• 64bit Sync

    From Nigel Reed@RICKSBBS to All on Tue Aug 14 09:47:00 2007
    I've setup a 64bit version of Synchronet at mavbbs64.synchro.net port 40000+ (ie, telnet is 40023, ssh is 40022, http is 40080 etc.

    If anyone would like to login and putter around, check for 64bit bugs or just want to try and break it, come on in and give it a go.


    Oh, no - it's not a bbs ad, it's just an announcement that it's open for breaking, not open for general users as yet.

    Oh, the irc port is 6667 as usual.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Maverick BBS - 64bit Version. Try us out - report the bugs :)