• A shedding comet

    From Dumas Walker@21:1/175 to All on Thu Jul 11 09:25:00 2024
    This could fortell the collapse of Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3)

    Space Weather News for July 10, 2024

    A COMET IS SHEDDING DARK 'BLOBS OF EXOTIC SHAPE': A new study suggests that Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is shedding "dark, porous blobs of exotic shape." This could be a precursor to the comet's complete collapse. Previously, astronomers had high hopes for this comet, which was expected to become very bright in a few months. Whatever happens next could be entertaining.

    Full story @ Spaceweather.com (https://spaceweather.com) .


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