The Criminal Enterprise
warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to
All on Sat Sep 7 20:12:22 2024
The Criminal Enterprise
There are two types of economies: legal and legit or criminal and illegal. We will be examining the criminal and illegal economies here. It will be an analysis of just what a criminal economy can produce and the assumed authority of the legislative branch of government and the police that enforce the laws given down by that legislative branch.
What makes something illegal? It is the dictate from the legislative branch of the government in their statement that a thing is illegal, and what the penalties are, and also including the judicial branch of government that brings down rulings against alleged criminals in a court of law. Now in the West the legislative branch has taken a back seat to the judicial branch, with courts deciding the law in higher and higher levels of court to decide precedents and the law of the land. This is not supposed to be the case. The legislative branch is supposed to determine the laws and the judicial branch is supposed to enforce the law of the legislative branch. The legal situation in The West is broken. In countries such as Russia, they have courts that judge alleged criminals based on the legislative branch and the judicial branch taking a real back-seat. This would be perfect, except that the legislative branch is corrupt and follows the dictates of Vladmir Putin in most matters. So which is worse? Having a system that is broken with judges making policy, or having a system that is broken in having a corrupt
legislature who follow the will of the President? Neither are very attractive, and both are unjust.
I think back to the situation of Edward Snowden... He has made it clear that the reason he is not going back to the USA is because it wouldn't be a just trial, and he would be absolutely correct. They would throw the law book at him and not have a jury, and treat him as guilty before being judged innocent.
The way the American government currently acts is unfair to journalists, which in the end-game is exactly what Edward Snowden was and is. He saw massive injustice and blew the whistle on the government crimes that he witnessed happening first hand. This current age is not ruled by the Roman Government---this is the 21st century. We have come a long way in our acquiring fair trials, open trials, and expedient trials. Still though, there are places like the USA who appear to be fair, just, and open, only to have a two-tiered system of law for when they feel like really messing someone over. The juries are not informed that they can cast their votes in favor of Edward even though his actions may technically be illegal. In actual fact a jury can acquit a person with a vote of not-guilty even though they may technically be guilty, simply on principle, with the jury over-ruling the system.
So, back to "The Criminal Enterprise..." Our justice systems are systemically broken. In basic education that goes on in secondary or prep schools of all Western states, and indeed all cultures and societies, the students should be required to take and pass several classes on domestic and international law. The burden of acquiring and understanding of the law is currently placed on the average citizen, though most citizens are not fluent in law, their rights, and their privileges, and what is considered crime, with an understanding of the legal consequences of breaking said laws.
So what is the take-home of all this discussion? First be sure to get educated on the laws of your country and region. Then get educated on international law that may apply to you. Then---and this is important and will save you a lot of trouble coming your way---don't do crime. There is no law against not committing crime. Now, that is not an and-all and be-all, as you should be able to practice the following of the faith of your religion, whether the laws of your country call the practice legal or illegal. There are some things that have a higher law such as the worship of God, but for most people, they live in free enough countries in which they can worship their God in. There is no higher law than to love your God with all of your heart and soul and mind, and to love your neighbors as yourself. Do these things and you will do well and prosper. And remember that God's laws supersede the laws of Mankind.
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