• Re: macro flow from inside to outside

    From B. Pym@21:1/5 to Peter Seibel on Wed Sep 11 05:04:55 2024
    XPost: comp.lang.scheme

    Peter Seibel wrote:

    that didn't just throw away those valuse. Here' a version that uses
    lexical variables, as requested. However it suffers from only allowing
    a finite number of named bags. There may be some clever way to work
    around that without walking the code. Or you could just live with it,
    the same way we live with other limits such as the number of arguments
    we can pass to a function.

    (defmacro bag (&body body)
    (let ((bag (gensym))
    (namedbags (loop repeat 10 collect (gensym))))
    `(let ((,bag ())
    ,@(loop for bag in namedbags collect `(,bag ())))
    (flet ((find-bag (name)
    (loop for bag in ',namedbags
    for bagname = (get bag 'bag-name)
    when (eql name bagname) return bag
    when (not bagname) do
    (setf (get bag 'bag-name) name) and
    return bag
    finally (error "Out of bags")))
    (t ',bag))))
    (macrolet ((containing (item &optional name)
    `(push ,item ,(find-bag name)))
    (the-bag (name)
    (find-bag name)))

    This lets you write stuff like:

    CL-USER> (bag
    (dotimes (i 10)
    (if (evenp i)
    (containing i evens)
    (containing i odds)))
    (containing (the-bag evens))
    (containing (the-bag odds)))
    ((9 7 5 3 1) (8 6 4 2 0))

    Gauche Scheme

    (let@ ('() odds evens)
    (dotimes (i 10)
    (if (odd? i) (push! odds i) (push! evens i)))
    (list evens odds))

    ((8 6 4 2 0) (9 7 5 3 1))


    (define-syntax let@-aux
    (syntax-rules ()
    [(let@-aux ('() var ...) (pairs ...) stuff)
    (let@-aux () (pairs ... (var '()) ...) stuff)]
    [(let@-aux (var val more ...) (pairs ...) stuff)
    (let@-aux (more ...) (pairs ... (var val)) stuff)]
    [(let@-aux (var) pairs stuff)
    (let@-aux (var '()) pairs stuff)]
    [(let@-aux () ((var val) ...) (stuff ...))
    (let* ((var val) ...) stuff ...)]))
    (define-syntax let@
    (syntax-rules ()
    [(let@ things stuff ...)
    (let@-aux things () (stuff ...))]))

    Another way.

    collectors (evens odds)
    upto i 0 9
    ((if (odd? i) odds evens) i))

    '(0 2 4 6 8)
    '(1 3 5 7 9)

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