• Re: Expert systems in forth

    From ahmed@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 4 11:41:27 2025
    The animal.fs file:

    include expert_systems.fs

    \ facts
    4 facts pointed-teeth claws swim forward-eyes
    4 facts hoofs bird give-milk fly
    4 facts hair chew-cud feathers lay-eggs
    4 facts not-fly tawny-color fly-well dark-spots
    4 facts black&white long-legs mammal black-stripes
    4 facts carnivore long-neck ungulate eat-meat
    4 facts wings bat eat-vegetals herbivore

    4 facts cheetah tiger giraffe zebra
    4 facts bat ostrich penguin albatros

    \ rules
    s" bird :- feathers .;"
    s" bird :- wings , lay-eggs .;"
    s" mammal :- hair .;"
    s" mammal :- give-milk .;"
    s" herbivore :- eat-vegetals .;"
    s" carnivore :- eat-meat .;"
    s" carnivore :- pointed-teeth , claws , forward-eyes .;"
    s" ungulate :- mammal , hoofs .;"
    s" ungulate :- mammal , chew-cud .;"

    s" penguin :- swim , black&white , bird , fly notfact .;"
    s" ostrich :- black&white , bird , long-neck , not-fly .;"
    s" tiger :- black-stripes , carnivore , tawny-color , mammal .;"
    s" giraffe :- herbivore , long-neck , ungulate , long-legs ,
    dark-spots .;" >rules
    s" cheetah :- dark-spots , tawny-color , carnivore , mammal .;"
    s" albatros :- fly-well , bird .;"
    s" zebra :- herbivore , ungulate , black-stripes .;"
    s" bat :- wings , fly , mammal .;"

    \ results
    : _penguin_ s" It is a penguin." ;
    : _ostrich_ s" It is an ostrich." ;
    : _tiger_ s" It is a tiger." ;
    : _giraffe_ s" It is a giraffe." ;
    : _cheetah_ s" It is a cheetah." ;
    : _albatros_ s" It is an albatros." ;
    : _zebra_ s" It is a zebra." ;
    : _bat_ s" It is a bat." ;

    \ results in facts actions
    s" _zebra_ cr type" zebra action>fact
    s" _albatros_ cr type" albatros action>fact
    s" _cheetah_ cr type" cheetah action>fact
    s" _giraffe_ cr type" giraffe action>fact
    s" _tiger_ cr type" tiger action>fact
    s" _ostrich_ cr type" ostrich action>fact
    s" _penguin_ cr type" penguin action>fact
    s" _bat_ cr type" bat action>fact



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ahmed@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 4 11:32:45 2025
    For my course, I've written a "Expert System Inference Engine": expert_systems.fs.
    It works (and tested) under gforth, iForth anf vfxForth.

    Here is a session using it with a simple "animal data base": animal.fs.

    1. What is necessary for the animal to be a zebra? --------------------------------------------------
    zebra :-?
    rule: 15
    verify: herbivore
    verify: ungulate
    verify: black-stripes

    2. What is necessary for the animal to be a penguin? -----------------------------------------------------
    penguin :-?
    rule: 9
    verify: swim
    verify: black&white
    verify: bird

    3. Assert the conditions for the animal to be a penguin: ------------------------------------------------------
    swim yes ok
    black&white yes ok
    bird yes ok

    4. Forward chaining (using these asserted facts): -------------------------------------------------
    ? ok
    It is a penguin. ok

    5. Type the facts that are true:

    action: ''

    action: ''

    action: ''

    action: ''

    action: ''

    action: '_penguin_ cr type'

    6. Clear facts (true facts will be false): -------------------------------------

    7. Verify that (the true_fact is always true): ----------------------------------------------

    action: ''

    8. Backward chaining:

    verify: feathers <--- yes


    verify: hair <---
    verify: give-milk <---
    verify: eat-vegetals <---
    verify: eat-meat <---
    verify: pointed-teeth <---
    verify: claws <---
    verify: forward-eyes <---
    verify: mammal <---
    verify: hoofs <---
    verify: chew-cud <---
    verify: swim <--- yes
    verify: black&white <--- yes
    It is a penguin.

    verify: long-neck <---
    verify: not-fly <--- yes
    verify: black-stripes <---
    verify: carnivore <---
    verify: tawny-color <---
    verify: herbivore <---
    verify: ungulate <---
    verify: long-legs <---
    verify: dark-spots <---
    verify: fly-well <---
    verify: wings <---
    verify: fly <---
    It is a penguin.

    final result:
    It is a penguin. ok

    9. Another one:

    verify: feathers <---
    verify: wings <--- yes
    verify: lay-eggs <---
    verify: hair <---
    verify: give-milk <--- yes

    verify: eat-vegetals <---
    verify: eat-meat <---
    verify: pointed-teeth <---
    verify: claws <---
    verify: forward-eyes <---
    verify: hoofs <---
    verify: chew-cud <---
    verify: swim <---
    verify: black&white <---
    verify: bird <---
    verify: long-neck <---
    verify: not-fly <---
    verify: black-stripes <---
    verify: carnivore <---
    verify: tawny-color <---
    verify: herbivore <---
    verify: ungulate <---
    verify: long-legs <---
    verify: dark-spots <---
    verify: fly-well <---
    verify: fly <--- yes
    It is a bat.

    It is a bat.

    final result:
    It is a bat. ok

    10. Another one:

    verify: feathers <--- yes


    verify: hair <---
    verify: give-milk <---
    verify: eat-vegetals <---
    verify: eat-meat <---
    verify: pointed-teeth <---
    verify: claws <---
    verify: forward-eyes <---
    verify: mammal <---
    verify: hoofs <---
    verify: chew-cud <---
    verify: swim <---
    verify: black&white <--- yes
    verify: long-neck <--- yes
    verify: not-fly <--- yes
    It is an ostrich.

    verify: black-stripes <---
    verify: carnivore <---
    verify: tawny-color <---
    verify: herbivore <---
    verify: ungulate <---
    verify: long-legs <---
    verify: dark-spots <---
    verify: fly-well <---
    verify: fly <---
    It is an ostrich.

    final result:
    It is an ostrich. ok

    11. Another one:

    verify: feathers <---
    verify: wings <---
    verify: lay-eggs <---
    verify: hair <--- yes


    verify: eat-vegetals <---
    verify: eat-meat <--- yes


    verify: hoofs <---
    verify: chew-cud <---
    verify: swim <---
    verify: black&white <---
    verify: bird <---
    verify: long-neck <---
    verify: not-fly <--- yes
    verify: black-stripes <--- yes
    verify: tawny-color <--- yes
    It is a tiger.

    verify: herbivore <---
    verify: ungulate <---
    verify: long-legs <---
    verify: dark-spots <---
    verify: fly-well <---
    verify: fly <---
    It is a tiger.

    final result:
    It is a tiger. ok

    12. Another one:

    verify: feathers <---
    verify: wings <---
    verify: lay-eggs <---
    verify: hair <---
    verify: give-milk <--- yes

    verify: eat-vegetals <---
    verify: eat-meat <--- yes


    verify: hoofs <---
    verify: chew-cud <---
    verify: swim <---
    verify: black&white <--- yes
    verify: bird <---
    verify: long-neck <---
    verify: not-fly <--- yes
    verify: black-stripes <--- yes
    verify: tawny-color <--- yes
    It is a tiger.

    verify: herbivore <---
    verify: ungulate <---
    verify: long-legs <---
    verify: dark-spots <--- yes
    It is a cheetah.
    It is a tiger.

    verify: fly-well <---
    verify: fly <---
    It is a cheetah.
    It is a tiger.

    final result:
    It is a cheetah.
    It is a tiger. ok

    13. Type the rules:
    Rule n°:0 : bird :- feathers .;
    Rule n°:1 : bird :- wings , lay-eggs .;
    Rule n°:2 : mammal :- hair .;
    Rule n°:3 : mammal :- give-milk .;
    Rule n°:4 : herbivore :- eat-vegetals .;
    Rule n°:5 : carnivore :- eat-meat .;
    Rule n°:6 : carnivore :- pointed-teeth , claws , forward-eyes .;
    Rule n°:7 : ungulate :- mammal , hoofs .;
    Rule n°:8 : ungulate :- mammal , chew-cud .;
    Rule n°:9 : penguin :- swim , black&white , bird , fly notfact .;
    Rule n°:10 : ostrich :- black&white , bird , long-neck , not-fly
    Rule n°:11 : tiger :- black-stripes , carnivore , tawny-color , mammal .;
    Rule n°:12 : giraffe :- herbivore , long-neck , ungulate ,
    long-legs , dark-spots .;
    Rule n°:13 : cheetah :- dark-spots , tawny-color , carnivore ,
    mammal .;
    Rule n°:14 : albatros :- fly-well , bird .;
    Rule n°:15 : zebra :- herbivore , ungulate , black-stripes .;
    Rule n°:16 : bat :- wings , fly , mammal .; ok

    14. Verify mode of chaining:
    mode forward ok

    15. Change chaining mode:
    backward_mode ok

    16. Verify it:
    mode backward ok

    17. Change chaining mode:
    forward_mode ok

    18. Verify it:
    mode forward ok

    19. Type true facts:

    action: ''

    action: ''

    action: 'give-milk yes'

    action: 'not-fly yes'

    action: 'tawny-color yes'

    action: 'dark-spots yes'

    action: 'black&white yes'

    action: ''

    action: 'black-stripes yes'

    action: ''

    action: 'eat-meat yes'

    action: '_cheetah_ cr type'

    action: '_tiger_ cr type'

    20. Clear facts and verify it:

    action: ''



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ahmed@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 4 11:42:38 2025
    And the expert_systems.fs file:

    \ expert system inference engin
    \ forward and backward chainings

    \ for iForth, vfxForth
    false [if]
    : place over >r rot over 1+ r> move c! ;
    : +place 2dup c@ dup >r + over c! r> 1+ + swap move ;
    : 0>= dup 0> swap 0= or ;

    100 constant max_num_facts
    100 constant max_num_rules
    255 constant rules_text_max_length

    5 constant num_passes

    create facts_list max_num_facts cells allot
    create rules_base max_num_rules cells allot
    create rules_text max_num_rules rules_text_max_length * allot

    variable num_rules 0 num_rules !
    variable num_facts 0 num_facts !

    : >facts_list ' 16 + facts_list num_facts @ cells + ! 1 num_facts +! ;

    : current_rule_position
    rules_text num_rules @
    rules_text_max_length * +
    rules_base num_rules @ cells +

    : current_rule_text_position current_rule_position drop ;
    : current_rule_base_position current_rule_position nip ;

    : >rule_base current_rule_position ! ;
    : >rule_text ( a n -- ) current_rule_text_position place ;
    : >rules >rule_text >rule_base 1 num_rules +! ;

    : .rule
    dup 0>= over num_rules @ < and if
    dup cr ." Rule n°:" . ." : "
    cells rules_base + @ count type
    cr ." Not defined yet!"

    : .rules
    num_rules @ 0 ?do
    i .rule

    : th_rule
    dup 0>=
    over num_rules @ <
    and if
    cells rules_base + @
    cr ." Not defined yet!"

    : th_rule_use th_rule evaluate ;

    : th_rule_position
    dup 0>=
    over num_rules @ <
    and if
    rules_text_max_length * rules_text +
    swap cells rules_base +
    cr abort" This rules is not defined yet!!!"

    : th_rule_text_position th_rule_position drop ;
    : th_rule_base_position th_rule_position nip ;
    : >th_rule_base th_rule_position ! ;
    : >th_rule_text ( a n i -- ) th_rule_text_position place ;
    : >th_rule dup >r >th_rule_text r> >th_rule_base ;

    : all_rules_use_one_pass num_rules @ 0 do i th_rule_use loop ;
    : (->?) num_passes 0 do all_rules_use_one_pass loop ;

    create _name_ 256 allot
    create _create_fact_ 256 allot
    : get_name bl word count _name_ place ;

    : fact
    s" create " _create_fact_ place
    _name_ count _create_fact_ +place
    _create_fact_ count evaluate
    dup facts_list num_facts @ cells + ! 1 num_facts +!
    dup false swap c! \ for used
    dup false swap 1+ c! \ for tf
    256 allot \ for name
    _name_ count rot 2 + place \ place name
    256 allot \ action
    256 allot \ text

    : facts 0 do fact loop ;

    : used>fact ( used fact --) c! ;
    : tf>fact ( tf fact -- ) 1+ c! ;
    : name>fact ( "name" fact -- ) 2 + parse-name rot place ;
    : action>fact ( a n fact -- ) 2 + 256 + place ;
    : text>fact ( a n fact -- ) 2 + 256 + 256 + place ;

    : fact_used ( fact -- used) c@ ;
    : fact_tf ( fact -- tf ) 1+ c@ ;
    : fact_name ( fact -- a n ) 2 + count ;
    : fact_action ( fact -- a n ) 2 + 256 + count ;
    : fact_text ( fact -- a n ) 2 + 256 + 256 + count ;

    : .tf ( tf -- ) if s" true " else s" false" then type ;
    : .fact_used ( fact -- ) fact_used .tf ;
    : .fact_tf ( fact -- ) fact_tf .tf ;
    : .fact_name ( fact -- ) fact_name type ;
    : .fact_action ( fact -- ) fact_action type ;
    : .fact_text ( fact -- ) fact_text type ;

    : .fact_name_action ( fact -- )
    dup ." -> " .fact_name ." : '" .fact_action ." '" cr

    : .fact_name_text ( fact -- )
    dup ." -> " .fact_name ." : '" .fact_text ." '" cr

    : .fact_name_action_text_tf ( fact -- )
    cr ." -> " dup .fact_name ." : "
    cr ." action: " dup .fact_action
    cr ." text: " dup .fact_text
    cr ." t/f: " .fact_tf

    : .fact_name_action_text ( fact -- )
    cr ." -> " dup .fact_name ." : "
    cr ." action: " dup .fact_action
    cr ." text: " .fact_text

    : .fact ( fact -- ) .fact_name_action_text_tf ;
    : .true_fact ( fact -- ) .fact_name_action_text ;

    : th_fact ( n -- fact) cells facts_list + @ ;
    : .th_fact ( n -- ) th_fact .fact ;
    : .th_true_fact ( n -- ) th_fact .true_fact ;
    : .all_facts cr num_facts @ 0 do i .th_fact loop ;

    : .facts
    num_facts @ 0 do
    i th_fact fact_tf if
    i .th_true_fact

    : assert true swap tf>fact ;
    : retract false swap tf>fact ;

    : clear_facts
    cr num_facts @ 1 do
    i th_fact retract
    false i th_fact used>fact

    2 facts true_fact false_fact
    true_fact assert
    false_fact retract

    4 facts not_fact and_fact or_fact xor_fact
    : not 0= ;
    : notfact ( fact -- fact) fact_tf not not_fact tf>fact
    not_fact ;
    : andfact ( fact1 fact2) fact_tf swap fact_tf and and_fact tf>fact
    and_fact ;
    : orfact ( fact1 fact2) fact_tf swap fact_tf or or_fact tf>fact
    or_fact ;
    : xorfact ( fact1 fact2) fact_tf swap fact_tf xor xor_fact tf>fact
    xor_fact ;

    : variables 0 do variable loop ;

    3 variables _:- _, _.;

    : :- _:- @ execute ;
    : , _, @ execute ;
    : .; _.; @ execute ;

    3 variables f_:- f_, f_.;
    4 variables b_:- b_, b__, b_.;

    3 variables v_:- v_, v_.;
    3 variables up_:- up_, up_.;
    3 variables us_:- us_, us_.;

    : forward_:- ( fact -- fact true) true ;
    : backward_:- ( fact -- fact t/f)
    dup fact_tf if

    : forward_, ( fact t/f fact -- fact t/f ) fact_tf and ;
    : backward_, ( fact t/f fact --fact t/f)
    >r >r
    dup fact_tf 0=
    r> r>
    rot if
    dup fact_used 0= if
    dup fact_tf if
    fact_tf and
    cr ." verify: " fact_name type
    true over used>fact
    fact_tf and
    fact_tf and

    : forward_.; ( fact t/f fact --) , over fact_tf or swap tf>fact ;
    : backward_.; ( fact t/f fact --) , over fact_tf or swap tf>fact ;

    : (:-?) ( fact --)
    num_rules @ 0 do
    dup fact_name
    i th_rule drop over
    compare 0= if
    cr ." rule: " i .
    i th_rule evaluate
    dup fact_tf if dup cr fact_name type ." yes." then

    create inference_mode 16 allot

    : f_mode s" forward" inference_mode place ;
    : b_mode s" backward" inference_mode place ;

    : .mode inference_mode count type ;

    ' forward_:- f_:- ! ' forward_, f_, ! ' forward_.; f_.; !
    ' backward_:- b_:- ! ' backward_, b_, ! ' backward_.; b_.; !

    : forward_mode f_:- @ _:- ! f_, @ _, ! f_.; @ _.; ! f_mode ;
    : backward_mode b_:- @ _:- ! b_, @ _, ! b_.; @ _.; ! b_mode ;

    : :-? backward_mode (:-?) ;
    : ->? forward_mode (->?) ;

    : yes assert ;
    : no retract ;

    : do-it
    dup fact_tf
    over fact_action nip 0<> and
    fact_action evaluate

    : apply_actions num_facts @ 0 do i th_fact do-it loop ;
    : .result ->? apply_actions ( clear_facts) ;
    : .partial_result ->? apply_actions ;

    create xxx 256 allot
    create xxxbuff 256 allot

    defer <-?
    : <-?_by_facts
    num_facts @ 6 do
    i th_fact fact_name type
    i th_fact fact_name xxx place
    s" " xxx +place
    ." <--- " xxxbuff 1+ 255 accept xxxbuff c!
    xxxbuff count
    0= if
    0 xxx c!
    xxxbuff count xxx +place
    xxx count evaluate
    cr .result

    ' <-?_by_facts is <-?

    : verify_fact ( fact --)
    dup >r
    fact_name xxx place
    s" " xxx +place
    ." <--- " xxxbuff 1+ 255 accept xxxbuff c!
    xxxbuff count
    0= if
    0 xxx c!
    xxxbuff count xxx +place
    xxx count r> fact_action drop 1- place

    : backward__, ( fact t/f fact --fact t/f)
    >r >r
    dup fact_tf 0=
    r> r>
    rot if
    dup fact_used 0= if
    dup fact_tf if
    fact_tf and
    cr ." verify: " fact_name type
    dup verify_fact
    true over used>fact
    fact_tf and
    fact_tf and

    ' backward_:- b_:- ! ' backward__, b__, ! ' backward_.; b_.; !
    : backward_mode b_:- @ _:- ! b_, @ _, ! b_.; @ _.; ! b_mode ;

    : verify_:- backward_:- ;
    : verify_, backward__, ;
    : verify_.; backward_.; ;

    : update_:- drop ;
    : update_, fact_action evaluate ;
    : update_.; update_, ;

    : use_:- backward_:- ;
    : use_, ( fact t/f fact --fact t/f)
    >r >r
    dup fact_tf 0=
    r> r>
    rot if
    fact_tf and
    : use_.; backward_.; ;

    ' verify_:- v_:- ! ' verify_, v_, ! ' verify_.; v_.; !
    ' update_:- up_:- ! ' update_, up_, ! ' update_.; up_.; !
    ' use_:- us_:- ! ' use_, us_, ! ' use_.; us_.; !

    : verify v_:- @ _:- ! v_, @ _, ! v_.; @ _.; ! ;
    : update up_:- @ _:- ! up_, @ _, ! up_.; @ _.; ! ;
    : use us_:- @ _:- ! us_, @ _, ! us_.; @ _.; ! ;

    : verify_facts verify evaluate ;
    : update_facts update evaluate ;
    : use_facts use evaluate ;

    0 value k
    : <-?_by_rules
    2 0 do i to k
    num_rules @ 0 do
    num_facts @ 6 do
    i th_fact fact_name
    j th_rule drop over
    compare 0= if
    j th_rule verify_facts
    j th_rule update_facts
    j th_rule use_facts
    i th_fact fact_tf if
    cr ." apparently, " .partial_result cr
    k 1 = if
    cr ." final result:"
    cr ." -------------"
    cr ." finally, " .result unloop unloop unloop exit
    cr ." No results!"

    ' <-?_by_rules is <-?



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From minforth@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 4 17:46:55 2025
    Thank you for sharing your outstanding work here!

    I don't think I understand the details of your program
    but it seems to me way simpler than the famous Warren
    Abstract Machine. IMHO your concept is very well suited
    for teaching students how to approach problemss from
    the ground up.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ahmed@21:1/5 to minforth on Sat Jan 4 19:08:10 2025
    On Sat, 4 Jan 2025 17:46:55 +0000, minforth wrote:

    Thank you for sharing your outstanding work here!

    I don't think I understand the details of your program
    but it seems to me way simpler than the famous Warren
    Abstract Machine. IMHO your concept is very well suited
    for teaching students how to approach problemss from
    the ground up.


    It works also under minforth MF348 (64 bit).
    I had not Warren abstract machine in mind when I wrote it. I just
    denfined facts, rules, forward chaining, backward chaining and some
    words to interface it to set inference modes, display rules and facts.

    Facts are structures with fields : name, use, true/flase, action and
    name: in order to recognize the fact appearing in rules,
    use : true if already used in the process of inference (false if
    not), in
    order to not repeat the test if it is true or false (true/false field).
    action: the fact can execute words if it is true,
    text: additional field for comments, other actions, ...

    Rules have the form :
    goal_fact :- condition_fact1 , condition_fact2 , ... ,
    condition_factn .;
    ... stands for other condition_facts
    .; are forth words

    These three words are like defered words implemented with variables and
    @ execute (first, I used defered words but that didn't give the good
    results for iForth and vfxForth).

    These words change their behavior for 3 phases:
    - forward mode
    - backward mode:
    - verify facts: the operator (user) respond by yes/no, (yes and no
    defined as forth words) when prompted by:
    verify factname <---
    - update facts: perform the actions in the facts (action field)
    if the fact
    is true (true/false field)
    - use facts: perform the infernce

    In forward mode, the user asserts the facts that he knows they are true
    then invoke the forth word ->? to launch the inference process and with
    result forth word he can display the result of the inference.

    He can also use .facts forth word to see the facts that are true.

    In backward mode, the user can launch the process of inference using the
    forth word <-? . The infernce launched this way ask the user to verify
    certain facts (that appear in the condition part of the rules) and the
    user respond with yes or no, and an empty response is considered as no,
    and a response other than yes/no/empty will stop the process of
    inference with an error ( undefined word).

    During this inference process, the system can guess the result and
    perhaps display 'Apparently: ....' followed bye a result and after some
    steps it stops by 'Finally: ...' and display the result if found and if
    not it displays 'No results".

    The user can ask the system to give the condition facts that are
    necessary to get a goal_fact true. the forth word :-? is used for that.

    The user can see the rules using the forth word : .rules or for a
    specific rule:
    n .rule where n is the number of the rule.

    For the moment, the infernce process pass through the rules one after
    another in that order. Perhaps, if time permits, I'll change that using
    the action field of some facts used to change the flow of the inference.

    Notice here:
    <-? backward chaining, the arrow <- in <-? is towards the left
    ->? forward cahining, the arrow -> in ->? is towards the right
    :-? asking for condition facts to get a goal fact true, used
    like this:
    penguin :-?

    The user can use :
    .mode : to display the current mode used (forward or backward)
    forward_mode : to set the forward mode
    backward_mode : to set the backward mode

    The words <-? and ->? set the mode automatically to backward or forward respectively.

    The work is under development, and possible ideas will be used.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mhx@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 4 23:24:59 2025
    (first, I used defered words but that didn't give the good
    results for iForth and vfxForth)

    What went wrong?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ahmed@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 5 05:52:35 2025
    First, I have the free version:

    iForth version 4.0.627, generated 15:51:53, December 18, 2010.
    x86_64 binary, native floating-point, extended precision.
    Copyright 1996 - 2010 Marcel Hendrix.

    I download it some years ago, and thanks for it.

    1- For exapmple, I can't use ['] in a colon definition:
    defer go

    : go1 ..... ;
    : use_go ['] go1 is go ;
    doesn't work for me.

    2- The forth word latest (gforth) is not defined in iForth:
    I used latest in the definition of the forth word fact.
    I modified the defintion of fact to get rid of latest.

    3- The forth words place and +place are not defined in iForth:
    I borrowed the definitions from gforth.

    4- this for vfxForth:
    The forth words 0>= and +place are not defined.

    I added their definitions in the top of the expert_systems.fs file.

    I changed the use of ['] in colon definitions by using variables and @
    and ( @, !) instead of defer and is.

    So I managed to get it working under: gforth, iForth, vfxForth anf
    minforth (MF348).



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Anton Ertl@21:1/5 to minforth on Sun Jan 5 08:49:09 2025
    minforth@gmx.net (minforth) writes:
    Thank you for sharing your outstanding work here!

    I don't think I understand the details of your program
    but it seems to me way simpler than the famous Warren
    Abstract Machine.

    That would not surprise me, because Ahmed Melahi is implementing an
    expert system framework, not Prolog (the progamming language for which
    the WAM was designed). Like for all other expert system examples I
    have seen (several, but no production expert systems), the examples do
    not include any logic variables, and I guess that his system does not
    support them; the majority of the complexity of implementing Prolog
    and of the WAM comes from dealing with logic variables, which can
    contain structures that themselves contain logic variables.

    OTOH, Ahmed Melahi's expert system framework supports forward
    chaining, while Prolog does not.

    Another difference is that Prolog uses the closed-world-assumption (if
    there is no fact for <something>, <something> is false), while Ahmed
    Melahi's framework (and expert systems in general) asks the user for
    input when it does not have a fact about <something>.

    Unlike expert systems examples I have seen earlier, where the rules
    led to a decision tree, trying some example leads to asking apparently-redundant questions (not answering "yes" is the same as
    answering "no"), e.g.:

    verify: feathers <---
    verify: wings <---
    verify: lay-eggs <---
    verify: hair <--- yes


    verify: eat-vegetals <---
    verify: eat-meat <--- yes


    verify: hoofs <--- yes


    verify: swim <--- yes
    verify: black&white <---
    verify: bird <---
    verify: long-neck <---
    verify: not-fly <--- yes
    verify: black-stripes <---
    verify: tawny-color <---
    verify: herbivore <---
    verify: long-legs <---
    verify: dark-spots <---
    verify: fly-well <---
    verify: fly <---

    final result:
    finally, ok

    It seems that these additional questions are from having alternative
    rules for the same thing, e.g.:

    s" bird :- feathers .;"
    s" bird :- wings , lay-eggs .;"

    However, given that I answered "" (i.e., "no") to wings, there is no
    reason for the system to ask me "lay-eggs". So I think that the
    redundant questions are not just due to alternative rules, but also a shortcoming of the system. Finally, the system could have found out
    earlier (and printed more clearly that it knows of no animal that has
    the properties that I answered with "yes". As for the animal
    database, the Platypus would be an interesting addition.

    - anton
    M. Anton Ertl http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/home.html
    comp.lang.forth FAQs: http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/faq/toc.html
    New standard: https://forth-standard.org/
    EuroForth 2024: https://euro.theforth.net

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ahmed@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 5 11:39:19 2025
    thanks for testing.

    As already said in my previous post the work is under development.

    The system works well taking in consideration:
    - known that the scanning of the rules is linear, it doesn't repeat
    same question but can ask for additional inforamtion, for example,
    responding to eat-vegetals by no (or empty) it can ask if it is
    herbivore, the `no' reponse doesn't change the truth of a goal fact
    the goal fact becomes true if all condtion facts are true.

    - when doing backward chaining, there are some results but they are
    displayed, for your example: it says Finally: and nothing displayed
    but there are some results like: carnivore, ungulate and you can
    see these
    by executing .facts which displays only the true facts. After
    "Finally" the
    system executes the actions associated to the facts that are true
    and in
    this case the actions associated to carnivore and ungulate but
    actions aren't set before (nothing in the action field of the fcats
    carnivore and ungulate).

    I'll see how to change the flow of the inference using the action field
    of facts and executing them during the inference, like this we can
    choose the next rule to use. I think this can be possible by modifying
    the words `,' and `.;'

    It is up to the knowledge engineer to define how rules are scanned
    (linear, predetermined or with respect to the responses given by the
    user when asked to verify a fact) and this is not in expert_systems.fs
    file itself but in its data base file (where facts, rules and actions
    are defined) (here animal.fs).

    Adding the rules for platypus :

    s" platypus :- swim , not-fly , eat-meat , hoofs , hair .;" >rules

    and defining the action associated to platypus:

    : _paltypus_ s" It is a platypus." ;
    s" _platypus_ cr type" platypus action>fact



    verify: feathers <---
    verify: wings <---
    verify: lay-eggs <---
    verify: hair <--- yes


    verify: eat-vegetals <---
    verify: eat-meat <--- yes


    verify: hoofs <--- yes


    verify: swim <--- yes
    verify: black&white <---
    verify: bird <---
    verify: long-neck <---
    verify: not-fly <--- yes
    verify: black-stripes <---
    verify: tawny-color <---
    verify: herbivore <---
    verify: long-legs <---
    verify: dark-spots <---
    verify: fly-well <---
    verify: fly <---
    It is a platypus.

    It is a platypus.

    final result:
    It is a platypus. ok

    Thanks again.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Anton Ertl@21:1/5 to ahmed on Sun Jan 5 15:09:13 2025
    melahi_ahmed@yahoo.fr (ahmed) writes:
    I'll see how to change the flow of the inference using the action field
    of facts and executing them during the inference, like this we can
    choose the next rule to use.

    Potential improvements:

    Also have rules that work for both truth and falsness. E.g., for
    non-extinct animals, all birds have feathers and only birds have
    feathers. So if you ask the "feathers" question, and you get a "yes",
    you know it is a bird, and if you get a "no", you know that it is no

    And then you do not need to ask about wings and egg-laying unless the
    answer is "don't know" (supporting that would be another improvement).

    s" platypus :- swim , not-fly , eat-meat , hoofs , hair .;" >rules

    It seems to me that the platypus has claws, not hoofs. The most
    puzzling property of the platypus, though, is that it is a mammal and
    lays eggs.

    - anton
    M. Anton Ertl http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/home.html
    comp.lang.forth FAQs: http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/faq/toc.html
    New standard: https://forth-standard.org/
    EuroForth 2024: https://euro.theforth.net

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ahmed@21:1/5 to Anton Ertl on Sun Jan 5 16:38:08 2025
    On Sun, 5 Jan 2025 15:09:13 +0000, Anton Ertl wrote:

    melahi_ahmed@yahoo.fr (ahmed) writes:
    I'll see how to change the flow of the inference using the action field
    of facts and executing them during the inference, like this we can
    choose the next rule to use.

    Potential improvements:

    Also have rules that work for both truth and falsness. E.g., for
    non-extinct animals, all birds have feathers and only birds have
    feathers. So if you ask the "feathers" question, and you get a "yes",
    you know it is a bird, and if you get a "no", you know that it is no

    And then you do not need to ask about wings

    The bat has wings and can fly and it is a mammal.

    and egg-laying unless the
    answer is "don't know" (supporting that would be another improvement).

    Your example `platypus', it lays eggs, and it is not a bird.

    s" platypus :- swim , not-fly , eat-meat , hoofs , hair .;" >rules

    It seems to me that the platypus has claws, not hoofs. The most
    puzzling property of the platypus, though, is that it is a mammal and
    lays eggs.

    - anton

    Until now, I assume: no equivalent to unknown.
    Three level logic: yes/no/unknown (true/false/unknown)can be
    Perhaps, Carnaugh tables can be helpful.
    I'll try to do it if time permits.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Anton Ertl@21:1/5 to ahmed on Sun Jan 5 17:31:10 2025
    melahi_ahmed@yahoo.fr (ahmed) writes:
    On Sun, 5 Jan 2025 15:09:13 +0000, Anton Ertl wrote:

    melahi_ahmed@yahoo.fr (ahmed) writes:
    I'll see how to change the flow of the inference using the action field >>>of facts and executing them during the inference, like this we can
    choose the next rule to use.

    Potential improvements:

    Also have rules that work for both truth and falsness.

    Or, more generally, negative rules. Then there would be:

    bird :- feathers .;
    not bird :- not feathers .;

    And then you do not need to ask about wings

    The bat has wings and can fly and it is a mammal.

    and egg-laying unless the
    answer is "don't know" (supporting that would be another improvement).

    Your example `platypus', it lays eggs, and it is not a bird.

    I am referring to your rule

    bird :- wings , lay-eggs .;

    So if you have established that the animal has wings AND lays eggs
    (and is not extinct), it's a bird. With the negative rules one could
    also specify

    not bird :- not wings .;
    not bird :- not lay-eggs .;

    Until now, I assume: no equivalent to unknown.
    Three level logic: yes/no/unknown (true/false/unknown)can be
    Perhaps, Carnaugh tables can be helpful.

    Strangely, even though there are a lot of people working on logic in
    my school, I have never heard of any work in that direction. But I
    would be very surprised if that was uncharted land.

    - anton
    M. Anton Ertl http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/anton/home.html
    comp.lang.forth FAQs: http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/faq/toc.html
    New standard: https://forth-standard.org/
    EuroForth 2024: https://euro.theforth.net

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From albert@spenarnc.xs4all.nl@21:1/5 to Anton Ertl on Sun Jan 5 18:51:17 2025
    In article <2025Jan5.160913@mips.complang.tuwien.ac.at>,
    Anton Ertl <anton@mips.complang.tuwien.ac.at> wrote:
    melahi_ahmed@yahoo.fr (ahmed) writes:
    I'll see how to change the flow of the inference using the action field
    of facts and executing them during the inference, like this we can
    choose the next rule to use.

    Potential improvements:

    Also have rules that work for both truth and falsness. E.g., for
    non-extinct animals, all birds have feathers and only birds have
    feathers. So if you ask the "feathers" question, and you get a "yes",
    you know it is a bird, and if you get a "no", you know that it is no

    And then you do not need to ask about wings and egg-laying unless the
    answer is "don't know" (supporting that would be another improvement).

    s" platypus :- swim , not-fly , eat-meat , hoofs , hair .;" >rules

    It seems to me that the platypus has claws, not hoofs. The most
    puzzling property of the platypus, though, is that it is a mammal and
    lays eggs.

    I had an animals database code in c. I considered a property as true only
    if the majority of the respondents considered it true. That weeds out unanswerable questions whether a leopard has mainly sweat glands on its belly. You were supposed to have an animal in mind and answer the questions.
    At the end you are left with a correct answer or undistingishable animals.
    In game theory fashion the questions are selected by chance to give
    the most information, and the answers are accumulated, such that
    a good question goes to the fore. (In game theory you are supposed
    to try unfavourable strategies once in a while. If you have a
    solid reputation as a poker player, you can shove all in with
    2 8 not suited, once in a while.)

    I imagine that it was a good medical database. If the questions are
    "has the patient a rash of a type similar to figure 10a"
    the answers are definitive, not based on stereotypical images.
    (You can ask a three year old whether an elephant has a trunk,
    before she have ever seen an elephant.)
    Then there is the possibility to attach costs for each question. "Has
    the patient globules in his liver, revealed by an MRI scan?". If there
    are cost effective questions to be answered, that eliminates diagnoses,
    these would be favoured first.

    Now AI takes over. A simple metafysical database where you have
    decide whether this is hoofs or claws, is old fashioned.
    It reminds me of Plato where the idea of hoofs exist independent
    of the human minds. Where hoofs are a shadow of the ideal hoofs
    outside of the cave.

    - anton

    Groetje Albert
    Temu exploits Christians: (Disclaimer, only 10 apostles)
    Last Supper Acrylic Suncatcher - 15Cm Round Stained Glass- Style Wall
    Art For Home, Office And Garden Decor - Perfect For Windows, Bars,
    And Gifts For Friends Family And Colleagues.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ahmed@21:1/5 to Anton Ertl on Sun Jan 5 18:47:16 2025
    On Sun, 5 Jan 2025 17:31:10 +0000, Anton Ertl wrote:

    Or, more generally, negative rules. Then there would be:

    bird :- feathers .;
    not bird :- not feathers .;

    I'll see how to do that if possible (I mean 'not' in the goal fact).

    I am referring to your rule

    bird :- wings , lay-eggs .;

    So if you have established that the animal has wings AND lays eggs
    (and is not extinct), it's a bird. With the negative rules one could
    also specify

    not bird :- not wings .;
    not bird :- not lay-eggs .;

    Your are right (Logically true), but for the moment I haven't 'not' in
    the goal facts.

    Until now, I assume: no equivalent to unknown.
    Three level logic: yes/no/unknown (true/false/unknown)can be
    Perhaps, Carnaugh tables can be helpful.

    Strangely, even though there are a lot of people working on logic in
    my school, I have never heard of any work in that direction. But I
    would be very surprised if that was uncharted land.

    I meant multi-valued logic (three-valued logic).
    and when I said Carnaugh tables, I was referring to the possibility to
    consider unknown as yes or no given the situation (in the inference
    process) but this is a two-valued logic. Perhaps, I was just confused.

    - anton



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ahmed@21:1/5 to albert@spenarnc.xs4all.nl on Sun Jan 5 19:01:47 2025
    On Sun, 5 Jan 2025 17:51:17 +0000, albert@spenarnc.xs4all.nl wrote:

    Now AI takes over. A simple metafysical database where you have
    decide whether this is hoofs or claws, is old fashioned.


    Groetje Albert



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From ahmed@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 6 00:56:37 2025
    Here, I used ternary logic.

    I defined these words:

    \ 3-valued logic
    254 value T \ true
    127 value U \ unknown
    0 value F \ false

    \ lv : logic value : T, U or F
    : not 0= ;
    : not3 ( lv -- lv) T swap - ;
    : and3 ( lv lv -- lv ) min ;
    : or3 ( lv lv -- lv ) max ;
    : imply3 ( lv lv -- lv)
    T = swap T = or if 2drop T exit then
    F = swap F = or if F exit then

    and used them.

    The new version of expert_systems.fs is hereafter:

    --------------- The code begins here-------------------

    \ expert system inference engin
    \ forward and backward chainings

    \ for iForth, vfxForth
    \ false [if]
    : place over >r rot over 1+ r> move c! ;
    : +place 2dup c@ dup >r + over c! r> 1+ + swap move ;
    : 0>= dup 0> swap 0= or ;
    \ [then]

    \ 3-valued logic
    254 value T \ true
    127 value U \ unknown
    0 value F \ false

    \ lv : logic value : T, U or F
    : not 0= ;
    : not3 ( lv -- lv) T swap - ;
    : and3 ( lv lv -- lv ) min ;
    : or3 ( lv lv -- lv ) max ;
    : imply3 ( lv lv -- lv)
    T = swap T = or if 2drop T exit then
    F = swap F = or if F exit then

    100 constant max_num_facts
    100 constant max_num_rules
    255 constant rules_text_max_length

    5 constant num_passes

    create facts_list max_num_facts cells allot
    create rules_base max_num_rules cells allot
    create rules_text max_num_rules rules_text_max_length * allot

    variable num_rules 0 num_rules !
    variable num_facts 0 num_facts !

    : >facts_list ' 16 + facts_list num_facts @ cells + ! 1 num_facts +! ;

    : current_rule_position
    rules_text num_rules @
    rules_text_max_length * +
    rules_base num_rules @ cells +

    : current_rule_text_position current_rule_position drop ;
    : current_rule_base_position current_rule_position nip ;

    : >rule_base current_rule_position ! ;
    : >rule_text ( a n -- ) current_rule_text_position place ;
    : >rules >rule_text >rule_base 1 num_rules +! ;

    : .rule
    dup 0>= over num_rules @ < and if
    dup cr ." Rule n°:" . ." : "
    cells rules_base + @ count type
    cr ." Not defined yet!"

    : .rules
    num_rules @ 0 ?do
    i .rule

    : th_rule
    dup 0>=
    over num_rules @ <
    and if
    cells rules_base + @
    cr ." Not defined yet!"

    : th_rule_use th_rule evaluate ;

    : th_rule_position
    dup 0>=
    over num_rules @ <
    and if
    rules_text_max_length * rules_text +
    swap cells rules_base +
    cr abort" This rules is not defined yet!!!"

    : th_rule_text_position th_rule_position drop ;
    : th_rule_base_position th_rule_position nip ;
    : >th_rule_base th_rule_position ! ;
    : >th_rule_text ( a n i -- ) th_rule_text_position place ;
    : >th_rule dup >r >th_rule_text r> >th_rule_base ;

    : all_rules_use_one_pass num_rules @ 0 do i th_rule_use loop ;
    : (->?) num_passes 0 do all_rules_use_one_pass loop ;

    create _name_ 256 allot
    create _create_fact_ 256 allot
    : get_name bl word count _name_ place ;

    : fact
    s" create " _create_fact_ place
    _name_ count _create_fact_ +place
    _create_fact_ count evaluate
    dup facts_list num_facts @ cells + ! 1 num_facts +!
    dup false swap c! \ for used
    dup U swap 1+ c! \ for truth value: U, F or T, initialized to U
    256 allot \ for name
    _name_ count rot 2 + place \ place name
    256 allot \ action
    256 allot \ text

    : facts 0 do fact loop ;

    : used>fact ( used fact --) c! ;
    : uft>fact ( uft fact -- ) 1+ c! ;
    : name>fact ( "name" fact -- ) 2 + parse-name rot place ;
    : action>fact ( a n fact -- ) 2 + 256 + place ;
    : text>fact ( a n fact -- ) 2 + 256 + 256 + place ;

    : fact_used ( fact -- used) c@ ;
    : fact_uft ( fact -- uft ) 1+ c@ ;
    : fact_name ( fact -- a n ) 2 + count ;
    : fact_action ( fact -- a n ) 2 + 256 + count ;
    : fact_text ( fact -- a n ) 2 + 256 + 256 + count ;

    : .uft ( uft -- )
    U = if s" unknown" type drop exit then
    F = if s" false" type exit then
    s" true" type

    : .fact_used ( fact -- ) fact_used .uft ;
    : .fact_uft ( fact -- ) fact_uft .uft ;
    : .fact_name ( fact -- ) fact_name type ;
    : .fact_action ( fact -- ) fact_action type ;
    : .fact_text ( fact -- ) fact_text type ;

    : .fact_name_action ( fact -- )
    dup ." -> " .fact_name ." : '" .fact_action ." '" cr

    : .fact_name_text ( fact -- )
    dup ." -> " .fact_name ." : '" .fact_text ." '" cr

    : .fact_name_action_text_uft ( fact -- )
    cr ." -> " dup .fact_name ." : "
    cr ." action: " dup .fact_action
    cr ." text: " dup .fact_text
    cr ." u/f/t: " .fact_uft

    : .fact_name_action_text ( fact -- )
    cr ." -> " dup .fact_name ." : "
    cr ." action: " dup .fact_action
    cr ." text: " .fact_text

    : .fact ( fact -- ) .fact_name_action_text_uft ;
    : .true_fact ( fact -- ) .fact_name_action_text ;

    : th_fact ( n -- fact) cells facts_list + @ ;
    : .th_fact ( n -- ) th_fact .fact ;
    : .th_true_fact ( n -- ) th_fact .true_fact ;
    : .all_facts cr num_facts @ 0 do i .th_fact loop ;

    : .facts
    num_facts @ 0 do
    i th_fact fact_uft T = if
    i .th_true_fact

    : assert T swap uft>fact ;
    : retract F swap uft>fact ;
    : unknown U swap uft>fact ;

    : clear_facts
    cr num_facts @ 1 do
    i th_fact unknown
    false i th_fact used>fact

    3 facts true_fact false_fact unknown_fact
    true_fact assert
    false_fact retract
    unknown_fact unknown

    4 facts not_fact and_fact or_fact xor_fact

    : notfact ( fact -- fact)
    fact_uft not3
    not_fact uft>fact

    : andfact ( fact1 fact2) fact_uft swap fact_uft and3 and_fact uft>fact and_fact ;
    : orfact ( fact1 fact2) fact_uft swap fact_uft or3 or_fact uft>fact
    or_fact ;

    : variables 0 do variable loop ;

    3 variables _:- _, _.;

    : :- _:- @ execute ;
    : , _, @ execute ;
    : .; _.; @ execute ;

    3 variables f_:- f_, f_.;
    4 variables b_:- b_, b__, b_.;

    3 variables v_:- v_, v_.;
    3 variables up_:- up_, up_.;
    3 variables us_:- us_, us_.;

    : forward_:- ( fact -- fact true) T ;
    : backward_:- ( fact -- fact u/f/t)
    dup fact_uft ( not3)
    T = if U else T then

    : forward_, ( fact u/f/t fact -- fact u/f/t ) fact_uft and3 ;

    : backward_, ( fact u/f/t fact --fact u/f/t)
    >r >r
    dup fact_uft dup F = swap U = or3
    r> r>
    rot T <> if
    dup fact_used not if
    dup fact_uft T = if
    fact_uft and3
    cr ." verify: " fact_name type
    true over used>fact
    fact_uft and3
    fact_uft and3

    : forward_.; ( fact u/f/t fact --) , over fact_uft imply3 swap uft>fact
    : backward_.; ( fact u/f/t fact --) , over fact_uft imply3 swap uft>fact

    : (:-?) ( fact --)
    num_rules @ 0 do
    dup fact_name
    i th_rule drop over
    compare 0= if
    cr ." rule: " i .
    i th_rule evaluate
    dup fact_uft
    T = if dup cr fact_name type ." yes." then

    create inference_mode 16 allot

    : f_mode s" forward" inference_mode place ;
    : b_mode s" backward" inference_mode place ;

    : .mode inference_mode count type ;

    ' forward_:- f_:- ! ' forward_, f_, ! ' forward_.; f_.; !
    ' backward_:- b_:- ! ' backward_, b_, ! ' backward_.; b_.; !

    : forward_mode f_:- @ _:- ! f_, @ _, ! f_.; @ _.; ! f_mode ;
    : backward_mode b_:- @ _:- ! b_, @ _, ! b_.; @ _.; ! b_mode ;

    : :-? clear_facts backward_mode (:-?) ;
    : ->? forward_mode (->?) ;

    : yes assert ;
    : no retract ;
    \ : uknown unkown ;

    : do-it ( fact -- )
    dup fact_uft T =
    over fact_action nip
    0<> and if
    fact_action evaluate

    : apply_actions num_facts @ 0 do i th_fact do-it loop ;
    : .result ->? apply_actions ( clear_facts) ;
    : .partial_result ->? apply_actions ;

    create xxx 256 allot
    create xxxbuff 256 allot

    defer <-?
    : <-?_by_facts
    num_facts @ 6 do
    i th_fact fact_name type
    i th_fact fact_name xxx place
    s" " xxx +place
    ." <--- " xxxbuff 1+ 255 accept xxxbuff c!
    xxxbuff count
    0= if
    0 xxx c!
    xxxbuff count xxx +place
    xxx count evaluate
    cr .result

    ' <-?_by_facts is <-?

    : verify_fact ( fact --)
    dup >r
    fact_name xxx place
    s" " xxx +place
    ." <--- " xxxbuff 1+ 255 accept xxxbuff c!
    xxxbuff count
    0= if
    0 xxx c!
    xxxbuff count xxx +place
    xxx count r> fact_action drop 1- place

    : backward__, ( fact u/f/t fact --fact u/f/t)
    >r >r
    dup fact_uft dup F = swap U = or3
    r> r>
    rot T <> if
    dup fact_used not if
    dup fact_uft U <> if
    fact_uft and3
    cr ." verify: " fact_name type
    dup verify_fact
    true over used>fact
    fact_uft and3
    fact_uft and3

    ' backward_:- b_:- ! ' backward__, b__, ! ' backward_.; b_.; !
    : backward_mode b_:- @ _:- ! b_, @ _, ! b_.; @ _.; ! b_mode ;

    : verify_:- backward_:- ;
    : verify_, backward__, ;
    : verify_.; backward_.; ;

    : update_:- drop ;
    : update_, fact_action evaluate ;
    : update_.; update_, ;

    : use_:- backward_:- ;
    : use_, ( fact u/f/t fact --fact u/f/t)
    >r >r
    dup fact_uft dup F = swap U = or3
    r> r>
    rot T <> if
    fact_uft and3
    : use_.; backward_.; ;

    ' verify_:- v_:- ! ' verify_, v_, ! ' verify_.; v_.; !
    ' update_:- up_:- ! ' update_, up_, ! ' update_.; up_.; !
    ' use_:- us_:- ! ' use_, us_, ! ' use_.; us_.; !

    : verify v_:- @ _:- ! v_, @ _, ! v_.; @ _.; ! ;
    : update up_:- @ _:- ! up_, @ _, ! up_.; @ _.; ! ;
    : use us_:- @ _:- ! us_, @ _, ! us_.; @ _.; ! ;

    : verify_facts verify evaluate ;
    : update_facts update evaluate ;
    : use_facts use evaluate ;

    0 value k
    : <-?_by_rules
    2 0 do i to k
    num_rules @ 0 do
    num_facts @ 6 do
    i th_fact fact_name
    j th_rule drop over
    compare 0= if
    j th_rule verify_facts
    j th_rule update_facts
    j th_rule use_facts
    i th_fact fact_uft T = if
    cr ." apparently, " .partial_result cr
    k 1 = if
    cr ." final result:"
    cr ." -------------"
    cr ." finally, " .result unloop unloop unloop exit
    cr ." No results!"

    ' <-?_by_rules is <-?

    ----- The code terminates here

    The user can respond by: yes, no or unknown.
    An empty response is considered as unknown.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From mhx@21:1/5 to ahmed on Mon Jan 6 14:53:22 2025
    On Sun, 5 Jan 2025 5:52:35 +0000, ahmed wrote:

    First, I have the free version:

    iForth version 4.0.627, generated 15:51:53, December 18, 2010.
    x86_64 binary, native floating-point, extended precision.
    Copyright 1996 - 2010 Marcel Hendrix.

    Sending an e-mail address to mhx@iae.nl might cure a problem.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)