• Re: New onelinerz scripts

    From niter3@RICKSBBS to echicken on Tue Dec 21 13:38:00 2010
    I must ask, but who is in your superbear-xmas.jpg ?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.08 A31 (Linux)
    * Origin: Clutch BBS * telnet://clutch.darktech.org (77:1/104)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From echicken@RICKSBBS to niter3 on Tue Dec 21 14:53:00 2010
    Re: Re: New onelinerz scripts for Synchronet
    By: niter3 to echicken on Tue Dec 21 2010 13:38:00

    I must ask, but who is in your superbear-xmas.jpg ?

    That's our semi-retarded Norwegian friend spidy, wishing everybody an happy/holiday, kthnx.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32
    * Origin: electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com (77:1/138)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From Netsurge@RICKSBBS to echicken on Tue Dec 21 16:54:00 2010
    Re: Re: New onelinerz scripts for Synchronet
    By: echicken to niter3 on Tue Dec 21 2010 02:53 pm

    That's our semi-retarded Norwegian friend spidy, wishing everybody an happy/holiday, kthnx.

    He's not semi-retarded, he's just Norwegian, lol.

    |08[|07=|15! frank |07aka |15netsurge
    |08[|07=|15! diskshop bbs |08. |15http/ftp/nntp/telnet |08. |15bbs.diskshop.ca |08[|07=|15! bbs-scene.org |08. |15where all the cool kids hang out

    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From Netsurge@RICKSBBS to bbs-scene.help on Tue Dec 21 17:25:00 2010
    On 21/12/10 11:37 AM, echicken wrote:

    (And will likely be available at bbs-scene.org's Downloads section soon.)

    It's up on the bbs-scene.org downloads section and has been hatched in
    the Fidonet and SciNet bbs-scene file backbone.

    Do you have some sort of fileecho processor running on your system? If
    so I can give you access to the bbs-scene fileecho and you can hatch it
    out when you want.


    frank aka netsurge
    bbs.diskshop.ca . http/ftp/nntp/telnet
    bbs-scene.org . where all the cool kids hang out
    hysteriabbs.com . running enthral bbs

    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From niter3@RICKSBBS to echicken on Tue Dec 21 18:26:00 2010
    That's our semi-retarded Norwegian friend spidy, wishing everybody an happy/holiday, kthnx.

    To funny! :)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.08 A31 (Linux)
    * Origin: Clutch BBS * telnet://clutch.darktech.org (77:1/104)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From Lux@RICKSBBS to Niter3 on Wed Dec 22 08:25:00 2010
    I must ask, but who is in your superbear-xmas.jpg ?

    Sounds like spidy in a red jacket

    --- Renegade v1.10/DOS
    * Origin: . Physics . phybbs.dyndns.org . (77:1/162)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From Lux@RICKSBBS to Echicken on Wed Dec 22 08:30:00 2010
    Sysops running Synchronet <SNIP>
    excluding those poor suckers running 3.13a

    --- Renegade v1.10/DOS
    * Origin: . Physics . phybbs.dyndns.org . (77:1/162)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From echicken@RICKSBBS to Lux on Thu Dec 23 19:24:00 2010
    Re: Re: New onelinerz scripts for Synchronet
    By: Lux to Echicken on Wed Dec 22 2010 08:30:34

    excluding those poor suckers running 3.13a

    Not at all. I bent over backwards to make it work on your 3.13a install, but since you weren't authenticating users before they could post, my reward was being accused by jas, for no good reason, of being the person anonymously flaming others on the onelinerz when suddendeath started trolling from your board. It made more sense for you to go with Tiny's door, which you could run from within Renegade after users had logged in, but my script did work with your 3.13a install and can be made to do so again should somebody need that.

    But somehow I don't anticipate getting any requests for this...

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32
    * Origin: electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com (77:1/138)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From Lux@RICKSBBS to Echicken on Sat Jan 1 02:54:00 2011
    Not at all. I bent over backwards to make it work on your 3.13a install, b since you weren't authenticating users before they could post, my reward wa blah blah blah
    board. It made more sense for you to go with Tiny's door, which you could from within Renegade after users had logged in, but my script did work with your 3.13a install and can be made to do so again should somebody need that

    Yeah but simple fix to that was nobody can post from the matrix menu.
    Set Tinys door up at the matrix with the same thing no posting.
    Its neet if you just want to check the onelinerz without having to login to the BBS.

    But somehow I don't anticipate getting any requests for this...

    No2pencil uses 3.13a tho I never asked why.
    Maybe he could put it to work. But I would have to recommend Tinys door it makes more sense vs. offsite parsing.

    --- Renegade v1.10/DOS
    * Origin: . Physics . phybbs.dyndns.org . (77:1/162)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From echicken@RICKSBBS to Lux on Sun Jan 9 13:38:00 2011
    Re: Re: New onelinerz scripts for Synchronet
    By: Lux to Echicken on Sat Jan 01 2011 02:54:40

    Yeah but simple fix to that was nobody can post from the matrix menu.
    Set Tinys door up at the matrix with the same thing no posting.
    Its neet if you just want to check the onelinerz without having to login to the BBS.

    Mine had options to deny posting. :| But even so, yeah, it was an ugly and convoluted method for you to use, so I'm glad for both our sakes that it's no longer needed. :)

    Maybe he could put it to work. But I would have to recommend Tinys door it makes more sense vs. offsite parsing.

    Absolutely. Tiny's door makes the most sense for you 3.13 weirdos and I'd recommend it over my script for that scenario. It just irked me to read "except for us 3.13 people" after I went to a lot of trouble to make it work there. Just trying to keep facts straight, bro! Eh, bro? Eh?


    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32
    * Origin: electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com (77:1/138)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From Lux@RICKSBBS to Echicken on Tue Jan 11 23:19:00 2011
    Maybe he could put it to work. But I would have to recommend Tinys door it makes more sense vs. offsite parsing.

    Absolutely. Tiny's door makes the most sense for you 3.13 weirdos and I'd recommend it over my script for that scenario. It just irked me to read "except for us 3.13 people" after I went to a lot of trouble to make it wor there. Just trying to keep facts straight, bro! Eh, bro? Eh?

    Sure whatever you need ;)
    Yours worked great as long as you where parsing..
    Tiny's is great for 3.13 weirdos and DOS users alike. (Thats like Me and Tiny) lol seriously there are a few dos users out there.

    --- Renegade v1.10/DOS
    * Origin: . Physics . phybbs.dyndns.org . (77:1/162)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From echicken@RICKSBBS to Lux on Mon Jan 17 21:20:00 2011
    Re: Re: New onelinerz scripts for Synchronet
    By: Lux to Echicken on Tue Jan 11 2011 23:19:46

    lol seriously there are a few dos users out there.

    More than a few, I'd imagine. This is BBS-land, after all.

    electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com - 416-273-7230
    --- SBBSecho 2.12-Win32
    * Origin: electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com (77:1/138)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From Lux@RICKSBBS to Echicken on Wed Jan 19 03:43:00 2011
    Re: Re: New onelinerz scripts for Synchronet
    By: Lux to Echicken on Tue Jan 11 2011 23:19:46

    lol seriously there are a few dos users out there.

    More than a few, I'd imagine. This is BBS-land, after all.

    Oh I got lost again and thought I was on a web based chat forum.

    --- Renegade v1.10/DOS
    * Origin: . Physics . phybbs.dyndns.org . (77:1/162)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca