Is Putin Worth His Word? Does Putin Lie?
warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to
All on Fri Sep 6 19:24:52 2024
Is Putin Worth His Word? Does Putin lie?
Around the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia gave their word to Ukraine that if they would release all of their nuclear weapons into the custody of Russia, that Russia will make a guarantee that Russia would never attack Ukraine and that it would recognize Ukraine as a sovereign state. This promise was broken. This promise was spectacularly broken. There are currently thousands of thousands of people dead from this conflict---a war that was given under the word of Russia never to happen.
Continuing on with this line of ridiculousness, most recently Russia has made a pact with North Korea of mutual assistance in a time of war. This prevents The West from making war on North Korea or the power of the bear of Russia will be let loose. Its all a bunch of craziness. Putin has made this agreement with North Korea because it would give him a perfect reason to wage ware on the West if one of his allies, namely North Korea was ever attacked by Western powers.
Putin has been known for his propaganda and outright disinformation. I remember during the preparation for war Putin claimed that it was just war games maneuvers and that there was nothing to worry about. One of his puppets on RT Television even mocked the idea of Russia going to war with anyone, along the lines of "we just don't do that sort of thing" (paraphrase).
One pseudo-analyst that I know of has even been considering Russia using tactical nuclear weapons on Russia's own soil to stop an invasion into Russia proper. He would get "the adversary" in a large group, nuke them, and then say that it was his prerogative as the nuke was detonated on Russia's own territory and not some foreign soil. Valdmir Putin is definitely a wild card.
His word can't be trusted and he is in control of the world's largest stock-pile of nuclear weapons. Its a scary situation.
From Putin's perspective, NATO (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was never supposed to put its presence near Russia. There were supposed to be buffer states surrounding Russia that were either non-billigerant or non-aligned. Having those countries as a buffer gave the Russian government some peace of mind that they would have knowledge in advance if an ICBM (Inter-Continential Ballistic Missile) was ever nearing Russian air space. Putin is stuck in the thinking of the times of the Cold War. The West does not want a war with Russia, they want to be friendly, peaceful, and at ease. Putin's actions reveal that his ministers, advisors, and counselors are
either working in an echo-chamber or are providing him with false information, trying to manipulate Putin. An echo-chamber is when there is a group of people who are all saying the same thing, basing their advice off of other people in that same chamber, making for a mess of things, everyone saying the same narrative, thoughts bouncing around the group with no new and fresh
ideas being allowed into the mix. Basically it is when one's advisors all talk amongst themselves without considering alternate explanations for things.
Their ears just aren't open to conflicting opinions. They are deaf.
Why do you think that Putin is doing what he is doing? What have we not yet considered? What is there to worry about and what things are secure? How can we best mitigate the storm that is brewing? I'm interested in your opinions on this matter.
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