• JSON And The Command Line

    From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 11 04:50:44 2024
    Quite a few Linux utilities have the option to format their output as
    JSON, for easy subsequent processing with commands like jq <https://manpages.debian.org/1/jq.1.en.html>.

    For example, here’s what part of the output from “lscpu -J” looks like
    on one of my machines:

    "lscpu": [
    "field": "Architecture:",
    "data": "x86_64"
    "field": "CPU op-mode(s):",
    "data": "32-bit, 64-bit"
    "field": "Address sizes:",
    "data": "36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual"
    "field": "Byte Order:",
    "data": "Little Endian"
    "field": "CPU(s):",
    "data": "8"

    That’s a bit verbose, isn’t it? jq can still select information from
    here, but wouldn’t it look a bit neater if instead of

    "field": «key»,
    "data": «value»

    you had the more concise

    {«key»: «value»}


    Actually it’s quite easy to do this transformation. jq has built-in
    functions “to_entries” and “from_entries” which can convert between
    the verbose and concise layouts, but it only recognizes names like
    “key” and “value”, not “field” and “data”.

    Never mind: it’s easy enough to remap the names. Putting it all
    together, including pulling out the lone “lscpu” field from the
    original struct, here is the JSON processing pipeline:

    lscpu -J | jq '.lscpu | map({"key" : .field, "value" : .data}) | from_entries'

    And the initial part of the corresponding output:

    "Architecture:": "x86_64",
    "CPU op-mode(s):": "32-bit, 64-bit",
    "Address sizes:": "36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual",
    "Byte Order:": "Little Endian",
    "CPU(s):": "8",

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