• Loopiness

    From B. Pym@21:1/5 to All on Thu Sep 26 21:13:00 2024
    XPost: comp.lang.scheme

    (loop for x in things
    when (foo-p x) collect x into foos
    when (bar-p x) collect x into bars
    when (and (foo-p x) (bar-p x)) collect x into both
    finally (return (values foos bars both)))

    It's shorter in Gauche Scheme.

    (define things '(0 3 -5 4 9 -7 6 8))

    (let@ (() odds posi both)
    (dolist (x things)
    (when (odd? x) (push! odds x))
    (when (positive? x) (push! posi x)
    (when (odd? x) (push! both x))))
    (values odds posi both))

    (-7 9 -5 3)
    (8 6 9 4 3)
    (9 3)


    (define-macro let@
    (lambda (lets . exprs)
    (let ((lets lets)
    (let-pairs '()))
    (if (list? lets)
    (while (pair? lets)
    (let ((x (pop! lets)))
    ((not (symbol? x))
    (while (pair? lets)
    (push! let-pairs (list (pop! lets) x))))
    ((null? lets) (push! let-pairs (list x 0)))
    (#t (push! let-pairs (list x (pop! lets)))))))
    (set! let-pairs `((,lets 0))))
    `(let* ,(reverse let-pairs)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kaz Kylheku@21:1/5 to B. Pym on Fri Sep 27 01:13:00 2024
    XPost: comp.lang.scheme

    On 2024-09-26, B. Pym <Nobody447095@here-nor-there.org> wrote:
    (loop for x in things
    when (foo-p x) collect x into foos
    when (bar-p x) collect x into bars
    when (and (foo-p x) (bar-p x)) collect x into both
    finally (return (values foos bars both)))

    It's shorter in Gauche Scheme.

    It's five physical nonblank lines of code.

    (define things '(0 3 -5 4 9 -7 6 8))

    1: (let@ (() odds posi both)
    2: (dolist (x things)
    3: (when (odd? x) (push! odds x))
    4: (when (positive? x) (push! posi x)
    5: (when (odd? x) (push! both x))))
    6: (values odds posi both))

    (-7 9 -5 3)
    (8 6 9 4 3)
    (9 3)


    7: (define-macro let@
    8: (lambda (lets . exprs)
    9: (let ((lets lets)
    10: (let-pairs '()))
    11: (if (list? lets)
    12: (while (pair? lets)
    13: (let ((x (pop! lets)))
    14: (cond
    15: ((not (symbol? x))
    16: (while (pair? lets)
    17: (push! let-pairs (list (pop! lets) x))))
    18: ((null? lets) (push! let-pairs (list x 0)))
    19: (#t (push! let-pairs (list x (pop! lets)))))))
    20: (set! let-pairs `((,lets 0))))
    21: `(let* ,(reverse let-pairs)
    22: ,@exprs))))

    How is twenty-two nonblank lines shorter than five?

    You are clearly not well.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)