• C U F O R N

    From Seth Able@RICKSBBS to all on Tue Dec 10 10:10:00 2024
    C U F O R N
    Crescat scientia vita excolatur
    (Where knowledge increases, life is enobled)

    ~~~~~~~~~~ -Joseph Muskat
    -Larry Fenwick
    -Harry Tokarz

    The Canadian UFO Research Network (CUFORN) is a nonprofit
    organization incorporated in Ontario in December, 1977, with its
    headquarters in Willodale, which is part of Toronto. Co-directors
    Joe Muskat, Larry Fenwick and Harry Tokarz have amongst them more
    than 70 years of UFO research.

    CUFORN has newspaper clipping service access, photo,
    magazine and report files, the use of polygraph and psychological
    stress evaluation devices and other equipment for use in its
    investigations. We try to provide technical and scientific
    consultants for every phase of research and investigation. We have
    a list of recommended books and magazines available at a cost of
    only $1.00 . A one-year membership is yours for only $19.00 (Can.),
    and is payable to CUFORN, Inc. by a cheque or money order.

    Our Hot-Line telephone number is ** 416-787-1935 **. Calls
    are taken at any time except between 11pm and 7am., EST. CUFORN's
    mailing address is listed below.

    We train and appoint field investigators, and have
    available a series of comphrehensive Sighting Report Forms for use
    by our members. Meetings are held only when something of major
    significance is reported. We have affiliations with other groups
    in Canada and around the world.

    CUFORN's aims are: to receive reports, check to see if any
    mundane causes explain the reported sighting; send out field
    investigators on close encounter, landing and abduction reports;
    have soil and plant analysis done; interview observers; draw
    conclusions, if possible, in final reports on cases; send these to
    other UFO groups; and adhere to our code of ethics, while
    maintaining a healthy skepticism and adherence to the scientific

    All reputable UFO groups and independent researchers are
    invited to join CUFORN or arrange affiliation. Members get the
    latest news on investigations and other news in the form of the
    CUFORN Bulletin every two months.

    Write or phone us to get a membership form. When we approve
    your application and receive your membership fee, we will send you
    a membership card and put you on the Bulletin mailing list.
    Sighting report forms will be sent to those who ask for them. All
    completed forms must be sent to CUFORN headquarters immediately
    after completion of an investigation.

    Membership qualifications are as follows: A minimum of five
    years of intensive UFO research including the reading of at least
    five books on the subject, OR ONE of the following: A university
    or college degree; experience or training in any one of these:
    insurance investigator, media reporter, astronomy, aeronautics,
    computer technology, electronics, photography, art, law
    enforcement, or public relations.

    U.S. and foreign membership fee is $21.00 per year in
    Canadian funds.

    Canadian U.F.O. Research Network
    P.O. Box 15, Station "A"
    Willodale, Ontario, Canada
    M2N 5S7

    Ph.# 416-787-1935

    CUFORN Staff:
    President: Joseph Muskat

    Corresponding Secretary: Lawrence J. Fenwick, B.A. (Journalism)

    Treasurer: Harry Tokarz

    Physics: David Harrison, Ph.D.
    George Hathaway, Ph.D., P. Eng.
    Eric R. Smith, B.Sc.
    Stanton T. Friedman, B.Sc. M.Sc.

    Astronomy: Rick Ivanoff
    Terrence Dickinson, B.Sc. M.Sc.
    Bruce D. Powell

    Aeronautics: Bruce D. Powell
    Claude Freeman
    Eric R. Smith, B.Sc.

    Linguistics: P.M.H. Maximilian Edwards, Ph.D.

    Computer Technology: Victor Lourenco
    Willy Smith, B.Sc.

    Regressive Hypnosis: David Gotlib, M.D.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Rick's BBS - telnet://ricksbbs.synchro.net:23