Sp00k Tot Moppet Agent Provacaturs
warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to
All on Fri Sep 6 19:14:23 2024
Sp00k Tot Moppet Agent Provocateurs
When a country wants to do an action without getting into trouble for their misdeeds they go one of several routes. First would be to use embassy staff who have diplomatic immunity. The second would be to hire local mercenaries who the country owes nothing to; people who are hired hands and receive no protection from the country. Finally, would be to hire someone who by the nature of the country's laws is immune from prosecution. It is this last group of people that we will discuss today. These include children who are too young to be brought to hold account for their actions. Similarly, there are teens who would only get community service for their activities. So hiring young can save a nation the trouble of technically braking the law. These kids are used specifically because they are not legally held accountable for their activities.
There are currently several countries that participate in the hiring of youth as agents. The first and most pronounced was the former Soviet Union because they held no scruples about winning the Cold War no matter the means necessary to make that happen. The second is France, but with France their agents are older than they appear, so its not quite as bad as it seems. They are known to insinuate "children" into groups or families under the pretense of being fourteen years of age when they are actually sixteen or eighteen, depending on the position of their security intelligence practices under their current mode of operation. The third is Canada. This might sound like a falsehood, except in my own experience living in Canada that security-intelligence operations include entire families in the operations. So in Canada there wouldn't be the sexual enticement of the other two, however the kids of Intelligence Families know what their parents are up to and are sometimes called up to serve by acting as very young informants. It appears that in Canada anyhow there are no "police informants," but rather all the civilian intelligence activities are run by the national Intelligence Service, rather than having "police informants," per se. The police are clients of the intelligence product, but the police themselves do not have full control of the agents. Yes, there is trading of information between services, however the municipal and provincial police are clients of the intelligence product produced by the security intelligence apparatus. The Federal police do have their own operations, but there is a lack of trust between the Feds and the Canadian Intelligence Community (IC). Because of this there is a lack of sharing of information which can lead to a lack of putting parts of puzzles together as the services are not trusting the handling of intelligence product with other branches of government who may not handle the product to the same security level as the parts of government directly acquiring the information. Basically, the IC doesn't share stuff with the cops because they don't see the Feds as being trustworthy in the handling of the secrets.
Back to the use of Sp00k Moppet Tots: this is done in places like France because their culture is far different that of North American thought. They are very much more woke than their English speaking counterparts, so what seems distasteful to "The West" is not thought of as so bad my nations like France. They just think differently; its a cultural thing.
What do you folks think about using minors as agents? Is it abhorrent? Is it something that needs to be done to acquire the hard to get intelligence product? Does this need to be done at all? And to what end---does it actually produce results that are worth of the moral dilemma? Let me know.
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