• Re: Subjective "valuations" are all we have (Was: coprocs - again (Was:

    From Janis Papanagnou@21:1/5 to Kenny McCormack on Sat Oct 26 16:20:34 2024
    On 25.10.2024 14:54, Kenny McCormack wrote:

    P.S. To answer one question, "coproc" *is* a shell keyword in bash:

    Yes. - I just asked that to get a better feeling for the implications,
    e.g. for the redirection question that arose in Bash context. (Lem had addressed that question in his post; a possible reason why redirection
    is explicitly listed in the Bash man page with 'coproc'.)


    I think you will find that |& is also a keyword (in ksh),

    In Ksh it's not that relevant "what it is" because it's (syntactically
    more obvious) a command separation like ';', <NL>, or '&'.
    It's documented, and you can also see that if you write (for example)
    bc |& exec 3<&p 4>&p
    instead of having the two commands each in an own line.

    In Ksh we write 'cmd &|' for a co-process as we write 'cmd &' for a
    background process.[*]

    although I could
    not get "type" (or anything similar) to confirm that suspicion.

    I don't think it makes sense to use the 'type' command on syntactic
    symbols like ';', '&', '|&', '|', etc. - It's anyway documented in the
    man page:

    A list is a sequence of one or more pipelines separated by ;, &, ⎪&,
    &&, or ⎪⎪, and optionally terminated by ;, &, or ⎪&.


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  • From Janis Papanagnou@21:1/5 to Kenny McCormack on Fri Oct 25 11:32:02 2024
    On 25.10.2024 10:10, Kenny McCormack wrote:
    In article <vff8qc$31tk9$1@dont-email.me>,
    Janis Papanagnou <janis_papanagnou+ng@hotmail.com> wrote:
    For multiple co-processes you may be right. (I certainly differ
    given how Bash implemented it, with all the question that arise.)
    And I already said: I don't think it makes much sense to discuss
    subjective valuations.

    Our opinions are all we have. I can't see how that can be "off topic".

    Oh, don't get me wrong; to each his own [opinion]. That's fine.

    It's certainly also not off-topic, but it's just opinion. Though the
    other poster also didn't provide any examples or rationales for his
    opinion - which is not surprising if you know him - where I tried to
    explain my POV; whether you support it or disagree to.

    I can extend on what I already hinted upthread...


    I really do think that there's no significant difference in verbosity
    between the two implementations (certainly in the simple case).

    Verbosity was not my point. (Only that I was repelled by the other
    poster's, as far as I understand, unnecessary ballast in his code.)

    But clearness or fitting into existing shell concepts do matter, IMO.

    The ksh
    way of handling multiples looks kludgey to me (you may think otherwise, of course). It certainly looks to me that the bash way was designed (no doubt benefiting from ksh having paved the way), whereas the ksh way "just grew".

    Well, the Bash way looks quite "hacky" in my opinion. But maybe you
    could explain what I might have missed. The questions I'd have are
    (for example); [from the bash man page] in

    coproc [NAME] command [redirections]

    what is the 'coproc' actually (beyond a "reserved word")? Is it a
    shell construct like, say, a 'case' construct, or a command, like,
    say, 'pty' or 'time'? Then, depending on that; is the redirection
    part of a special case here? And that's the reason why it's listed
    explicitly? Note redirection is an orthogonal concept! Here too?
    The access to the FDs is implicitly defined by 'COPROC[0]' for
    "output" to the process and 'COPROC[1]' for input to the process;
    is this coherent with 'stdin'(0) and 'stdout'(1); this at least
    irritates me, it's not as obvious as it could be.

    In Ksh I have the simple case that you can simply use

    command |&

    print -p
    read -p

    Easy to use, clear, no ballast, no questions [to me].

    If you want to redirect it with explicit FD control you use Ksh's

    exec 3<&p 4>&p

    (and then 'read -u3' and 'print -u4' to communicate) for example.

    Or you want Ksh to choose the FDs, then use variables (as you can
    also generally do with non-coprocess related redirections) like

    exec {IN}<&p {OUT}>&p

    (with arbitrary variable names, here IN and OUT chosen, which looks
    more sophisticated to me than 'COPROC[0]' and 'COPROC[1]'). And you
    can use the variables then simply as you're used to from other cases

    print -u $OUT
    read -u $IN

    This fits well in Ksh's redirection feature set. And I suppose Bash
    does not support FD variables, since the 'COPROC' (or own variables)
    in this specific ("hacky") context needs to be introduced? - Or am I
    mistaken that this is a 'coproc'-specific hack? - Bash's construct
    [to me] looks flange-mounted (hope that is the correct word to use).

    This post should also explain why I think that your valuation that
    in Ksh the feature "just grew" is not justified. Beyond the '|&' vs.
    'coproc' reserved word; consistency with '|' and '&', redirection,
    assigned FDs (if desired), consistent 'p' as read/print option and
    as FD, all fits and allows for readable straightforward code in Ksh
    that also doesn't leave me with questions.

    BTW, co-processes were designed into the shell with Ksh88 already;
    not much to "just grow" (as you insinuated). ;-)



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  • From Lem Novantotto@21:1/5 to All on Fri Oct 25 11:15:49 2024
    Il Fri, 25 Oct 2024 11:32:02 +0200, Janis Papanagnou ha scritto:

    what is the 'coproc' actually (beyond a "reserved word")?

    Just to clarify it to myself: I'd say that 'coproc' is a reserved word
    that introduces a command (simple or compound). The command introduced by
    the reserverd word 'coproc' is called *coprocess*.
    So coproc is a reserved word, a coprocess is a command... and to me
    "coproc command" is a shell construct. Kind of.

    And coproc is just the bash builtin way to realize a two-way fifo named
    pipe, besides the command mkfifo.

    Then, depending on that; is the redirection part
    of a special case here? And that's the reason why it's listed
    explicitly? Note redirection is an orthogonal concept! Here too?

    I think it's listed explicitly just to remark the order of creation: the
    coproc two-way pipe is created *before* any other redirections.

    access to the FDs is implicitly defined by 'COPROC[0]' for "output" to
    the process and 'COPROC[1]' for input to the process; is this coherent
    with 'stdin'(0) and 'stdout'(1); this at least irritates me, it's not as obvious as it could be.

    I'd agree with you... and indeed I do! But since we have a two-way pipe,
    the input of the coprocess is on the output of the executing shell, and vice-versa. So maybe it's just a matter of... where do you look it from?
    And if you look it from the executing shell... bah, dunno why it's the way
    it is.

    Or you want Ksh to choose the FDs, then use variables (as you can
    also generally do with non-coprocess related redirections) like

    exec {IN}<&p {OUT}>&p

    (with arbitrary variable names, here IN and OUT chosen, which looks
    more sophisticated to me than 'COPROC[0]' and 'COPROC[1]').

    Agreed. IMHO the capability to well differentiate names for input and
    output is a plus.
    Bye, Lem

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  • From Kenny McCormack@21:1/5 to janis_papanagnou+ng@hotmail.com on Fri Oct 25 12:54:56 2024
    In article <vffoij$349j2$1@dont-email.me>,
    Janis Papanagnou <janis_papanagnou+ng@hotmail.com> wrote:
    This post should also explain why I think that your valuation that
    in Ksh the feature "just grew" is not justified. Beyond the '|&' vs.
    'coproc' reserved word; consistency with '|' and '&', redirection,
    assigned FDs (if desired), consistent 'p' as read/print option and
    as FD, all fits and allows for readable straightforward code in Ksh
    that also doesn't leave me with questions.

    I have no further comment on the issues you seem to have with the bash implementation of coprocs. I think I've explained everything (more than
    once) already in these threads.

    BTW, co-processes were designed into the shell with Ksh88 already;
    not much to "just grow" (as you insinuated). ;-)

    Don't be afraid. Sometimes people are attracted to "just grew". They like
    and admire that organic look. I really do think that ksh's implementation
    of coprocs has an "organic" look. As I said, bash's way seems much more "designed".

    P.S. To answer one question, "coproc" *is* a shell keyword in bash:

    $ type coproc
    coproc is a shell keyword

    I think you will find that |& is also a keyword (in ksh), although I could
    not get "type" (or anything similar) to confirm that suspicion.

    There's nothing more American than demanding to carry an AR-15 to
    "protect yourself" but refusing to wear a mask to protect everyone else.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)