• Wordle

    From apam@21:4/158.1 to All on Sat Oct 19 13:35:24 2024

    I wanted to play the bbs wordle on my bbs, but there is no darwin build
    and the dos version is buggy. So I made my own.

    It's a bit simpler than the bbs wordle, I didn't understand the scoring
    system they use, so I just made it 6 points for 1 guess, 5 for 2 etc 0
    for failure.

    You can play once a day, and the scores are kept indefinitly (though it
    just shows: last month's scores, todays scores and your rank for the
    current month.

    It's simple seems to work. the word is the same for everyone per day, so
    no spoilers!

    I'm currently testing it. Mostly I want to make sure I am sorting the
    scores the right way. You can play it on my BBS (in the origin line) it's
    free and opensource, https://github.com/apamment/wordelle

    I'm waiting until I test it a little to make some binaries, but if you
    like living on the edge feel free to grab the source and compile it :)


    |09apam |08(|11Andrew Pamment|08)
    |15Starlight |07:: |15starlight.zapto.org|07

    --- Talisman v0.54-dev (Darwin/x86_64)
    * Origin: Starlight :: starlight.zapto.org:2323 (21:4/158.1)
  • From j0hnny a1pha@21:4/158 to apam on Sat Oct 19 07:49:27 2024
    I wanted to play the bbs wordle on my bbs, but there is no darwin
    and the dos version is buggy. So I made my own.

    Oh, very cool. Good to have a Wordle that supports Mac :)

    I'm currently testing it. Mostly I want to make sure I am sorting the
    scores the right way. You can play it on my BBS (in the origin line)
    free and opensource, https://github.com/apamment/wordelle

    I'll check it out!

    |07 .'|08.
    |07 ||15o|08| |03J0hnny A1pha
    |07 .'|15o|08'. |06gOLD mINE HQ
    |07 |.-.|08| |08---------------------
    |07 '|14( |12)|08' |05SpaceJunkBBS.com|13:|052323
    |07 |12)

    --- Talisman v0.54-dev (Linux/x86_64)
    * Origin: Space Junk! BBS :: SpaceJunkBBS.com:2323 (21:4/158)
  • From apam@21:4/158.1 to j0hnny a1pha on Sun Oct 20 08:45:19 2024
    Oh, very cool. Good to have a Wordle that supports Mac :)

    Yeah, I dont know who else might be running on a modernish mac (I know
    there's a couple of classic macs out there running BBSes - or at least

    Source is available so should compile on other OSes that BBS wordle
    doesn't support too, eg.. freebsd.

    I'll check it out!

    Thanks, I did have the sorting around the wrong way after all :)


    |09apam |08(|11Andrew Pamment|08)
    |15Starlight |07:: |15starlight.zapto.org|07

    --- Talisman v0.54-dev (Darwin/x86_64)
    * Origin: Starlight :: starlight.zapto.org:2323 (21:4/158.1)