• Life destroyed by Aspirin!!

    From Bobbie Sellers@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 13 21:21:04 2024
    Hi denizens,

    I was a constant user of aspirin including St.Joseph's aspirin for children from an early age. I used to think it was harmless a minor
    pain killer.
    In the 1970s it destroyed my life. I didn't realize it at the
    time as I had a viral infection according to PCP of the moment. I
    was sent home with instructions to drink lots of water and to take
    aspirin. I overdid the aspirin because the fever messed up my head.
    I over did the aspirin but did not realize anything was
    wrong until a bit later another month or so when my shins broke
    out in red lumps which is english for Erythema Nodosum. I learned
    about by visiting San Francisco General and had to go repeatedly
    before they loosened their tight asses and prescribed a cortisone
    by mouth for my red lumps and learned that I was sensitive to all
    the drugs in the same chemical group as aspirin which is all the
    Salicylate drugs. Salicylates also occur in fruits and vegetables.
    Ok so then I got allergic to wheat, animal dairy products
    but specifically those with animal casein. Originally this was
    just cows milk but after a few years I became allergic to goat
    milk and sheep milk cheese.
    Then when I was 46 I got very ill maybe from exertion
    but after that whenever I exerted myself I ran the risk of
    being terribly ill. Worse exercise which had been my friend
    since young adulthood became poisonous to my body.
    Now this used to be called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    but I prefer Systemic Exertional Intolerance Disease. It happens
    after an illness which seems to resolve but recurs when
    exercise is attempted.
    At times I thought it was over and would go out as
    I was used to doing for the first part of my life and make
    myself sick all over again. And it causes brain fog which
    is why I did not figure out that exercise was making me

    Legal over the counter drugs can destroy your life
    so be careful. There is no cure for this post-viral problem.
    I had to give up many things like motorcycling and driving.
    I had to give up the motorbikes because I was getting cramps
    in my throttle hand and a bit later gave up driving because
    I could no longer stay awake enough to drive. I have lived
    in the same studio apartment now for over 50 years and it is
    crammed full with stuff of great interest to me at one time
    which is now just somewhat valuable clutter.

    I have told my tale, heed it and tell it to people
    who think that OTC drugs are safe. Remember that alcohol
    is legal and can be simply deadly or destroy your health
    just like tobacco.

    bliss-the hobbler

    b l i s s dash s f 4 e v e r at d s l e x t r e m e dot c o m

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  • From vallor@21:1/5 to Bobbie Sellers on Tue Dec 17 18:02:38 2024
    On Fri, 13 Dec 2024 21:21:04 -0800, Bobbie Sellers wrote:

    Hi denizens,

    I was a constant user of aspirin including St.Joseph's aspirin for children from an early age. I used to think it was harmless a minor
    pain killer.
    In the 1970s it destroyed my life. I didn't realize it at the
    time as I had a viral infection according to PCP of the moment. I
    was sent home with instructions to drink lots of water and to take
    aspirin. I overdid the aspirin because the fever messed up my head.
    I over did the aspirin but did not realize anything was
    wrong until a bit later another month or so when my shins broke
    out in red lumps which is english for Erythema Nodosum. I learned
    about by visiting San Francisco General and had to go repeatedly
    before they loosened their tight asses and prescribed a cortisone
    by mouth for my red lumps and learned that I was sensitive to all
    the drugs in the same chemical group as aspirin which is all the
    Salicylate drugs. Salicylates also occur in fruits and vegetables.
    Ok so then I got allergic to wheat, animal dairy products
    but specifically those with animal casein. Originally this was
    just cows milk but after a few years I became allergic to goat
    milk and sheep milk cheese.
    Then when I was 46 I got very ill maybe from exertion
    but after that whenever I exerted myself I ran the risk of
    being terribly ill. Worse exercise which had been my friend
    since young adulthood became poisonous to my body.
    Now this used to be called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    but I prefer Systemic Exertional Intolerance Disease. It happens
    after an illness which seems to resolve but recurs when
    exercise is attempted.
    At times I thought it was over and would go out as
    I was used to doing for the first part of my life and make
    myself sick all over again. And it causes brain fog which
    is why I did not figure out that exercise was making me

    Legal over the counter drugs can destroy your life
    so be careful. There is no cure for this post-viral problem.
    I had to give up many things like motorcycling and driving.
    I had to give up the motorbikes because I was getting cramps
    in my throttle hand and a bit later gave up driving because
    I could no longer stay awake enough to drive. I have lived
    in the same studio apartment now for over 50 years and it is
    crammed full with stuff of great interest to me at one time
    which is now just somewhat valuable clutter.

    I have told my tale, heed it and tell it to people
    who think that OTC drugs are safe. Remember that alcohol
    is legal and can be simply deadly or destroy your health
    just like tobacco.

    bliss-the hobbler

    Hi Bobbie,

    My heart goes out to you. Sorry you've been going through all that.

    The story has, though, cast a pall over the newsgroup, at least
    from my perspective. Human frailty being what it is, I can understand
    the necessity of getting the story out there -- but I wondered if you have something to say about Ubuntu? :)

    -Scott System76 Thelio Mega v1.1 x86_64 NVIDIA RTX 3090 Ti
    OS: Linux 6.12.5 Release: Mint 21.3 Mem: 258G
    "Felicity: A town inhabited by happy cats."

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  • From Paul@21:1/5 to vallor on Tue Dec 17 14:48:17 2024
    On Tue, 12/17/2024 1:02 PM, vallor wrote:
    On Fri, 13 Dec 2024 21:21:04 -0800, Bobbie Sellers wrote:

    Hi denizens,

    I was a constant user of aspirin including St.Joseph's aspirin for
    children from an early age. I used to think it was harmless a minor
    pain killer.
    In the 1970s it destroyed my life. I didn't realize it at the
    time as I had a viral infection according to PCP of the moment. I
    was sent home with instructions to drink lots of water and to take
    aspirin. I overdid the aspirin because the fever messed up my head.
    I over did the aspirin but did not realize anything was
    wrong until a bit later another month or so when my shins broke
    out in red lumps which is english for Erythema Nodosum. I learned
    about by visiting San Francisco General and had to go repeatedly
    before they loosened their tight asses and prescribed a cortisone
    by mouth for my red lumps and learned that I was sensitive to all
    the drugs in the same chemical group as aspirin which is all the
    Salicylate drugs. Salicylates also occur in fruits and vegetables.
    Ok so then I got allergic to wheat, animal dairy products
    but specifically those with animal casein. Originally this was
    just cows milk but after a few years I became allergic to goat
    milk and sheep milk cheese.
    Then when I was 46 I got very ill maybe from exertion
    but after that whenever I exerted myself I ran the risk of
    being terribly ill. Worse exercise which had been my friend
    since young adulthood became poisonous to my body.
    Now this used to be called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    but I prefer Systemic Exertional Intolerance Disease. It happens
    after an illness which seems to resolve but recurs when
    exercise is attempted.
    At times I thought it was over and would go out as
    I was used to doing for the first part of my life and make
    myself sick all over again. And it causes brain fog which
    is why I did not figure out that exercise was making me

    Legal over the counter drugs can destroy your life
    so be careful. There is no cure for this post-viral problem.
    I had to give up many things like motorcycling and driving.
    I had to give up the motorbikes because I was getting cramps
    in my throttle hand and a bit later gave up driving because
    I could no longer stay awake enough to drive. I have lived
    in the same studio apartment now for over 50 years and it is
    crammed full with stuff of great interest to me at one time
    which is now just somewhat valuable clutter.

    I have told my tale, heed it and tell it to people
    who think that OTC drugs are safe. Remember that alcohol
    is legal and can be simply deadly or destroy your health
    just like tobacco.

    bliss-the hobbler

    Hi Bobbie,

    My heart goes out to you. Sorry you've been going through all that.

    The story has, though, cast a pall over the newsgroup, at least
    from my perspective. Human frailty being what it is, I can understand
    the necessity of getting the story out there -- but I wondered if you have something to say about Ubuntu? :)

    The "fever" might actually have been an aspirin overdose.


    And this is Bobbies condition, right here. Right at the
    end of that article, it vectors off to this article.


    "The cause of Reye syndrome is unknown.[2] It usually begins shortly after
    recovery from a viral infection, such as influenza or chickenpox.[1] About
    90% of cases in children are associated with aspirin (salicylate) use.[2]
    Inborn errors of metabolism are also a risk factor.[3] The syndrome is
    associated with changes on blood tests such as a high blood ammonia level,
    low blood sugar level, and prolonged prothrombin time.[2] Often, the liver
    is enlarged in those who have the syndrome.[2]

    Prevention is typically by avoiding the use of aspirin in children.[1] <===

    When aspirin was withdrawn for use in children in the US and UK in the 1980s,
    a decrease of more than 90% in rates of Reye syndrome was observed.

    Acetyl salicylic acid is also an antiviral, and has some sort of RNA activity. It might have been used for that, if not for the contraindications of Aspirin. Aspirin kills viruses, but it also seems to have other effects. This means
    it has too many non-specific effects perhaps, to be consumed like popcorn.



    I think Bobbie is focusing on the wrong thing here. Organic chemistry
    is of relatively recent origin. Chemists started extracting things from
    coal tars and crude oil. The chemists were so stupid at the time, as to
    sniff and (ugh) taste the purified materials extracted. Some of the
    materials extracted were carcinogens. As a chemist, we give a tip of the
    hat to those dead people, because they effectively taught us some
    new behaviors in chem lab -- you don't "inhale" from the vat,
    neither do you "taste" anything you make. We also learned from that
    early chemistry, that "anything with a chlorine or a halogen bonded
    to it, regard it as a carcinogen before determining otherwise".

    "By 1899, Bayer had dubbed this drug Aspirin and was selling it globally."

    Aspirin was likely invented before a lot of our other pharmaceuticals.
    The testing process for proving a compound is "safe and effective",
    was likely a lot more crude and not very good. This means we "accepted"
    the material, without a thorough workup. Modern drugs go through a lot
    more testing steps than the Aspirin described in Wikipedia.

    There are currently around 20 million organic compounds. We've made so
    many of them, that some, they have a name and a melting point, and no
    other determination of properties has been done. We don't ingest these.
    The number of materials commonly in circulation, is a lot less than that.
    And orders of magnitude less, are used as therapeutic drugs.

    When the radioactive material "radium" was in vogue, some genius added
    it to a cough syrup. Some gentleman consumed a quantity of the material...
    and his jaw fell off (lower jaw detached). This put a damper on the
    consumption of the medication. Now, that's how we used to do things :-)
    That, and having fluoroscopes in shoe stores, so you could look at
    your toe bones inside a new pair of shoes (XRays). Humans really aren't all that bright, when you get right down to it.


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  • From Hoppy@21:1/5 to vallor on Tue Dec 17 11:30:26 2024
    On 12/17/24 10:02, vallor wrote:
    On Fri, 13 Dec 2024 21:21:04 -0800, Bobbie Sellers wrote:

    There is no cure for this post-viral problem.
    I had to give up many things like motorcycling


    Remember that alcohol
    is legal and can be simply deadly or destroy your health
    just like tobacco.




    Those reports are not hard to find.

    My Dad died of Parkinson's Disease at 85, not too long after he finally
    quit smoking. In hindsight, it appears that was a mistake.

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  • From Bobbie Sellers@21:1/5 to vallor on Tue Dec 17 14:11:40 2024
    On 12/17/24 10:02, vallor wrote:
    big snip
    I have told my tale, heed it and tell it to people
    who think that OTC drugs are safe. Remember that alcohol
    is legal and can be simply deadly or destroy your health
    just like tobacco.

    bliss-the hobbler

    Hi Bobbie,

    My heart goes out to you. Sorry you've been going through all that.

    The story has, though, cast a pall over the newsgroup, at least
    from my perspective. Human frailty being what it is, I can understand
    the necessity of getting the story out there -- but I wondered if you have something to say about Ubuntu? :)

    Well I recxall making a mistake when posting this little
    rant but I cancelled that one I believe but maybe you saw it be
    before it was cancelled.

    I have a few things to say about Ubuntu but I better not
    say them here. A hint is that I started with Mandriva 2006.
    My personal users opinion is that Ubuntu is not as friendly
    as Mandriva was in 2006.

    bliss the hobbler

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  • From Dan Purgert@21:1/5 to Paul on Wed Dec 18 13:50:21 2024
    On 2024-12-17, Paul wrote:
    When the radioactive material "radium" was in vogue, some genius added
    it to a cough syrup. Some gentleman consumed a quantity of the material... and his jaw fell off (lower jaw detached). This put a damper on the consumption of the medication. Now, that's how we used to do things :-)

    Don't forget the "Radium Girls" who used to paint it onto watch hands

    |_|_|O| Github: https://github.com/dpurgert
    |O|O|O| PGP: DDAB 23FB 19FA 7D85 1CC1 E067 6D65 70E5 4CE7 2860

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