• Monitoring BBS logs

    From Gamgee@110:211/1 to All on Thu Jan 25 21:13:00 2024
    Hello all,

    Wondering what you all do/use for monitoring logs on your boards,
    specifically those running under Linux.

    I have a few terminals open to "tail" various logs on my system (running Synchronet). Been doing it that way for a long while, and it works fine,
    I guess.

    Has anyone used the 'lnav' utility to watch logs? It's pretty slick, has
    LOTS of options, and I like the use of colors in logs to help things "jump
    out" at you. If anyone is using this, and has taken the time to customize
    the look/feel of how it displays, would you comment on how you're using
    it, and would you maybe be willing to share your custom config that I
    could use as a starting point to learn how it's done?

    Appreciate any input you may have!

    ... Do NOT look into laser with remaining eyeball.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
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    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (110:211/1)
  • From Amessyroom to Gamgee on Sun Jul 14 11:08:39 2024

    I've installed it but not had time to learn and customize it yet.

    Would be interested to hear, if you have learned more about it
    that you might want to share.
