║ Hey all!
║ I recently designed a fantasy computer for one of my worldbuilding
║ projects, a Pokémon-themed one known as the Hoennverse, and wanted to talk
║ about it here. Here are the specs:
║ ║ Country of origin: Hoenn
║ ║ Release year: 1980
║ ║ CPU: RCA 1802 @ 6.4 MHz (~360 KIPS)
║ ║ RAM: 4 KiB, upgradable to 8 KiB (officially; unofficially to 64 KiB)
║ ║ ROM: CHIP-8 with custom audio extension; BASIC and Forth also available
║ ║ PPU: Custom (TANE "Seed"); 320x192 graphics or 40x24 text; 64 colors, 8
║ ║ usable at once; 8 sprites; raster interrupts
║ ║ APU: TI SN76489 @ 4 MHz
║ ║ I/O: Custom chips; parallel, serial, timers, RTC; cartridge, tape, floppy; ║ ║ token ring available as a later add-on
║ I also drew the ROM font:
║ ║
║ The four blanks are null (0x00), carriage return (0x7F), space (0x80), and
║ list terminator/end of text (0xFF).
╚══════════════════════════════════════ Your beeps were just booped by ╠╣âlian
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Windows/32)
* Origin: Archaic Binary * bbs.archaicbinary.net (21:2/132)