• Re: snow load

    From clams casino@21:1/5 to Ed P on Thu Dec 12 13:41:30 2024
    XPost: alt.home.repair, rec.food.cooking, alt.idiots
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 12/10/2024 9:06 PM, Ed P wrote:
    On 12/10/2024 10:11 PM, Snag wrote:

       Are there no local craftsmen capable of building trusses ?

    They are all over in France working on the cathedral.
    Amazing what they have done.

    Yesssss...they brought in waves of illegal Muzzis to torch it, then
    rehired them all to rebuild it:


    "At the Notre-Dame rebuilding, great care was taken by the leadership to
    cast far and wide for the absolute creme de la creme of craftsmen,
    wherever they were to be found.

    The master carpenters, for example, working to recreate the wooden beams
    of the cathedral’s roof trusses, were from the United States, the UK,
    Spain, Denmark, Bosnia and India, as well as France.

    They included Christians, Jews, Hindus and Muslims, all chosen because
    of their high level of skill in using the traditional medieval methods
    of craftsmanship, skills now in retreat under the onslaught of computer precision, mass production and the relentless advance of industrial
    technology "

    Giverment defined.

    You /LOVE/ tax, burn and rebuild scams like that, doncha Eddie P?

    You fucking statist asshole.

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