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(let ((e-mail-address "PGIUHOGT@VGIHKRR.TKZ"))
(loop with new-string = (make-string (length e-mail-address))
for count from 0 to (1- (length e-mail-address))
for char-code = (char-code (aref e-mail-address count))
for new-char-code =
(if (and (> char-code 64)(< char-code 123))
(+ (mod (+ 13 char-code) 52) 65)
do (setf (aref new-string count) (code-char new-char-code))
finally (return new-string)))
Gauche Scheme
(^c (let1 n (char->integer c)
(if (< 64 n 123) (+ (modulo (+ 13 n) 52) 65) n))))
(mapcar [iffi chr-isupper (op wrap #\a #\z)] "PGIUHOGT@VGIHKRR.TKZ")""
(let ((e-mail-address "PGIUHOGT@VGIHKRR.TKZ"))
(loop with new-string = (make-string (length e-mail-address))
for count from 0 to (1- (length e-mail-address))
for char-code = (char-code (aref e-mail-address count))
for new-char-code =
(if (and (> char-code 64)(< char-code 123))
(+ (mod (+ 13 char-code) 52) 65)
do (setf (aref new-string count) (code-char new-char-code))
finally (return new-string)))