• Re: Learning Lisp in Linux?

    From B. Pym@21:1/5 to Pascal Costanza on Wed Aug 28 00:49:14 2024
    XPost: comp.lang.scheme

    Pascal Costanza wrote:

    I'm not advocating tail-recursion instead of specialized iteration mechanisms closer to the problem domain. I'm just saying tail-
    recursion code isn't anywhere as low-level as you're making it up to

    It actually is, and your posting below shows it very nicely.

    Here is a nice example using loop:

    (loop for (key value) on property-list by #'cddr
    unless (member key excluded-keys)
    append (list key value)) ; [1]

    As a function:

    (defun filter (excluded-keys property-list)
    (loop for (key value) on property-list by #'cddr
    unless (member key excluded-keys)
    nconc (list key value)))

    (filter '(c d) '(a 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 c 6))
    (A 1 B 2 B 3)

    The result is a correct property list

    Gauche Scheme

    (define (remove-props bad-keys prop-list)
    (remove (^p (member (car p) bad-keys))
    (slices prop-list 2))))

    (remove-props '(c d) '(a 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 c 6))
    (a 1 b 2 b 3)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From B. Pym@21:1/5 to B. Pym on Wed Aug 28 01:38:46 2024
    XPost: comp.lang.scheme

    B. Pym wrote:

    Pascal Costanza wrote:

    I'm not advocating tail-recursion instead of specialized iteration mechanisms closer to the problem domain. I'm just saying tail-
    recursion code isn't anywhere as low-level as you're making it up to

    It actually is, and your posting below shows it very nicely.

    Here is a nice example using loop:

    (loop for (key value) on property-list by #'cddr
    unless (member key excluded-keys)
    append (list key value)) ; [1]

    As a function:

    (defun filter (excluded-keys property-list)
    (loop for (key value) on property-list by #'cddr
    unless (member key excluded-keys)
    nconc (list key value)))

    (filter '(c d) '(a 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 c 6))
    (A 1 B 2 B 3)

    The result is a correct property list

    Gauche Scheme

    (define (remove-props bad-keys prop-list)
    (remove (^p (member (car p) bad-keys))
    (slices prop-list 2))))

    (remove-props '(c d) '(a 1 b 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 c 6))
    (a 1 b 2 b 3)

    Nicolas Neuss wrote:

    does this look like assembly?

    (define (! n)
    (let loop ((x n) (r 1))
    (if (zero? x) r
    (loop (- x 1) (* x r)))))

    Yes, it does compared with

    (defun factorial (n)
    (loop for n from 1 upto n
    and f = 1 then (* f n)
    finally (return f)))

    It's shorter using "do".

    (define (fac n)
    (do ((i 1 (+ 1 i))
    (f 1 (* f i)))
    ((> i n) f)))

    (fac 5)

    Paul Graham:

    I consider Loop one of the worst flaws in CL, and an example
    to be borne in mind by both macro writers and language designers.

    Paul Graham, May 2001:

    A hacker's language is terse and hackable. Common Lisp is not.

    The good news is, it's not Lisp that sucks, but Common Lisp.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)