A long read that explains how the US Gov functions have changed
https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/07/09/big-picture-question-big-p icture-answer/
Read this in chunks given its length.
As background consider additionally reading:
more importantly
Big takeaways:
- The "Civics Class Model" of US Government is not an accurate representation.
- When certain parts of the government become self-policing and even self-creating, there are less checks & balances in operation.
- Constitution, Laws, Votes and other traditional constraints have been circumvented.
- The use of Information Silos, over-classification,
public/private revolving doors, and Control of Clearances are weapons in play.
- We are being lied to, either explicitly or by suppression of facts, extensively.
- There are multiple forces at play, with Chinese, Russian, EU, and Saudis, among others, each in this struggle.
- Presently at the Federal Level there is little opportunity to "fix the system" leaving a rebuild from the local & state levels as the main opportunities.
- At a personal level, avoiding/surviving the wrath of the system remains a high priority.
--- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS
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