• Subject: Anti-gravity veh

    From Ty Holder@RICKSBBS to all on Thu Nov 28 18:20:00 2024
    Newsgroups: alt.alien.research
    Subject: Anti-gravity vehicle
    Date: Sun, 24 Mar 1996 04:37:38 -0800
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    I know that anyone (if not everyone) reading this may have serious
    doubts but come hell or high water, I will build a craft that will revolutionize the way man looks at propulsion. I have designs that can
    only be described as revolutionary but not mystical. Trouble is, to
    build my craft is going to take money. I have some simple test models to
    build to prove my designs but I require some rather unique (as well as everyday) items. Some are quite simple and they combine to build certain components that have never been built by anyone willing to admit it. Or
    perhaps someone has come close but never applied it in just the correct fashion. I have a very high rating in the ability known as "3D problem solving". I believe it is being of the top 1% in this categorie that
    gives me the unique ability to solve man's question; How do we travel at
    the speeds we believe UFO's are capable of?
    or; Why don't visiting aliens just stop and say "hello, we're here,
    we're real"?

    That may be as simple as Star Trek's "Prime Directive", perhaps they're
    of the belief that if we don't know how to keep up with them, then we're inferior and shouldn't be influenced unfairly. It may be that they can't understand why we can't grasp a simple concept such as controlling
    gravity. The fact is, our whole universe is just full of examples and
    answers about the mysteries of gravity. Why man hasn't built such a
    craft may be in the way he sees power/transfers as being applied in
    machinery. I see the way that man has built everything as being rather 2 dimensional when it comes to motors, gyros, and just about everything
    that has anything to do with locomotion. My designs truly take the motor
    into a new era by being more 3 dimensionally designed. It is my firm
    belief that when we build the craft that can do 100,000 miles plus per
    hour then we will be able to have open communication with other worlds.
    Imagine not needing ridiculous amounts of fuel just to get into orbit.
    Now imagine a vehicle (shaped much like a disk) that can go into orbit
    on only a 100 gallons of gas. Such a vehicle would make the space
    shuttle obsolete, which would make building our "Enterprise" a lot more feasible. It would mean that for all the fuel we waste on just one space shuttle mission, we would be able to colonize the moon.

    Now here's where you can help.

    I want to build our new form of transportation and all I want is for my
    name to be up there with Einstein, Newton and all the other great minds
    of our history. The only thing is, due to my limited income (disability pension) I am unable to put any money into this project. I have spent 25
    years of my life working on my designs and I think that's more than
    anyone else has contributed to such a worthwhile effort. So who do I
    go to? I'm not versed in patents and whatever else I should be
    considering for protecting my ideas. I don't need protection but
    perhaps proper business management and marketing skills. I want this
    to be of benefit for all of mankind. It wouldn't hurt of course if
    me and my investors made a tidy profit on something that could save
    our planet and promote our space exploration programs. I really
    don't think most of us would really want to spend as much time as we
    think we would in space as that really looks like a very lonely
    place but once somebody mapped the galaxies, space route maps might
    make the journey more enjoyable. After all, who wants to just see
    how much nothing is out there?

    So if you can tell me how I should go about this project, or know of
    who would be interested in helping me build this craft, please email
    me. You could be instrumental in changing man's history.


    Ty Holder
    ■ Synchronet ■ Rick's BBS telnet://ricksbbs.synchro.net:23