The problem
Baker, Cooper, Fletcher, Miller, and Smith live on different
floors of an apartment house that contains only five floors.
Baker does not live on the top floor.
Cooper does not live on the bottom floor.
Fletcher does not live on either the top or the bottom floor.
Miller lives on a higher floor than does Cooper.
Smith does not live on a floor adjacent to Fletcher's.
Fletcher does not live on a floor adjacent to Cooper's.
Where does everyone live?
;; Iterate over all permutations of a list, and
;; call a function on each.
(define (permute permute.seq permute.func (permute.built '()))
(if (null? permute.seq)
(permute.func permute.built)
(let (seq (copy permute.seq))
(dotimes (i (length seq))
(unless (zero? i) (rotate seq -1))
(rest seq)
(cons (first seq) permute.built))))))
(define (adjacent a b lst)
(= 1 (abs (- (find a lst)
(find b lst)))))
(define (check lst)
(< (find 'baker lst) 4)
(> (find 'cooper lst) 0)
(not (member (find 'fletcher lst) '(0 4)))
(> (find 'miller lst) (find 'cooper lst))
(not (adjacent 'smith 'fletcher lst))
(not (adjacent 'cooper 'fletcher lst)))
(println lst)))
(permute '(baker cooper fletcher miller smith) check)
(smith cooper baker fletcher miller)
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