PHATstar: A New Crew in The Scene
Around 2017 there was found to be a need for a Scene group that represented the Christian community within the BBS Scene. There were found to be many "1337" h4x0r groups but nothing specifically for the Christian community. So PHATstar was formed. The name stands for "Progressive Hackers And Technologists" [PHAT] The "star" part was added to the end of the name to differentiate us from the acronym of "Pretty Hot And Tempting," as well as being something that everyone likes---I mean who doesn't like the stars. :) We have nothing to do with the dating scene, but are a Christian collective of people devoted to God who can make a good difference in other people's lives. Out membership is small but as The Holy Bible says: "don't despise small beginnings."
It is very rewarding to be a member of PHATstar, with many tangible physical products being shared with all members. Everyone has their own e-mail address, their own vServer, their own website, their own access credentials to host their files on the Society HTTPS/SFTP file server, and legit keys to various software packages. We have our own channel on Element/Matrix where we regularly meet up with like-minded individuals and further the work of God. If you're not a Born Again Christian you will not be accepted into the Society. Also, there is no dues to be a member, as I have had times where I could not afford to be a member of an amateur radio club, and a member of Toastmasters, so that bothered me and I decided to make this thing such that anyone of any financial situation could become a member. If you are a member and would like to contribute financially that is welcomed by by no means required.
It is a private Society, so no one can force their way in. If you've been deemed not suitable you quite simply won't get in. This is no Scouts or Guides club but a real Society that works in private to move forward the Christian Great Commission.
We have also adopted "Embracing Obscurity" as our Manifesto. It details how we as a Society view things and will give you insight into our practices. We can be reached on our website at Our Society's main contact e-mail address is PHATstar is the group that is behind the Sp00knet and FishingNet Echomail Networks. We also do various things behind the scenes to help people in their Christian journeys. We are working on a book called "Textmode Magazine's Echomail Networking," and it is all about everything to do with Echomail from a Mystic BBS perspective, with many nuggets that are useful to people who aren't of the Mystic persuasion, such as Synchronet and Enigma1/2 board sysops. We look forward to helping people in the BBS Scene with both public and private good works.
Have yourself a most excellent day!
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
* Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. (700:100/37)