• Re: function to split a string into a list of characters

    From B. Pym@21:1/5 to Eric Smith on Fri Sep 13 21:50:55 2024
    XPost: comp.lang.scheme

    Eric Smith wrote:

    ; (rm1 "abc" 0) ==> "bc" (rm1 "tea" 1) ==> "ta"
    (defun rm1 (seq which)
    (remove-if #'true seq :start which :end (1+ which)))

    ; (consword #\a "bc") ==> "abc"
    (defun consword (char word)
    (concatenate 'string (string char) word))

    ; (anagrams "ah") ==> ("ah" "ha")
    (defun anagrams (word)
    (if (= (length word) 1) (list word)
    (loop as x across word
    as i upfrom 0
    as subword = (rm1 word i)
    nconc (loop as y in (anagrams subword)
    collect (consword x y)))))

    Gauche Scheme

    (use util.combinations) ;; permutations

    (define (anagrams word)
    ;; Clojure-style threading or pipelining.
    (->> word string->list permutations (map list->string)))

    (anagrams "try")
    ("try" "tyr" "rty" "ryt" "ytr" "yrt")


    (define-syntax ->>
    (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ x) x]
    [(_ x (y ...) z ...)
    (->> (y ... x) z ...)]
    [(_ x y z ...)
    (->> (y x) z ...)]))

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