• Re: memory managment and (its) protection under Linux

    From MarioCCCP@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 26 18:42:54 2024
    T24gMjYvMDgvMjQgMDE6MzksIExhd3JlbmNlIEQnT2xpdmVpcm8gd3JvdGU6DQo+IE9uIFN1 biwgMjUgQXVnIDIwMjQgMTQ6MjE6MDggKzAyMDAsIE1hcmlvQ0NDUCB3cm90ZToNCj4gDQo+ PiBPbiAyNS8wOC8yNCAwNTo1OCwgQ2hhcmxpZSBHaWJicyB3cm90ZToNCj4+DQo+Pj4gSSBh bHdheXMgaW5jbHVkZSB0aGUgLW4gKGRyeSBydW4pIG9wdGlvbiB3aGVuIHR5cGluZyBhIGNv bW1hbmQgdXNpbmcNCj4+PiB0aGUgZGVsZXRlIG9wdGlvbi4gIElmIHRoZSBvdXRwdXQgbG9v a3MgT0ssDQo+Pg0KPj4gaG93IHdvdWxkIHlvdSBldmFsdWF0ZSBpZiBhbiAxJzUwMCcwMDAg ZmlsZXMgb3V0cHV0IGlzIE9LID8NCj4gDQo+IFlvdSBkb27igJl0IG5lZWQgdG8gbG9vayBh dCB0aGVtIGFsbC4gVGhlcmUgd2lsbCBiZSByZXBldGl0aXZlIHBhdHRlcm5zLCBzbw0KPiB5 b3UgY2hlY2sgYSBmZXcgb2NjdXJyZW5jZXMgb2YgdGhvc2UuDQo+IA0KPiBJZiB5b3UgaGFk IGEgYml0IG1vcmUgZXhwZXJpZW5jZSB3aXRoIHRoZSBjb21tYW5kIGxpbmUsIHRoaXMgd291 bGRu4oCZdCBiZQ0KPiBuZXcgdG8geW91Lg0KDQpubywgbm9ybWFsbHkgSSBpbXBvcnQgdGV4 dCBvdXRwdXQgKGdlbmVyYXRlZCBieSBzdWl0YWJsZSANCnByb2dyYW1zKSBpbnRvIEtBVEUg YW5kIHRoZW4gSSB1c2UgUmVnRXggdG8gc2VhcmNoIGFuZCBmaWx0ZXIuDQoNCi0tIA0KMSkg UmVzaXN0ZXJlLCByZXNpc3RlcmUsIHJlc2lzdGVyZS4NCjIpIFNlIHR1dHRpIHBhZ2FubyBs ZSB0YXNzZSwgbGUgdGFzc2UgbGUgcGFnYW5vIHR1dHRpDQpNYXJpb0NQUFANCg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Mon Aug 26 21:36:52 2024
    On Mon, 26 Aug 2024 18:42:54 +0200, MarioCCCP wrote:

    On 26/08/24 01:39, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Sun, 25 Aug 2024 14:21:08 +0200, MarioCCCP wrote:

    On 25/08/24 05:58, Charlie Gibbs wrote:

    I always include the -n (dry run) option when typing a command using
    the delete option. If the output looks OK,

    how would you evaluate if an 1'500'000 files output is OK ?

    You don’t need to look at them all. There will be repetitive patterns, so >> you check a few occurrences of those.

    If you had a bit more experience with the command line, this wouldn’t be >> new to you.

    no, normally I import text output (generated by suitable
    programs) into KATE and then I use RegEx to search and filter.

    Have you tried that with 1.5 million lines?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From MarioCCCP@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 27 02:38:02 2024
    T24gMjYvMDgvMjQgMjM6MzYsIExhd3JlbmNlIEQnT2xpdmVpcm8gd3JvdGU6DQo+IE9uIE1v biwgMjYgQXVnIDIwMjQgMTg6NDI6NTQgKzAyMDAsIE1hcmlvQ0NDUCB3cm90ZToNCj4gDQo+ PiBPbiAyNi8wOC8yNCAwMTozOSwgTGF3cmVuY2UgRCdPbGl2ZWlybyB3cm90ZToNCj4+DQo+ Pj4gT24gU3VuLCAyNSBBdWcgMjAyNCAxNDoyMTowOCArMDIwMCwgTWFyaW9DQ0NQIHdyb3Rl Og0KPj4+DQo+Pj4+IE9uIDI1LzA4LzI0IDA1OjU4LCBDaGFybGllIEdpYmJzIHdyb3RlOg0K Pj4+Pg0KPj4+Pj4gSSBhbHdheXMgaW5jbHVkZSB0aGUgLW4gKGRyeSBydW4pIG9wdGlvbiB3 aGVuIHR5cGluZyBhIGNvbW1hbmQgdXNpbmcNCj4+Pj4+IHRoZSBkZWxldGUgb3B0aW9uLiAg SWYgdGhlIG91dHB1dCBsb29rcyBPSywNCj4+Pj4NCj4+Pj4gaG93IHdvdWxkIHlvdSBldmFs dWF0ZSBpZiBhbiAxJzUwMCcwMDAgZmlsZXMgb3V0cHV0IGlzIE9LID8NCj4+Pg0KPj4+IFlv dSBkb27igJl0IG5lZWQgdG8gbG9vayBhdCB0aGVtIGFsbC4gVGhlcmUgd2lsbCBiZSByZXBl dGl0aXZlIHBhdHRlcm5zLCBzbw0KPj4+IHlvdSBjaGVjayBhIGZldyBvY2N1cnJlbmNlcyBv ZiB0aG9zZS4NCj4+Pg0KPj4+IElmIHlvdSBoYWQgYSBiaXQgbW9yZSBleHBlcmllbmNlIHdp dGggdGhlIGNvbW1hbmQgbGluZSwgdGhpcyB3b3VsZG7igJl0IGJlDQo+Pj4gbmV3IHRvIHlv dS4NCj4+DQo+PiBubywgbm9ybWFsbHkgSSBpbXBvcnQgdGV4dCBvdXRwdXQgKGdlbmVyYXRl ZCBieSBzdWl0YWJsZQ0KPj4gcHJvZ3JhbXMpIGludG8gS0FURSBhbmQgdGhlbiBJIHVzZSBS ZWdFeCB0byBzZWFyY2ggYW5kIGZpbHRlci4NCj4gDQo+IEhhdmUgeW91IHRyaWVkIHRoYXQg d2l0aCAxLjUgbWlsbGlvbiBsaW5lcz8NCg0KeWVzLCBhbmQgS2F0ZSBpcyBzdXJwcmlzaW5n bHkgcm9idXN0IChJIGhhdmUgNjQgR0IgcGh5c2ljYWwgDQpSQU0gdGhvdWdoIGFuZCBhIHN3 YXAgcGFydGl0aW9uIGFzIG11Y2ggYXMgbGFyZ2UpLiBUaGUgZmlsZXMgDQppcyBzb21lIGh1 bmRyZWQgTUIgbGFyZ2UuDQoNClN0cmFuZ2VseSBlbm91Z2gsIHdpdGggcmVnZXggSSBkb24n dCBtYW5hZ2UgdG8gcmVtb3ZlIHRoZSANCnJvd3MsIGl0IGxlYXZzIGFuIGVtcHR5IHJvdywg c28gSSBsYXRlciB1c2UgYSBjbGVhbnVwIHNtYWxsIA0KcHJvZy4gdG8gcmVtb3ZlIGVtcHR5 IHJvd3MuDQoNCg0KLS0gDQoxKSBSZXNpc3RlcmUsIHJlc2lzdGVyZSwgcmVzaXN0ZXJlLg0K MikgU2UgdHV0dGkgcGFnYW5vIGxlIHRhc3NlLCBsZSB0YXNzZSBsZSBwYWdhbm8gdHV0dGkN Ck1hcmlvQ1BQUA0KDQo=

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From MarioCCCP@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 20 15:09:03 2024
    partially OT : programming task
    Scenario : Debian Bookworm, XFCE4
    Very often GUI programs show their results in the form of
    ListBoxes, whose content is mainly textual semantically, but
    very often cannot be copied/pasted as text and neither is
    easy to export as text. I have one case in FreeFileSync,
    that shows lists of files upwards of 500'000 items, and
    other deduplicators programs.
    I am having a general curiosity about this problem in linux.
    Can a root user access, in read only mode, to memory
    associated to another (plain user mode) process ? Or the
    outcome is invariably a seg_fault ? Has a root user the
    right to inquire the memory of non root programs ? I am not
    speaking about disk files, but specifically in physical memory
    Those gui programs must be storing long list of strings in
    memory somewhere.
    The first question is : is it there any way to escalate
    read-only access to memory assigned to other programs ?
    If the answer is, YES, then the problems evolves to
    is it there a way to query the system (X server ? Who else
    ?) what is the topmost (active desktop, foreground)
    graphical element at given mouse coordinates ? Are list
    boxes standard enough to be accessed in a fairly portable
    way disregarding the many different graphic engines (QT, GTK
    or else) and DM (I have XFCE, but there are plenty of), so
    to locate the strings arrays ? I can guess many frameworks
    could implement internally listboxes in different ways and
    debugging would be hard ! But the first thing to be
    clarified is : I need some handle to memory allocated to it
    in read only mode. Only then I could think to attemptively
    elucidate the internal structure of the object. I am
    assuming to not have any source code of the program or of
    the underlying framwork.
    If I had the code itself, it would be much simpler to extend
    it, obviously, and to add a menu item with an ExportList cmq.
    Tnx for any suggestion about the memory management and
    protection under linux kernel.

    1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
    2) Se tutti pagano le tasse, le tasse le pagano tutti

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Natural Philosopher@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Tue Aug 20 19:27:34 2024
    On 20/08/2024 14:09, MarioCCCP wrote:

    partially OT : programming task
    Scenario : Debian Bookworm, XFCE4
    Very often GUI programs show their results in the form of ListBoxes,
    whose content is mainly textual semantically, but very often cannot be copied/pasted as text and neither is easy to export as text. I have one
    case in FreeFileSync, that shows lists of files upwards of 500'000
    items, and other deduplicators programs.
    I am having a general curiosity about this problem in linux.
    Can a root user access, in read only mode, to memory associated to
    another (plain user mode) process ? Or the outcome is invariably a
    seg_fault ? Has a root user the right to inquire the memory of non root programs ?
    I believe not.
    In such cases it is usual to write a daemon to handle *all* requests.

    I am not speaking about disk files, but specifically in
    physical memory

    Well thereby hangs a tale. In fact i deliberately created a RAMDISK in
    one application purely to handle communications between synchronous

    One process writes it, others may read

    "And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch".

    Gospel of St. Mathew 15:14

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard Kettlewell@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Tue Aug 20 21:53:12 2024
    MarioCCCP <NoliMihiFrangereMentulam@libero.it> writes:
    Can a root user access, in read only mode, to memory associated to
    another (plain user mode) process ? Or the outcome is invariably a
    seg_fault ? Has a root user the right to inquire the memory of non
    root programs ? I am not speaking about disk files, but specifically
    in physical memory

    Yes, root can access the memory image of non-root processes, for example
    by reading from /proc/<pid>/mem, or using the ptrace syscall.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Wed Aug 21 01:28:14 2024
    On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 15:09:03 +0200, MarioCCCP wrote:

    partially OT : programming task Scenario : Debian Bookworm, XFCE4 Very
    often GUI programs show their results in the form of ListBoxes, whose
    content is mainly textual semantically, but very often cannot be copied/pasted as text and neither is easy to export as text. I have one
    case in FreeFileSync, that shows lists of files upwards of 500'000
    items, and other deduplicators programs.

    Short answer: you are doing it wrong.

    Remember, GUIs are not designed to be automated. If you want to extract a
    large list of filenames as output from one program to feed into another,
    you do it from the command line.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 186283@ud0s4.net@21:1/5 to The Natural Philosopher on Wed Aug 21 00:11:30 2024
    On 8/20/24 2:27 PM, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
    On 20/08/2024 14:09, MarioCCCP wrote:

    partially OT : programming task
    Scenario : Debian Bookworm, XFCE4
    Very often GUI programs show their results in the form of ListBoxes,
    whose content is mainly textual semantically, but very often cannot be
    copied/pasted as text and neither is easy to export as text. I have
    one case in FreeFileSync, that shows lists of files upwards of 500'000
    items, and other deduplicators programs.
    I am having a general curiosity about this problem in linux.
    Can a root user access, in read only mode, to memory associated to
    another (plain user mode) process ? Or the outcome is invariably a
    seg_fault ? Has a root user the right to inquire the memory of non
    root programs ?
    I believe not.
    In such cases it is usual to write a daemon to handle *all* requests.

     I am not speaking about disk files, but specifically in
    physical memory

    Well thereby hangs a tale. In fact i deliberately created a RAMDISK in
    one application purely to handle communications between synchronous processes.

    One process writes it, others may read

    In many Linux distros now, /tmp is a de-facto
    ramdisk - all disappears on reboot. IF you have
    the space in your / partition then you need not
    specifically create a NEW ramdisk to achieve the

    I've done it both ways over the years.

    Also look into "pipes". They've been useful at
    times (but a bit less flexible than the on-'disk'
    file approach). Wrote a nice little bi-di multi-
    user socket server using pipes (in Python and
    then 'C') so the 'parent' could convey a few
    important lists to the 'child' and vice-versa.

    Pipes basically ARE temporary in-ram files, but
    managed more automatically and systematically by
    the language/system library routines.

    In this case the server COULD actually send commands
    and info autonomously to the client so, I guess,
    in a sense they were both clients AND servers.
    Still have the code - might be interesting to refine
    it a little more. Pushing "status" info to the clients
    as needed is the best use IMHO ... "User X is sending
    you a 'friend' request ..."

    There are lots of client/server demos on the net,
    from the stupidest blocking send-wait kind to the
    high-traffic pre-forked/threaded variety. NOT hard
    to expand them into something good. Great fun.

    At current, I think "pre-threaded" holds the speed
    record ... the server creates like a dozen images
    of its important stuff at start-up so they're ready
    and waiting and can then increase from there as needed.
    It's maybe the most 'complicated', but not to the point
    of being incomprehensible levitating-guru-only.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 186283@ud0s4.net@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Tue Aug 20 23:46:07 2024
    On 8/20/24 9:28 PM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
    On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 15:09:03 +0200, MarioCCCP wrote:

    partially OT : programming task Scenario : Debian Bookworm, XFCE4 Very
    often GUI programs show their results in the form of ListBoxes, whose
    content is mainly textual semantically, but very often cannot be
    copied/pasted as text and neither is easy to export as text. I have one
    case in FreeFileSync, that shows lists of files upwards of 500'000
    items, and other deduplicators programs.

    Short answer: you are doing it wrong.

    Remember, GUIs are not designed to be automated. If you want to extract a large list of filenames as output from one program to feed into another,
    you do it from the command line.

    But most users come from Win - and shriek and run
    hide in the shower stall at the appearance of a
    command prompt :-)

    Basically, yer GUI app either does, or does not,
    support cut-n-paste and that's that.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 186283@ud0s4.net@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Wed Aug 21 01:46:04 2024
    On 8/21/24 1:17 AM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
    On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 23:46:07 -0400, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:

    Basically, yer GUI app either does, or does not, support cut-n-paste
    and that's that.

    GUI apps do not typically support copy/paste of GUI actions or widget settings.

    Quite correct.

    Supporting that requires a LOT more effort.

    Few bother.

    But don't forget the later gens allergy to
    command prompts ... they just WON'T cope.
    Linux/Unix/Whatever will NOT be in their
    future - which is tragic.

    Hmmmm ... a GUI solution to common GUI issues ?

    At least for some 'common apps' what the GUI
    shows CAN be kinda parsed-out or even just
    brute-force img-2-text ...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to 186282@ud0s4.net on Wed Aug 21 05:17:15 2024
    On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 23:46:07 -0400, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:

    Basically, yer GUI app either does, or does not, support cut-n-paste
    and that's that.

    GUI apps do not typically support copy/paste of GUI actions or widget

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to 186282@ud0s4.net on Wed Aug 21 06:48:12 2024
    On Wed, 21 Aug 2024 01:46:04 -0400, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:

    On 8/21/24 1:17 AM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 23:46:07 -0400, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:

    Basically, yer GUI app either does, or does not, support cut-n-paste
    and that's that.

    GUI apps do not typically support copy/paste of GUI actions or widget

    Supporting that requires a LOT more effort.

    It can never be made to work efficiently or reliably.

    But don't forget the later gens allergy to command prompts ... they
    just WON'T cope.

    Microsoft and Apple have spent years, decades, conditioning their users to
    be allergic to the command line.

    Gee, that’s too bad.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Natural Philosopher@21:1/5 to 186282@ud0s4.net on Wed Aug 21 10:56:37 2024
    On 21/08/2024 05:11, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:
    On 8/20/24 2:27 PM, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
    On 20/08/2024 14:09, MarioCCCP wrote:

    partially OT : programming task
    Scenario : Debian Bookworm, XFCE4
    Very often GUI programs show their results in the form of ListBoxes,
    whose content is mainly textual semantically, but very often cannot
    be copied/pasted as text and neither is easy to export as text. I
    have one case in FreeFileSync, that shows lists of files upwards of
    500'000 items, and other deduplicators programs.
    I am having a general curiosity about this problem in linux.
    Can a root user access, in read only mode, to memory associated to
    another (plain user mode) process ? Or the outcome is invariably a
    seg_fault ? Has a root user the right to inquire the memory of non
    root programs ?
    I believe not.
    In such cases it is usual to write a daemon to handle *all* requests.

      I am not speaking about disk files, but specifically in
    physical memory

    Well thereby hangs a tale. In fact i deliberately created a RAMDISK in
    one application purely to handle communications between synchronous

    One process writes it, others may read

      In many Linux distros now, /tmp is a de-facto
      ramdisk - all disappears on reboot. IF you have
      the space in your / partition then you need not
      specifically create a NEW ramdisk to achieve the

    Not /tmp oddly, but various other stuff like /run is, yes.

    For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richard Kettlewell@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Wed Aug 21 19:00:52 2024
    MarioCCCP <NoliMihiFrangereMentulam@libero.it> writes:
    If the answer is, YES, then the problems evolves to
    is it there a way to query the system (X server ? Who else ?) what is
    the topmost (active desktop, foreground) graphical element at given
    mouse coordinates ? Are list boxes standard enough to be accessed in a
    fairly portable way disregarding the many different graphic engines
    (QT, GTK or else) and DM (I have XFCE, but there are plenty of), so to
    locate the strings arrays ?

    In terms of in-memory representation, no, they are totally different.

    One way to programmatically interact with a GUI application from
    ‘outside’ is via Accesibility APIs. https://fedoramagazine.org/automation-through-accessibility/ is an
    example. I’ve no idea how standardized this is between different GUI toolkits.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From MarioCCCP@21:1/5 to Richard Kettlewell on Thu Aug 22 03:11:28 2024
    On 20/08/24 22:53, Richard Kettlewell wrote:
    MarioCCCP <NoliMihiFrangereMentulam@libero.it> writes:
    Can a root user access, in read only mode, to memory associated to
    another (plain user mode) process ? Or the outcome is invariably a
    seg_fault ? Has a root user the right to inquire the memory of non
    root programs ? I am not speaking about disk files, but specifically
    in physical memory

    Yes, root can access the memory image of non-root processes, for example
    by reading from /proc/<pid>/mem, or using the ptrace syscall.

    tnx a lot, I will make research about these suggestions

    1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
    2) Se tutti pagano le tasse, le tasse le pagano tutti

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From MarioCCCP@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 22 03:16:36 2024
    T24gMjEvMDgvMjQgMjA6MDAsIFJpY2hhcmQgS2V0dGxld2VsbCB3cm90ZToNCj4gTWFyaW9D Q0NQIDxOb2xpTWloaUZyYW5nZXJlTWVudHVsYW1AbGliZXJvLml0PiB3cml0ZXM6DQo+PiBJ ZiB0aGUgYW5zd2VyIGlzLCBZRVMsIHRoZW4gdGhlIHByb2JsZW1zIGV2b2x2ZXMgdG8NCj4+ IGlzIGl0IHRoZXJlIGEgd2F5IHRvIHF1ZXJ5IHRoZSBzeXN0ZW0gKFggc2VydmVyID8gV2hv IGVsc2UgPykgd2hhdCBpcw0KPj4gdGhlIHRvcG1vc3QgKGFjdGl2ZSBkZXNrdG9wLCBmb3Jl Z3JvdW5kKSBncmFwaGljYWwgZWxlbWVudCBhdCBnaXZlbg0KPj4gbW91c2UgY29vcmRpbmF0 ZXMgPyBBcmUgbGlzdCBib3hlcyBzdGFuZGFyZCBlbm91Z2ggdG8gYmUgYWNjZXNzZWQgaW4g YQ0KPj4gZmFpcmx5IHBvcnRhYmxlIHdheSBkaXNyZWdhcmRpbmcgdGhlIG1hbnkgZGlmZmVy ZW50IGdyYXBoaWMgZW5naW5lcw0KPj4gKFFULCBHVEsgb3IgZWxzZSkgYW5kIERNIChJIGhh dmUgWEZDRSwgYnV0IHRoZXJlIGFyZSBwbGVudHkgb2YpLCBzbyB0bw0KPj4gbG9jYXRlIHRo ZSBzdHJpbmdzIGFycmF5cyA/DQo+IA0KPiBJbiB0ZXJtcyBvZiBpbi1tZW1vcnkgcmVwcmVz ZW50YXRpb24sIG5vLCB0aGV5IGFyZSB0b3RhbGx5IGRpZmZlcmVudC4NCj4gDQo+IE9uZSB3 YXkgdG8gcHJvZ3JhbW1hdGljYWxseSBpbnRlcmFjdCB3aXRoIGEgR1VJIGFwcGxpY2F0aW9u IGZyb20NCj4g4oCYb3V0c2lkZeKAmSBpcyB2aWEgQWNjZXNpYmlsaXR5IEFQSXMuDQo+IGh0 dHBzOi8vZmVkb3JhbWFnYXppbmUub3JnL2F1dG9tYXRpb24tdGhyb3VnaC1hY2Nlc3NpYmls aXR5LyBpcyBhbg0KPiBleGFtcGxlLiBJ4oCZdmUgbm8gaWRlYSBob3cgc3RhbmRhcmRpemVk IHRoaXMgaXMgYmV0d2VlbiBkaWZmZXJlbnQgR1VJDQo+IHRvb2xraXRzLg0KPiANCg0KVG54 IGFnYWluICEhIQ0KDQotLSANCjEpIFJlc2lzdGVyZSwgcmVzaXN0ZXJlLCByZXNpc3RlcmUu DQoyKSBTZSB0dXR0aSBwYWdhbm8gbGUgdGFzc2UsIGxlIHRhc3NlIGxlIHBhZ2FubyB0dXR0 aQ0KTWFyaW9DUFBQDQoNCg==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From MarioCCCP@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 22 03:15:55 2024
    T24gMjEvMDgvMjQgMDg6NDgsIExhd3JlbmNlIEQnT2xpdmVpcm8gd3JvdGU6DQo+IE9uIFdl ZCwgMjEgQXVnIDIwMjQgMDE6NDY6MDQgLTA0MDAsIDE4NjI4MkB1ZDBzNC5uZXQgd3JvdGU6 DQo+IA0KPj4gT24gOC8yMS8yNCAxOjE3IEFNLCBMYXdyZW5jZSBEJ09saXZlaXJvIHdyb3Rl Og0KPj4NCj4+PiBPbiBUdWUsIDIwIEF1ZyAyMDI0IDIzOjQ2OjA3IC0wNDAwLCAxODYyODJA dWQwczQubmV0IHdyb3RlOg0KPj4+DQo+Pj4+IEJhc2ljYWxseSwgeWVyIEdVSSBhcHAgZWl0 aGVyIGRvZXMsIG9yIGRvZXMgbm90LCBzdXBwb3J0IGN1dC1uLXBhc3RlDQo+Pj4+IGFuZCB0 aGF0J3MgdGhhdC4NCj4+Pg0KPj4+IEdVSSBhcHBzIGRvIG5vdCB0eXBpY2FsbHkgc3VwcG9y dCBjb3B5L3Bhc3RlIG9mIEdVSSBhY3Rpb25zIG9yIHdpZGdldA0KPj4+IHNldHRpbmdzLg0K Pj4NCj4+IFN1cHBvcnRpbmcgdGhhdCByZXF1aXJlcyBhIExPVCBtb3JlIGVmZm9ydC4NCj4g DQo+IEl0IGNhbiBuZXZlciBiZSBtYWRlIHRvIHdvcmsgZWZmaWNpZW50bHkgb3IgcmVsaWFi bHkuDQo+IA0KPj4gQnV0IGRvbid0IGZvcmdldCB0aGUgbGF0ZXIgZ2VucyBhbGxlcmd5IHRv IGNvbW1hbmQgcHJvbXB0cyAuLi4gdGhleQ0KPj4ganVzdCBXT04nVCBjb3BlLg0KPiANCj4g TWljcm9zb2Z0IGFuZCBBcHBsZSBoYXZlIHNwZW50IHllYXJzLCBkZWNhZGVzLCBjb25kaXRp b25pbmcgdGhlaXIgdXNlcnMgdG8NCj4gYmUgYWxsZXJnaWMgdG8gdGhlIGNvbW1hbmQgbGlu ZS4NCg0KSSBkb24ndCBhZ3JlZSB3aXRoIHRoaXMgcG9pbnQgb2Ygdmlldy4NCmJpZGltZW5z aW9uYWwgLyBncmFwaGljYWwgaW50ZXJmYWNlcywgdG91Y2ggYW5kIHBvaW50ZXJzLCANCmFy ZSBpbnRyaW5zaWNhbGx5IGVhc2llciBhbmQgbW9yZSBpbnR1aXRpdmUgZm9yIE1PU1QgaHVt YW5zIA0KKG5vdCBzYXlpbmcgdXNlcnMsIGJ1dCB1bmZvcm1hdHRlZCBmdXR1cmUgdXNlcnMp Lg0KV2UgYXJlIGV2b2x1dGlvbmFyeSBwcm9qZWN0ZWQgdG8gd29yayBsaWtlIHRoYXQuIFNv bWUgZmlybXMgDQpoYXZlIGNob3NlbiB0byBmb2xsb3cgdGhlIHVzZXJzIHByZWZlcmVuY2Ug aW4gdGhpcyBjYXNlLg0KQW1pZ2EgaGFkIG9uZSBvZiB0aGUgZmlyc3QgZ3VpIGludGVyZmFj ZSwgYW5kIGlzIHVuaXZlcnNhbGx5IA0KY29uc2lkZXJlZCBhIHByZWN1cnNvcg0KDQo+IA0K PiBHZWUsIHRoYXTigJlzIHRvbyBiYWQuDQoNCi0tIA0KMSkgUmVzaXN0ZXJlLCByZXNpc3Rl cmUsIHJlc2lzdGVyZS4NCjIpIFNlIHR1dHRpIHBhZ2FubyBsZSB0YXNzZSwgbGUgdGFzc2Ug bGUgcGFnYW5vIHR1dHRpDQpNYXJpb0NQUFANCg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bobbie Sellers@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Wed Aug 21 20:31:34 2024
    On 8/21/24 18:15, MarioCCCP wrote:
    On 21/08/24 08:48, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
    On Wed, 21 Aug 2024 01:46:04 -0400, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:

    On 8/21/24 1:17 AM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 23:46:07 -0400, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:

    Basically, yer GUI app either does, or does not, support cut-n-paste >>>>> and that's that.

    GUI apps do not typically support copy/paste of GUI actions or widget

    Supporting that requires a LOT more effort.

    It can never be made to work efficiently or reliably.

    But don't forget the later gens allergy to command prompts ... they
    just WON'T cope.

    Microsoft and Apple have spent years, decades, conditioning their
    users to
    be allergic to the command line.

    I don't agree with this point of view.
    bidimensional / graphical interfaces, touch and pointers, are
    intrinsically easier and more intuitive for MOST humans (not saying
    users, but unformatted future users).
    We are evolutionary projected to work like that. Some firms have chosen
    to follow the users preference in this case.
    Amiga had one of the first gui interface, and is universally considered
    a precursor

    Gee, that’s too bad.

    I dunno why you figure it is bad. I had several Amigas computers at one time or another and AmigaOS not only had a
    GUI bur a Cli much like bash. I learned to use both and
    used to format and copy multiple floppies from the Comand Line
    interface. I used to run a system before I got my 2nd hard
    drive from a Ram disk. First hard drive was a functional so
    I paid in 1998 or so $346 US for my first working SCSI drive.
    Took it up to 3.4 GB SCSI with a 68060 at a whole,
    screaming but not overheaing, 50 MHz ub nt Amiga 2000b wutg
    a video card and a scan doubler sho that i could work in
    Now AmigaOS lacked Memory Management because it had
    been dropped in favor of the 68000 cpu which made the
    machine much cheaper to produce.

    Now I do not like the terminal but I spent 40 minutes
    in it yesterday and finally got my audio back working.

    bliss- Dell Precision 7730- PCLOS 2024.08- Linux 6.6.47- Plasma 5.27.11
    now at 87 YOA as never before.
    b l i s s - S F 4 e v e r at D S L E x t r e m e dot com

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Thu Aug 22 04:39:10 2024
    On Thu, 22 Aug 2024 03:15:55 +0200, MarioCCCP wrote:

    bidimensional / graphical interfaces, touch and pointers, are
    intrinsically easier and more intuitive for MOST humans (not saying
    users, but unformatted future users).

    Sure they are. But they won’t do what you want to do in this case.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 186283@ud0s4.net@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Thu Aug 22 03:19:29 2024
    On 8/21/24 9:15 PM, MarioCCCP wrote:
    On 21/08/24 08:48, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
    On Wed, 21 Aug 2024 01:46:04 -0400, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:

    On 8/21/24 1:17 AM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 23:46:07 -0400, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:

    Basically, yer GUI app either does, or does not, support cut-n-paste >>>>> and that's that.

    GUI apps do not typically support copy/paste of GUI actions or widget

    Supporting that requires a LOT more effort.

    It can never be made to work efficiently or reliably.

    But don't forget the later gens allergy to command prompts ... they
    just WON'T cope.

    Microsoft and Apple have spent years, decades, conditioning their
    users to
    be allergic to the command line.

    I don't agree with this point of view.
    bidimensional / graphical interfaces, touch and pointers, are
    intrinsically easier and more intuitive for MOST humans (not saying
    users, but unformatted future users).
    We are evolutionary projected to work like that. Some firms have chosen
    to follow the users preference in this case.
    Amiga had one of the first gui interface, and is universally considered
    a precursor

    Hey, I don't disagree that GUIs are very NICE interfaces.
    They're a LOT easier than the 'terminal' stuff I so
    keenly remember. That's why they exist. It's why we
    have telephones and TV rather than just Morse code.

    But there are just some things they don't DO well.

    Also, GUIs just can't provide the level of detailed
    control you can get from most command-line utils.

    M$, when absolutely needed, will provide cut-n-paste
    stuff to enter in a command terminal. Otherwise ...

    Joe/Jane User don't WANT to be "computer experts",
    maybe just CAN'T. They just want stuff that's easy
    to use and attractive.

    There's an old joke about the professor who writes
    some ten-line leader of super-complex math on the
    old chalk-board and then says "So, OBVIOUSLY ..."

    THAT is kinda how it is for 99 percent of computer
    users. They can't/won't GET it - ever.

    I can see this both ways. The 'real users' are in a
    much better position, but they will always be the
    very significant minority. Both factions 'deserve'
    and need to use PCs. HOW to make it work for the
    other 99 percent ???

    GUIs for 'system stuff' need to be vastly IMPROVED.
    GOTTA be able to get at the low-level stuff in a
    way Joe/Jane can cope with.

    SO far - even with Win - NOT EVEN CLOSE.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Anssi Saari@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Thu Aug 22 11:16:17 2024
    MarioCCCP <NoliMihiFrangereMentulam@libero.it> writes:

    partially OT : programming task
    Scenario : Debian Bookworm, XFCE4
    Very often GUI programs show their results in the form of ListBoxes,
    whose content is mainly textual semantically, but very often cannot be copied/pasted as text and neither is easy to export as text. I have
    one case in FreeFileSync, that shows lists of files upwards of 500'000
    items, and other deduplicators programs.

    I'm not sure what exactly is the problem you're having. You want to copy 500,000 file names out of FreeFileSync? But why?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From candycanearter07@21:1/5 to The Natural Philosopher on Thu Aug 22 20:10:03 2024
    The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote at 09:56 this Wednesday (GMT):
    On 21/08/2024 05:11, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:
    On 8/20/24 2:27 PM, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
    On 20/08/2024 14:09, MarioCCCP wrote:

    partially OT : programming task
    Scenario : Debian Bookworm, XFCE4
    Very often GUI programs show their results in the form of ListBoxes,
    whose content is mainly textual semantically, but very often cannot
    be copied/pasted as text and neither is easy to export as text. I
    have one case in FreeFileSync, that shows lists of files upwards of
    500'000 items, and other deduplicators programs.
    I am having a general curiosity about this problem in linux.
    Can a root user access, in read only mode, to memory associated to
    another (plain user mode) process ? Or the outcome is invariably a
    seg_fault ? Has a root user the right to inquire the memory of non
    root programs ?
    I believe not.
    In such cases it is usual to write a daemon to handle *all* requests.

      I am not speaking about disk files, but specifically in
    physical memory

    Well thereby hangs a tale. In fact i deliberately created a RAMDISK in
    one application purely to handle communications between synchronous

    One process writes it, others may read

      In many Linux distros now, /tmp is a de-facto
      ramdisk - all disappears on reboot. IF you have
      the space in your / partition then you need not
      specifically create a NEW ramdisk to achieve the

    Not /tmp oddly, but various other stuff like /run is, yes.

    Even if it's not a ramdisk by default, you could still easily set it up
    as one in your fstab
    user <candycane> is generated from /dev/urandom

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Natural Philosopher@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 23 10:11:44 2024
    On 22/08/2024 21:10, candycanearter07 wrote:
    The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote at 09:56 this Wednesday (GMT):
    On 21/08/2024 05:11, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:
    On 8/20/24 2:27 PM, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
    On 20/08/2024 14:09, MarioCCCP wrote:

    partially OT : programming task
    Scenario : Debian Bookworm, XFCE4
    Very often GUI programs show their results in the form of ListBoxes, >>>>> whose content is mainly textual semantically, but very often cannot
    be copied/pasted as text and neither is easy to export as text. I
    have one case in FreeFileSync, that shows lists of files upwards of
    500'000 items, and other deduplicators programs.
    I am having a general curiosity about this problem in linux.
    Can a root user access, in read only mode, to memory associated to
    another (plain user mode) process ? Or the outcome is invariably a
    seg_fault ? Has a root user the right to inquire the memory of non
    root programs ?
    I believe not.
    In such cases it is usual to write a daemon to handle *all* requests.

      I am not speaking about disk files, but specifically in
    physical memory

    Well thereby hangs a tale. In fact i deliberately created a RAMDISK in >>>> one application purely to handle communications between synchronous

    One process writes it, others may read

      In many Linux distros now, /tmp is a de-facto
      ramdisk - all disappears on reboot. IF you have
      the space in your / partition then you need not
      specifically create a NEW ramdisk to achieve the

    Not /tmp oddly, but various other stuff like /run is, yes.

    Even if it's not a ramdisk by default, you could still easily set it up
    as one in your fstab

    Indeed. But unwilling to disturb stuff that already was working fine, I
    created mine under /volatile, to remind me it would vanish on reboot.

    "Nature does not give up the winter because people dislike the cold."

    ― Confucius

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From David De La Harpe Golden@21:1/5 to The Natural Philosopher on Fri Aug 23 14:42:02 2024
    On 21/08/2024 10:56, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
    On 21/08/2024 05:11, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:

       In many Linux distros now, /tmp is a de-facto
       ramdisk - all disappears on reboot. IF you have
       the space in your / partition then you need not
       specifically create a NEW ramdisk to achieve the

    Not /tmp oddly, but various other stuff like /run is, yes.

    Well, currently just varies distro to distro what the defaults are. e.g.

    Debian 12 stable ("bookworm") and various Debian downstreams are still
    on-disk /tmp by default (of course you can already put it in ram if you
    want to).

    However, was recentish (May/Jun 2024) news that future Debian 13
    ("trixie") will move to tmpfs (ram) /tmp by default [1][2]. Can expect
    it to propagate to Debian downstream Ubuntu etc. too [3].

    It's already been changed to use the systemd tmp.mount [4] for tmpfs
    (ram) /tmp in debian unstable ("sid") [5]

    [1] https://lwn.net/Articles/975565/
    [2] https://www.reddit.com/r/debian/comments/1d8swux/debian_13_is_changing_the_tmp_behavior/
    [3] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1870585
    [4] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/main/units/tmp.mount

    [5] https://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs//main/s/systemd/systemd_256.5-1_changelog

    -- Luca Boccassi <bluca@debian.org> Tue, 28 May 2024 12:11:36 +0100

    systemd (256~rc3-3) unstable; urgency=medium
    * Make /tmp/ a tmpfs by default. Restore the upstream default
    and make /tmp/ a tmpfs. Can be overridden with: touch
    /etc/systemd/system/tmp.mount or: systemctl mask tmp.mount

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From MarioCCCP@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 23 19:27:05 2024
    T24gMjMvMDgvMjQgMTE6MTEsIFRoZSBOYXR1cmFsIFBoaWxvc29waGVyIHdyb3RlOg0KPiBP biAyMi8wOC8yMDI0IDIxOjEwLCBjYW5keWNhbmVhcnRlcjA3IHdyb3RlOg0KPj4gVGhlIE5h dHVyYWwgUGhpbG9zb3BoZXIgPHRucEBpbnZhbGlkLmludmFsaWQ+IHdyb3RlIGF0IA0KPj4g MDk6NTYgdGhpcyBXZWRuZXNkYXkgKEdNVCk6DQo+Pj4gT24gMjEvMDgvMjAyNCAwNToxMSwg MTg2MjgyQHVkMHM0Lm5ldCB3cm90ZToNCj4+Pj4gT24gOC8yMC8yNCAyOjI3IFBNLCBUaGUg TmF0dXJhbCBQaGlsb3NvcGhlciB3cm90ZToNCj4+Pj4+IE9uIDIwLzA4LzIwMjQgMTQ6MDks IE1hcmlvQ0NDUCB3cm90ZToNCj4+Pj4+Pg0KDQoNCnRoZSB0aHJlYWQgcHJvY2VkZWQgb24g aXRzIG93biwgYnV0IEkgd2FzIG5vdCBhc2tpbmcgYWJvdXQgDQpob3cgdG8gY2hvc2UgYSB3 YXkgdG8gc2hhcmUgYW55dGhpbmcgYXQgbXkgd2lsbCA6IEkgd2FzIA0KYXNraW5nIGFib3V0 IGhvdyB0byAic3B5IiB1cG9uIEFOIEVYSVNUSU5HIFNXIHRoYXQgdmVyeSANCmxpa2VseSB1 c2VzIFJBTSAod2hldGhlciBvciBub3QgaXQgdXNlcyBhbHNvIGRpc2sgY2FjaGluZyBJIA0K ZHVubm8sIGV2ZW4gaXQgaXMgcG9zc2libGUpLiBJJ2QgbGlrZSB0byByZWFkIGl0cyBSQU0s IG5vdCANCnRvIHNlYXJjaCBmb3IgY2FjaGVkIGluZm8gKG5hbWVkIHdoYXRzb2V2ZXIpLg0K DQoNCj4+Pj4+PiBwYXJ0aWFsbHkgT1QgOiBwcm9ncmFtbWluZyB0YXNrDQo+Pj4+Pj4gU2Nl bmFyaW8gOiBEZWJpYW4gQm9va3dvcm0sIFhGQ0U0DQo+Pj4+Pj4gVmVyeSBvZnRlbiBHVUkg cHJvZ3JhbXMgc2hvdyB0aGVpciByZXN1bHRzIGluIHRoZSBmb3JtIA0KPj4+Pj4+IG9mIExp c3RCb3hlcywNCj4+Pj4+PiB3aG9zZSBjb250ZW50IGlzIG1haW5seSB0ZXh0dWFsIHNlbWFu dGljYWxseSwgYnV0IHZlcnkgDQo+Pj4+Pj4gb2Z0ZW4gY2Fubm90DQo+Pj4+Pj4gYmUgY29w aWVkL3Bhc3RlZCBhcyB0ZXh0IGFuZCBuZWl0aGVyIGlzIGVhc3kgdG8gZXhwb3J0IA0KPj4+ Pj4+IGFzIHRleHQuIEkNCj4+Pj4+PiBoYXZlIG9uZSBjYXNlIGluIEZyZWVGaWxlU3luYywg dGhhdCBzaG93cyBsaXN0cyBvZiANCj4+Pj4+PiBmaWxlcyB1cHdhcmRzIG9mDQo+Pj4+Pj4g NTAwJzAwMCBpdGVtcywgYW5kIG90aGVyIGRlZHVwbGljYXRvcnMgcHJvZ3JhbXMuDQo+Pj4+ Pj4gSSBhbSBoYXZpbmcgYSBnZW5lcmFsIGN1cmlvc2l0eSBhYm91dCB0aGlzIHByb2JsZW0g aW4gDQo+Pj4+Pj4gbGludXguDQo+Pj4+Pj4gQ2FuIGEgcm9vdCB1c2VyIGFjY2VzcywgaW4g cmVhZCBvbmx5IG1vZGUsIHRvIG1lbW9yeSANCj4+Pj4+PiBhc3NvY2lhdGVkIHRvDQo+Pj4+ Pj4gYW5vdGhlciAocGxhaW4gdXNlciBtb2RlKSBwcm9jZXNzID8gT3IgdGhlIG91dGNvbWUg aXMgDQo+Pj4+Pj4gaW52YXJpYWJseSBhDQo+Pj4+Pj4gc2VnX2ZhdWx0ID8gSGFzIGEgcm9v dCB1c2VyIHRoZSByaWdodCB0byBpbnF1aXJlIHRoZSANCj4+Pj4+PiBtZW1vcnkgb2Ygbm9u DQo+Pj4+Pj4gcm9vdCBwcm9ncmFtcyA/DQo+Pj4+PiBJIGJlbGlldmUgbm90Lg0KPj4+Pj4g SW4gc3VjaCBjYXNlcyBpdCBpcyB1c3VhbCB0byB3cml0ZSBhIGRhZW1vbiB0byBoYW5kbGUg DQo+Pj4+PiAqYWxsKiByZXF1ZXN0cy4NCj4+Pj4+DQo+Pj4+PiDCoMKgwqBJIGFtIG5vdCBz cGVha2luZyBhYm91dCBkaXNrIGZpbGVzLCBidXQgc3BlY2lmaWNhbGx5IGluDQo+Pj4+Pj4g cGh5c2ljYWwgbWVtb3J5DQo+Pj4+Pg0KPj4+Pj4gV2VsbCB0aGVyZWJ5IGhhbmdzIGEgdGFs ZS4gSW4gZmFjdCBpIGRlbGliZXJhdGVseSANCj4+Pj4+IGNyZWF0ZWQgYSBSQU1ESVNLIGlu DQo+Pj4+PiBvbmUgYXBwbGljYXRpb24gcHVyZWx5IHRvIGhhbmRsZSBjb21tdW5pY2F0aW9u cyBiZXR3ZWVuIA0KPj4+Pj4gc3luY2hyb25vdXMNCj4+Pj4+IHByb2Nlc3Nlcy4NCj4+Pj4+ DQo+Pj4+PiBPbmUgcHJvY2VzcyB3cml0ZXMgaXQsIG90aGVycyBtYXkgcmVhZA0KPj4+Pg0K Pj4+PiDCoCDCoCBJbiBtYW55IExpbnV4IGRpc3Ryb3Mgbm93LCAvdG1wIGlzIGEgZGUtZmFj dG8NCj4+Pj4gwqAgwqAgcmFtZGlzayAtIGFsbCBkaXNhcHBlYXJzIG9uIHJlYm9vdC4gSUYg eW91IGhhdmUNCj4+Pj4gwqAgwqAgdGhlIHNwYWNlIGluIHlvdXIgLyBwYXJ0aXRpb24gdGhl biB5b3UgbmVlZCBub3QNCj4+Pj4gwqAgwqAgc3BlY2lmaWNhbGx5IGNyZWF0ZSBhIE5FVyBy YW1kaXNrIHRvIGFjaGlldmUgdGhlDQo+Pj4+IMKgIMKgIGVmZmVjdC4NCj4+Pj4NCj4+PiBO b3QgL3RtcCBvZGRseSwgYnV0IHZhcmlvdXMgb3RoZXIgc3R1ZmYgbGlrZSAvcnVuIGlzLCB5 ZXMuDQo+Pg0KPj4NCj4+IEV2ZW4gaWYgaXQncyBub3QgYSByYW1kaXNrIGJ5IGRlZmF1bHQs IHlvdSBjb3VsZCBzdGlsbCANCj4+IGVhc2lseSBzZXQgaXQgdXANCj4+IGFzIG9uZSBpbiB5 b3VyIGZzdGFiDQo+IA0KPiBJbmRlZWQuIEJ1dCB1bndpbGxpbmcgdG8gZGlzdHVyYiBzdHVm ZiB0aGF0IGFscmVhZHkgd2FzIA0KPiB3b3JraW5nIGZpbmUsIEkgY3JlYXRlZCBtaW5lIHVu ZGVyIC92b2xhdGlsZSwgdG8gcmVtaW5kIG1lIA0KPiBpdCB3b3VsZCB2YW5pc2ggb24gcmVi b290Lg0KPiANCj4gDQoNCi0tIA0KMSkgUmVzaXN0ZXJlLCByZXNpc3RlcmUsIHJlc2lzdGVy ZS4NCjIpIFNlIHR1dHRpIHBhZ2FubyBsZSB0YXNzZSwgbGUgdGFzc2UgbGUgcGFnYW5vIHR1 dHRpDQpNYXJpb0NQUFANCg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From MarioCCCP@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 23 19:35:26 2024
    T24gMjIvMDgvMjQgMDk6MTksIDE4NjI4MkB1ZDBzNC5uZXQgd3JvdGU6DQo+IE9uIDgvMjEv MjQgOToxNSBQTSwgTWFyaW9DQ0NQIHdyb3RlOg0KPj4gT24gMjEvMDgvMjQgMDg6NDgsIExh d3JlbmNlIEQnT2xpdmVpcm8gd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4gT24gV2VkLCAyMSBBdWcgMjAyNCAwMTo0 NjowNCAtMDQwMCwgMTg2MjgyQHVkMHM0Lm5ldCB3cm90ZToNCj4+Pg0KPj4+PiBPbiA4LzIx LzI0IDE6MTcgQU0sIExhd3JlbmNlIEQnT2xpdmVpcm8gd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4+DQo+Pj4+PiBP biBUdWUsIDIwIEF1ZyAyMDI0IDIzOjQ2OjA3IC0wNDAwLCAxODYyODJAdWQwczQubmV0IA0K Pj4+Pj4gd3JvdGU6DQo+Pj4+Pg0KPj4+Pj4+IEJhc2ljYWxseSwgeWVyIEdVSSBhcHAgZWl0 aGVyIGRvZXMsIG9yIGRvZXMgbm90LCANCj4+Pj4+PiBzdXBwb3J0IGN1dC1uLXBhc3RlDQo+ Pj4+Pj4gYW5kIHRoYXQncyB0aGF0Lg0KPj4+Pj4NCj4+Pj4+IEdVSSBhcHBzIGRvIG5vdCB0 eXBpY2FsbHkgc3VwcG9ydCBjb3B5L3Bhc3RlIG9mIEdVSSANCj4+Pj4+IGFjdGlvbnMgb3Ig d2lkZ2V0DQo+Pj4+PiBzZXR0aW5ncy4NCj4+Pj4NCj4+Pj4gU3VwcG9ydGluZyB0aGF0IHJl cXVpcmVzIGEgTE9UIG1vcmUgZWZmb3J0Lg0KPj4+DQo+Pj4gSXQgY2FuIG5ldmVyIGJlIG1h ZGUgdG8gd29yayBlZmZpY2llbnRseSBvciByZWxpYWJseS4NCj4+Pg0KPj4+PiBCdXQgZG9u J3QgZm9yZ2V0IHRoZSBsYXRlciBnZW5zIGFsbGVyZ3kgdG8gY29tbWFuZCANCj4+Pj4gcHJv bXB0cyAuLi4gdGhleQ0KPj4+PiBqdXN0IFdPTidUIGNvcGUuDQo+Pj4NCj4+PiBNaWNyb3Nv ZnQgYW5kIEFwcGxlIGhhdmUgc3BlbnQgeWVhcnMsIGRlY2FkZXMsIA0KPj4+IGNvbmRpdGlv bmluZyB0aGVpciB1c2VycyB0bw0KPj4+IGJlIGFsbGVyZ2ljIHRvIHRoZSBjb21tYW5kIGxp bmUuDQo+Pg0KPj4gSSBkb24ndCBhZ3JlZSB3aXRoIHRoaXMgcG9pbnQgb2Ygdmlldy4NCj4+ IGJpZGltZW5zaW9uYWwgLyBncmFwaGljYWwgaW50ZXJmYWNlcywgdG91Y2ggYW5kIHBvaW50 ZXJzLCANCj4+IGFyZSBpbnRyaW5zaWNhbGx5IGVhc2llciBhbmQgbW9yZSBpbnR1aXRpdmUg Zm9yIE1PU1QgDQo+PiBodW1hbnMgKG5vdCBzYXlpbmcgdXNlcnMsIGJ1dCB1bmZvcm1hdHRl ZCBmdXR1cmUgdXNlcnMpLg0KPj4gV2UgYXJlIGV2b2x1dGlvbmFyeSBwcm9qZWN0ZWQgdG8g d29yayBsaWtlIHRoYXQuIFNvbWUgDQo+PiBmaXJtcyBoYXZlIGNob3NlbiB0byBmb2xsb3cg dGhlIHVzZXJzIHByZWZlcmVuY2UgaW4gdGhpcyANCj4+IGNhc2UuDQo+PiBBbWlnYSBoYWQg b25lIG9mIHRoZSBmaXJzdCBndWkgaW50ZXJmYWNlLCBhbmQgaXMgDQo+PiB1bml2ZXJzYWxs eSBjb25zaWRlcmVkIGEgcHJlY3Vyc29yDQo+IA0KPiAgwqAgSGV5LCBJIGRvbid0IGRpc2Fn cmVlIHRoYXQgR1VJcyBhcmUgdmVyeSBOSUNFIGludGVyZmFjZXMuDQo+ICDCoCBUaGV5J3Jl IGEgTE9UIGVhc2llciB0aGFuIHRoZSAndGVybWluYWwnIHN0dWZmIEkgc28NCj4gIMKgIGtl ZW5seSByZW1lbWJlci4gVGhhdCdzIHdoeSB0aGV5IGV4aXN0LiBJdCdzIHdoeSB3ZQ0KPiAg wqAgaGF2ZSB0ZWxlcGhvbmVzIGFuZCBUViByYXRoZXIgdGhhbiBqdXN0IE1vcnNlIGNvZGUu DQo+IA0KPiAgwqAgQnV0IHRoZXJlIGFyZSBqdXN0IHNvbWUgdGhpbmdzIHRoZXkgZG9uJ3Qg RE8gd2VsbC4NCg0KRnJlZUZpbGVTeW5jIGlzIGEgR1VJIHByb2dyYW0gdGhhdCBkb2VzIHNv IHdlbGwgd2hhdCBpdCBkb2VzIA0KdGhhdCBJIGFtIHdpbGxpbmcgdG8gYXR0YWNoIHNvbWUg ZXh0ZXJuIHBpZWNlIG9mIFNXIHRvIA0KImV4dGVuZCIgaXQgZnVydGhlciwgaW4gdGhpcyBj YXNlLg0KTWVhbndoaWxlIEkgYW0gYWxzbyB3cml0aW5nIGZyb20gc2NyYXRjaCBzb21lIFNX IGluIEdhbWJhcyANCnRoYXQgd291bGQgZG8gd2hhdCBJIGxhY2sgaW4gRnJlZUZpbGVTeW5j ICh3aXRob3V0IHRoZSANCmFtYml0aW9uIG9mIGJlaW5nIGFzIG11Y2ggYXMgZ2VuZXJhbCBh bmQgdmVyc2F0aWxlKS4NCkdhbWJhcyBpcywgYnkgY2hhbmNlLCBhIEdVSSBJREUgOkQNCg0K RnJlZUZpbGVTeW5jIGlzIG11Y2ggZmFzdGVyIGluIHNjYW5uaW5nIGFuZCBzdGF0LWluZyAN Cm1pbGxpb25zIG9mIGZpbGVzLCBub3QgdG8gc2F5IGNvbXBhcmluZyB0aW1lc3RhbXBzLg0K DQoNCj4gDQo+ICDCoCBBbHNvLCBHVUlzIGp1c3QgY2FuJ3QgcHJvdmlkZSB0aGUgbGV2ZWwg b2YgZGV0YWlsZWQNCj4gIMKgIGNvbnRyb2wgeW91IGNhbiBnZXQgZnJvbSBtb3N0IGNvbW1h bmQtbGluZSB1dGlscy4NCg0KdGhhdCBpcyBzdXJlbHkgdHJ1ZSwgYnV0IHN1Y2ggbGV2ZWwg b2YgY29udHJvbCBpcyBvdXQgb2YgbXkgDQpjYXBhY2l0eS4gSWYgSSBhYnNvbHV0ZWx5IG5l ZWQgdG8gY29udHJvbCBiaXRzLCBJIHB1dCBoYW5kcyANCmF0IEdhbWJhcyBvciBRVCBjcmVh dG9yLCBib3R0b20gdXAuDQpCYXNoIGlzIHJlYWxseSBkaWZmaWN1bHQgdG8gbWUuIEkgaGF2 ZSB0cmllZCBtYW55IHRpbWVzIHRvIA0KdW5kZXJzdGFuZCBpdCwgYnV0IEkgZmFpbGVkLiBT byBpdCdzIHVzZWxlc3MgdG8gY29tcGxhaW4gDQphYm91dCB0aGlzIDogaSB0cnkgbW9yZSBm YW1pbGlhciBhcHByb2FjaGVzIChJIGFtIHdlbGwgDQphY2N1c3RvbWVkIHdpdGggQyBhbmQg QmFzaWMsIGJ1dCBpbiB0aGlzIGNhc2UsIHJlcXVpcmluZyANCnVudXN1YWwgZmVhdHVyZXMs IEkgbGFjayB0aGUga25vd2xlZGdlIG9mIHRoZSBTWVNURU0gaW4gaXRzZWxmKS4NCg0KPiAN Cj4gIMKgIE0kLCB3aGVuIGFic29sdXRlbHkgbmVlZGVkLCB3aWxsIHByb3ZpZGUgY3V0LW4t cGFzdGUNCj4gIMKgIHN0dWZmIHRvIGVudGVyIGluIGEgY29tbWFuZCB0ZXJtaW5hbC4gT3Ro ZXJ3aXNlIC4uLg0KPiANCj4gIMKgIEpvZS9KYW5lIFVzZXIgZG9uJ3QgV0FOVCB0byBiZSAi Y29tcHV0ZXIgZXhwZXJ0cyIsDQo+ICDCoCBtYXliZSBqdXN0IENBTidULiBUaGV5IGp1c3Qg d2FudCBzdHVmZiB0aGF0J3MgZWFzeQ0KPiAgwqAgdG8gdXNlIGFuZCBhdHRyYWN0aXZlLg0K PiANCj4gIMKgIFRoZXJlJ3MgYW4gb2xkIGpva2UgYWJvdXQgdGhlIHByb2Zlc3NvciB3aG8g d3JpdGVzDQo+ICDCoCBzb21lIHRlbi1saW5lIGxlYWRlciBvZiBzdXBlci1jb21wbGV4IG1h dGggb24gdGhlDQo+ICDCoCBvbGQgY2hhbGstYm9hcmQgYW5kIHRoZW4gc2F5cyAiU28sIE9C VklPVVNMWSAuLi4iDQo+IA0KPiAgwqAgVEhBVCBpcyBraW5kYSBob3cgaXQgaXMgZm9yIDk5 IHBlcmNlbnQgb2YgY29tcHV0ZXINCj4gIMKgIHVzZXJzLiBUaGV5IGNhbid0L3dvbid0IEdF VCBpdCAtIGV2ZXIuDQo+IA0KPiAgwqAgSSBjYW4gc2VlIHRoaXMgYm90aCB3YXlzLiBUaGUg J3JlYWwgdXNlcnMnIGFyZSBpbiBhDQo+ICDCoCBtdWNoIGJldHRlciBwb3NpdGlvbiwgYnV0 IHRoZXkgd2lsbCBhbHdheXMgYmUgdGhlDQo+ICDCoCB2ZXJ5IHNpZ25pZmljYW50IG1pbm9y aXR5LiBCb3RoIGZhY3Rpb25zICdkZXNlcnZlJw0KPiAgwqAgYW5kIG5lZWQgdG8gdXNlIFBD cy4gSE9XIHRvIG1ha2UgaXQgd29yayBmb3IgdGhlDQo+ICDCoCBvdGhlciA5OSBwZXJjZW50 ID8/Pw0KPiANCj4gIMKgIEdVSXMgZm9yICdzeXN0ZW0gc3R1ZmYnIG5lZWQgdG8gYmUgdmFz dGx5IElNUFJPVkVELg0KPiAgwqAgR09UVEEgYmUgYWJsZSB0byBnZXQgYXQgdGhlIGxvdy1s ZXZlbCBzdHVmZiBpbiBhDQo+ICDCoCB3YXkgSm9lL0phbmUgY2FuIGNvcGUgd2l0aC4NCj4g DQo+ICDCoCBTTyBmYXIgLSBldmVuIHdpdGggV2luIC0gTk9UIEVWRU4gQ0xPU0UuDQoNCi0t IA0KMSkgUmVzaXN0ZXJlLCByZXNpc3RlcmUsIHJlc2lzdGVyZS4NCjIpIFNlIHR1dHRpIHBh Z2FubyBsZSB0YXNzZSwgbGUgdGFzc2UgbGUgcGFnYW5vIHR1dHRpDQpNYXJpb0NQUFANCg0K

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From MarioCCCP@21:1/5 to Anssi Saari on Fri Aug 23 19:38:17 2024
    On 22/08/24 10:16, Anssi Saari wrote:
    MarioCCCP <NoliMihiFrangereMentulam@libero.it> writes:

    partially OT : programming task
    Scenario : Debian Bookworm, XFCE4
    Very often GUI programs show their results in the form of ListBoxes,
    whose content is mainly textual semantically, but very often cannot be
    copied/pasted as text and neither is easy to export as text. I have
    one case in FreeFileSync, that shows lists of files upwards of 500'000
    items, and other deduplicators programs.

    I'm not sure what exactly is the problem you're having. You want to copy 500,000 file names out of FreeFileSync? But why?

    to revise / analyze the results externally, also to save log
    of errors and mangle them to compile scripts that would try
    to resolve such errors (i.g. with higher privileges).

    Also from deduplicators, very smart in finding duplicates,
    I'd prefer to import the lists of candidates in extern
    software written by myself (extending the options : ig.
    instead to delete the copies, enable MOVING them elsewhere,
    renaming with criteria, compressing, hardlinking and so).

    1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
    2) Se tutti pagano le tasse, le tasse le pagano tutti

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Rich@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Fri Aug 23 21:35:32 2024
    MarioCCCP <NoliMihiFrangereMentulam@libero.it> wrote:
    On 23/08/24 11:11, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
    On 22/08/2024 21:10, candycanearter07 wrote:
    The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote at
    09:56 this Wednesday (GMT):
    On 21/08/2024 05:11, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:
    On 8/20/24 2:27 PM, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
    On 20/08/2024 14:09, MarioCCCP wrote:

    the thread proceded on its own, but I was not asking about
    how to chose a way to share anything at my will : I was
    asking about how to "spy" upon AN EXISTING SW that very
    likely uses RAM (whether or not it uses also disk caching I
    dunno, even it is possible). I'd like to read its RAM, not
    to search for cached info (named whatsoever).

    We certianly can't stop you, but as at least one commenter indicated,
    you are trying go at it the "wrong way". If you want a list of files,
    use a proper tool (i.e., the 'find' command) to get a list of files.

    But if you want to continue, feel free to do so, but you'll be falling
    down a very deep rabbit hole within which you'll find multiple mazes of
    twisty passages.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Fri Aug 23 22:59:24 2024
    On Fri, 23 Aug 2024 19:27:05 +0200, MarioCCCP wrote:

    the thread proceded on its own, but I was not asking about how to chose
    a way to share anything at my will : I was asking about how to "spy"
    upon AN EXISTING SW that very likely uses RAM (whether or not it uses
    also disk caching I dunno, even it is possible). I'd like to read its
    RAM, not to search for cached info (named whatsoever).

    We already explained why that’s a bad idea.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to The Natural Philosopher on Fri Aug 23 22:58:45 2024
    On Fri, 23 Aug 2024 10:11:44 +0100, The Natural Philosopher wrote:

    On 22/08/2024 21:10, candycanearter07 wrote:

    Even if it's not a ramdisk by default, you could still easily set it up
    as one in your fstab

    Indeed. But unwilling to disturb stuff that already was working fine ...

    What I do, when I start modifying a file in /etc, say “/etc/«file»”, I first make a backup copy under the name “/etc/«file»-orig”. That way, I can easily go back if it doesn’t work right. And also I can quickly find
    all the places I’ve customized things with a simple search like

    find /etc -name \*-orig

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Fri Aug 23 23:00:42 2024
    On Fri, 23 Aug 2024 19:35:26 +0200, MarioCCCP wrote:

    FreeFileSync is much faster in scanning and stat-ing millions of files,
    not to say comparing timestamps.

    Faster than rsync?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From MarioCCCP@21:1/5 to Rich on Sat Aug 24 01:24:42 2024
    On 23/08/24 23:35, Rich wrote:
    MarioCCCP <NoliMihiFrangereMentulam@libero.it> wrote:
    On 23/08/24 11:11, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
    On 22/08/2024 21:10, candycanearter07 wrote:
    The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote at
    09:56 this Wednesday (GMT):
    On 21/08/2024 05:11, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:
    On 8/20/24 2:27 PM, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
    On 20/08/2024 14:09, MarioCCCP wrote:

    the thread proceded on its own, but I was not asking about
    how to chose a way to share anything at my will : I was
    asking about how to "spy" upon AN EXISTING SW that very
    likely uses RAM (whether or not it uses also disk caching I
    dunno, even it is possible). I'd like to read its RAM, not
    to search for cached info (named whatsoever).

    We certianly can't stop you, but as at least one commenter indicated,
    you are trying go at it the "wrong way". If you want a list of files,

    no, the post was not about getting a list of files in
    whatever other way, it was about extracting information from
    listboxes of (some) GUI software.

    use a proper tool (i.e., the 'find' command) to get a list of files.

    I just use it to perform other tasks (like backups)

    But if you want to continue, feel free to do so, but you'll be falling
    down a very deep rabbit hole within which you'll find multiple mazes of twisty passages.

    in fact I am also following a path B : recreating from
    scratch the functions I want with Gambas or QT creator.

    1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
    2) Se tutti pagano le tasse, le tasse le pagano tutti

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From MarioCCCP@21:1/5 to Lawrence D'Oliveiro on Sat Aug 24 01:26:16 2024
    On 24/08/24 01:00, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
    On Fri, 23 Aug 2024 19:35:26 +0200, MarioCCCP wrote:

    FreeFileSync is much faster in scanning and stat-ing millions of files,
    not to say comparing timestamps.

    Faster than rsync?

    rsync does not fit my habits, simply said. I find it overly
    difficult to master, so I end up not trusting what it does
    (due to my inexperience). Not even QRsync (a gui wrapper)

    1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
    2) Se tutti pagano le tasse, le tasse le pagano tutti

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lawrence D'Oliveiro@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Sat Aug 24 02:23:28 2024
    On Sat, 24 Aug 2024 01:26:16 +0200, MarioCCCP wrote:

    On 24/08/24 01:00, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Fri, 23 Aug 2024 19:35:26 +0200, MarioCCCP wrote:

    FreeFileSync is much faster in scanning and stat-ing millions of
    files, not to say comparing timestamps.

    Faster than rsync?

    rsync does not fit my habits, simply said. I find it overly difficult to master, so I end up not trusting what it does (due to my inexperience).
    Not even QRsync (a gui wrapper)

    Given all the time spent so far fruitlessly discussing alternatives, if I
    were you, I would be thinking of reviewing my life choices about now.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 186283@ud0s4.net@21:1/5 to MarioCCCP on Sat Aug 24 01:05:08 2024
    On 8/23/24 1:35 PM, MarioCCCP wrote:
    On 22/08/24 09:19, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:
    On 8/21/24 9:15 PM, MarioCCCP wrote:
    On 21/08/24 08:48, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
    On Wed, 21 Aug 2024 01:46:04 -0400, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:

    On 8/21/24 1:17 AM, Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

    On Tue, 20 Aug 2024 23:46:07 -0400, 186282@ud0s4.net wrote:

    Basically, yer GUI app either does, or does not, support cut-n-paste >>>>>>> and that's that.

    GUI apps do not typically support copy/paste of GUI actions or widget >>>>>> settings.

    Supporting that requires a LOT more effort.

    It can never be made to work efficiently or reliably.

    But don't forget the later gens allergy to command prompts ... they
    just WON'T cope.

    Microsoft and Apple have spent years, decades, conditioning their
    users to
    be allergic to the command line.

    I don't agree with this point of view.
    bidimensional / graphical interfaces, touch and pointers, are
    intrinsically easier and more intuitive for MOST humans (not saying
    users, but unformatted future users).
    We are evolutionary projected to work like that. Some firms have
    chosen to follow the users preference in this case.
    Amiga had one of the first gui interface, and is universally
    considered a precursor

       Hey, I don't disagree that GUIs are very NICE interfaces.
       They're a LOT easier than the 'terminal' stuff I so
       keenly remember. That's why they exist. It's why we
       have telephones and TV rather than just Morse code.

       But there are just some things they don't DO well.

    FreeFileSync is a GUI program that does so well what it does that I am willing to attach some extern piece of SW to "extend" it further, in
    this case.
    Meanwhile I am also writing from scratch some SW in Gambas that would do
    what I lack in FreeFileSync (without the ambition of being as much as
    general and versatile).
    Gambas is, by chance, a GUI IDE :D

    FreeFileSync is much faster in scanning and stat-ing millions of files,
    not to say comparing timestamps.

       Also, GUIs just can't provide the level of detailed
       control you can get from most command-line utils.

    that is surely true, but such level of control is out of my capacity. If
    I absolutely need to control bits, I put hands at Gambas or QT creator, bottom up.
    Bash is really difficult to me. I have tried many times to understand
    it, but I failed. So it's useless to complain about this : i try more familiar approaches (I am well accustomed with C and Basic, but in this
    case, requiring unusual features, I lack the knowledge of the SYSTEM in itself).

    BASH and friends ARE 'cryptic'. They basically evolved
    organically over time - more and more options kinda
    rudely squeezed in. There IS extreme power there, but
    how best to USE that power is oft insanely obscure.

    THESE days, I'd strongly rec Python instead of Bash.
    Much more comprehensible, capable and better documented.

    I still write some Bash scripts - but if they're gonna
    be more than a few lines, need some logic, then I'll
    just use them to evoke a small Python pgm. It's good
    to kinda KNOW how to use Bash - but, frankly, I always
    wind up researching the net to see the ultra-fine details
    of how to do stuff. NOT as difficult/obscure with Python.

    Hmm ... "pysh" ? As is it's ALMOST there ...

    Knowledge of "the System" ... again I'd rec Python
    instead of Bash/Ksh/etc. The docs and libraries are
    MUCH better documented. Bash, hell, a mere inobvious
    SPACE can trash the whole script. Python DOES use up
    more CPU/mem ... but these days, does that matter
    so much ??? We're past 8088's and 64k. Being SURE
    of what you're writing can usually be MUCH more

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)