft-inc.com
    DFE Ultralights, Inc.
    170 Grimplin Road
    Vanderbilt, PA 15486

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)