From Rixter@RICKSBBS to all on Thu Nov 28 09:23:00 2024
    (8154) Fri 30 Sep 94 8:20p
    By: John Powell
    To: All
    Re: Usaf Afi 10-704
    St: Local Sent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BY ORDER OF THE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 10-704

    [USAF] Operations
    MILITARY DECEPTION PROGRAM _____________________________________________________________________

    This instruction implements AFPD 10-7, Command and Control Warfare, by providing guidance for planning, coordinating, and executing tactical
    military deception. This instruction does not apply to Air Force
    Education and Training Command and Air Force Materiel Command. For a comprehensive review of deception above the wing level, see Chairman,
    Joint Chiefs of Staff, Instruction (CJCSI) 3211.O1, Joint Military
    Deception. Use CJCSI 3211.01 when involved in joint operations, joint exercises, or Joint task forces.


    This is the initial publication of AFI 10-704, substantially revising
    AFR 55-49.

    1. Authority To Plan and Execute Tactic Military Deception (TD):
    1.1 Under the authority of Commanders in Chief (CINC), tactical
    commanders at all levels develop and employ TD tactics during
    peacetime, crisis, or war.
    1.2. The commander authorized to review TD supported operations plans
    (OPlans), not requiring CJCS review, will review and approve the
    TD plan.
    1.2.1. For all joint deception, commanders must comply with CJCSI
    1.2.2. Approval authority for unilateral USAF deceptions is the
    supported major command (MAJCOM). MAJCOMs must ensure
    deception plans are forwarded to the Joint Staff, through HQ
    USAF, for approval if it meets any of the criteria listed in
    CJCSI 3211.O1, Enclosure B, Policy, paragraph 2, Joint
    Military Deception Policy.

    2. TD Program Objectives:
    2.1. Support theater operations plans including tactical levels of
    war using conventional and unconventional forces.
    2.2. Support contingency operations and plans including emergencies
    caused by terrorists or subversives, and situations requiring a
    military response.
    2.3. In war or contingency, enable commanders to:
    * Achieve surprise.
    * Enhance security.
    * Seize the initiative by actively misleading the enemy tactical
    * Destroy an adversary's command and control capabilities.
    2.4. In peacetime. deceive by conditioning opposing commanders to
    expect false procedures, capabilities, limitations, and tactics.
    2 5. Involve the TD Working Group and intelligence personnel.
    2.6. Target a person, usually the enemy's tactical or operational
    2.7 Enable commanders to routinely develop and implement TD
    2 8. Enhance combat effectiveness and contribute to the success of
    military operations.
    2.9. Combine deception with other Command and Control Warfare
    * Operations security (OPSEC).
    * Psychological operations (PSYOPS).
    * Electronic warfare (EW).
    * Destruction of enemy capabilities.
    2.10. Support normal operations, exercises, crises, and wars with
    efficient planning, coordinating, and execution of TD.
    2.11. Follow security procedures described in:
    * TD Program Security Classification Guide.
    * AFI 31-4O1, Information Security Program Management (formerly
    AFRs 205-1 and 205-43).
    * AFPD 31-4, Information Security.
    * CJCSI 3211.01.

    3. Responsibilities:
    3.1. Directorate of Forces, Special Operations Division (HQ
    3.1.1. Serves as the office of primary responsibility (OPR) for TD.
    3.1.2. Provides policy guidance for planning, coordinating. and
    executing TD operations.
    3.1.3. Manages forces, personnel, materiel quantities, and costs.
    3.1.4. Provides liaison with the Joint Staff.
    3.1.5. Augments supported or supporting commands, as needed, during
    contingencies, exercises, and provides staff assistance.
    3.1.6. Helps MAJCOMs develop and maintain their TD programs.
    3.1.7. Coordinates MAJCOM TD efforts to prevent conflicts with other
    3.1.8. Publishes the Air Force TD Program Security Classification
    3.1.9. Publishes an annual roster listing US Air Force MAJCOM and
    numbered Air Force (NAF) TD officers and noncommissioned
    officers (NCO).
    3.1.10. Coordinates, through the Office of the Vice Chief of Staff Air
    Force, Disclosure Branch (CVAII), the release of any TD
    information to foreign nationals.
    3.1.11. Compiles the annual TD activity report required by CJCSI
    3.1.12. Maintains archives of TD operations.
    3.1.13. Publishes and disseminates case studies detailing lessons
    learned about TD.
    3.1.14. Integrates such lessons learned into Air Force TD training
    3.2. Directorate of Plans, Technical Plans Division (HQ USAF/XOXT):
    3.2.1. Serves as OPR for the Command and Control Warfare functions of
    PSYOP and OPSEC as they relate to TD.
    3.2.2. Reviews TD doctrine and guidance as they relate to PSYOP and
    3.2.3. Documents and submits PSYOP and OPSEC funding requirements as
    they relate to TD to HQ USAF/XOFU.
    3 3. MAJCOMs:
    3.3.1. Coordinate all MAJCOM peacetime TD to prevent conflicts with
    other activities.
    3.3.2. Develop and maintain capabilities for planning and conducting
    3.3.3. Adapt TD programs to support specific MAJCOM missions.
    * Publish a MAJCOM-specific supplement to this instruction.
    * Send a copy of the supplement to HQ USAF/XOFU, 1480 Air Force
    Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1480.
    3.3.4. Conduct TD exercises during peacetime and as required for
    mission success during periods of crisis and wartime.
    3.3.5. Ensure that their planning staff deliberately considers TD
    during all stages of operational and exercise activities.
    3.3.6. Ensure that all NAFs and wings are familiar with the command TD
    program and objectives, and comply with this instruction.
    3.3.7. Appoint a command TD officer.
    3.3.8. Conduct educational and training programs and exercises to
    develop proficiency in the planning, execution, and use of TD.
    3.3.9. Give exercise participants from other MAJCOMs the mission and
    TD objective at least 150 days prior to the exercise.
    3.3.10. Complete a TD after-action report for all Joint Chiefs of
    Staff, MAJCOM, and NAF exercises. Submit the report to HQ
    USAF/XOFU not later than 45 days after exercise termination
    date. Establish procedures to capture lessons learned from
    unit TD training and TD activity.
    3.3.11. Develop TD annexes to OPlans and contingency plans. Review TD
    annexes prepared by subordinate units to prevent conflicts
    with other units.
    3.3.12. Document and send TD funding requirements, including equipment
    and personnel, to HQ USAF/XOFU.
    3.3.13. Maintain a list of all primary and alternate MAJCOM
    subordinate TD officers and NCOs.
    3.3.14. Submit an annual report of RCS: HAF-XOO(A) 9128, Tactical
    Deception Activities.
    * Follow the end-of-year report format in the TD Security
    Classification Guide.
    * Submit the report to HQ USAF/XOFU not later than 1 October.
    * Because this report has emergency status code C-2, continue
    normal reporting during emergency conditions, and continue
    reporting by message during MINIMIZE.

    DCS/Plans and Operations

    Supersedes AFR 55-49, 26 May 1989
    OPR: HQ USAF/XOFU (Maj Joe Collins)

    Certified by: HQ USAF/XO (Lt Gen Buster C. Glosson)
    Pages: 3/Distribution: F

    --- FMail/386 0.98a
    * Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (9:1010/4)

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