• Global Onelinerz

    From Netsurge@RICKSBBS to All on Sat Dec 18 01:26:00 2010
    For those of you using the perl version of my global onelinerz script i urge you to upgrade to the latest version which adds support for Renegade style
    pipe codes.

    You can grab the latest version, 2.2, from either the Diskshop BBS or from the downloads section of bbs-scene.org.

    If you have any questions or any problems with it please let me know in this echo.


    |15netsurge |08>> |15hysteriabbs.com |08>> |15enthralbbs.com

    --- Enthral BBS 0.429/Alpha (Linux i686)
    * Origin: hysteria >> hysteriabbs.com >> toronto ca (77:1/503)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca
  • From Lux@RICKSBBS to Netsurge on Mon Dec 20 01:58:00 2010
    For those of you using the perl version of my global onelinerz script i urg you to upgrade to the latest version which adds support for Renegade style pipe codes.

    yeah Renegade style !

    You can grab the latest version, 2.2, from either the Diskshop BBS or from downloads section of bbs-scene.org.

    Or for those who can't use this because they run a Renegade style bbs Tiny's Onelinerz door also supports |04Color

    --- Renegade v1.10/DOS
    * Origin: . Physics . phybbs.dyndns.org . (77:1/162)
    * Synchronet * >> diskshop bbs >> bbs.diskshop.ca