• Re: sed...

    From Janis Papanagnou@21:1/5 to Keith Thompson on Sun Dec 22 00:33:58 2024
    On 21.12.2024 23:23, Keith Thompson wrote:
    Janis Papanagnou <janis_papanagnou+ng@hotmail.com> writes:
    On 21.12.2024 15:38, Janis Papanagnou wrote:
    On 21.12.2024 04:57, Kaz Kylheku wrote:

    Sometimes that puzzled out stuff people do in their spare time is really cool!

    This just appeared on HackerNews:


    A raycast first-person maze navigator, written in Bash.

    Wasn't there a similar code in Awk mentioned some time ago?

    I found it (fps.awk) on my file system; ~650 LOC - too long to post?
    (I see it uses some GNU Awk features.)
    To support searches for it, it says: #Copyright (c) 2016 Fedor Kalugin


    It's something different. - But thanks for the link!

    I don't think this is the same thing; there's no copyright and the file
    names don't match.

    I don't know the original filename; I might have changed it on download.

    I've put the source version I meant here: volatile.gridbug.de/fps.awk


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