• Slackware users!

    From Gamgee@1:135/115 to All on Fri Dec 22 19:49:00 2023
    Hello all,

    Just wondering how many other Slackware users are out there! I've been
    using it for 20+ years now, and of course have tried many others, but... always come back. I have a couple of "test" boxes that I play with other distros on, but all my main/daily stuff is running under Slackware64 15.0.

    Who else out there is a Slacker?! ;-)

    ... She sells unix shells by the sea shore.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:135/115)
  • From Andrew Leary@110:20/1 to Gamgee on Sun Dec 24 00:52:26 2023
    Hello Gamgee!

    22 Dec 23 19:49, you wrote to all:

    Just wondering how many other Slackware users are out there! I've
    been using it for 20+ years now, and of course have tried many others, but... always come back. I have a couple of "test" boxes that I play
    with other distros on, but all my main/daily stuff is running under Slackware64 15.0.

    Who else out there is a Slacker?! ;-)

    Slackware 15.0 x86_64 here also; been using Slackware since 10.0 or so. These days I play with other distros in VMs, and I do have a Devuan Daedalus machine running for testing MBSE under Debian-style distros.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230826
    * Origin: Phoenix BBS * phoenix.bnbbbs.net (110:20/1)
  • From Gamgee@110:211/1 to Andrew Leary on Sun Dec 24 08:12:00 2023
    Andrew Leary wrote to Gamgee <=-

    Just wondering how many other Slackware users are out there! I've
    been using it for 20+ years now, and of course have tried many others, but... always come back. I have a couple of "test" boxes that I play
    with other distros on, but all my main/daily stuff is running under Slackware64 15.0.

    Who else out there is a Slacker?! ;-)

    Slackware 15.0 x86_64 here also; been using Slackware since 10.0
    or so. These days I play with other distros in VMs, and I do
    have a Devuan Daedalus machine running for testing MBSE under
    Debian-style distros.

    Excellent. I need to take a look at that Devuan myself. I find Debian
    (and offshoots) interesting, especially one that doesn't use systemd...

    ... Toto, I don't think we're in DOS any more...
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (110:211/1)
  • From Andrew Leary@110:20/1 to Gamgee on Sun Dec 24 16:45:47 2023
    Hello Gamgee!

    24 Dec 23 08:12, you wrote to me:

    Slackware 15.0 x86_64 here also; been using Slackware since 10.0
    or so. These days I play with other distros in VMs, and I do
    have a Devuan Daedalus machine running for testing MBSE under
    Debian-style distros.

    Excellent. I need to take a look at that Devuan myself. I find
    Debian (and offshoots) interesting, especially one that doesn't use systemd...

    This is precisely the reason I went with Devuan for my Debian-style test machine.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230826
    * Origin: Phoenix BBS * phoenix.bnbbbs.net (110:20/1)
  • From nugax@110:10/1 to Gamgee on Mon Jan 1 08:53:31 2024
    Excellent. I need to take a look at that Devuan myself. I find Debian (and offshoots) interesting, especially one that doesn't use systemd...

    You can remove systemd from any debian based system quite easily and install any manager you like. I usually do.

    ... A social life? Where can I download that!?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The ByteXchange BBS | bbs.thebytexchange.com (110:10/1)
  • From nugax@110:10/1 to Andrew Leary on Mon Jan 1 08:54:10 2024
    This is precisely the reason I went with Devuan for my Debian-style test machine.

    Devuan is pretty cool. I used it a couple of times.

    ... The seminar on time travel will be held two weeks ago

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The ByteXchange BBS | bbs.thebytexchange.com (110:10/1)