• e-Ministries #0032

    From cr1mson@701:1/1 to All on Sun Aug 18 01:38:50 2024
    e-Ministries #0032
    by: Jon Justvig ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    It's been a moment since we've last had a visit and I'd like to express my whole heart to the love of our Lord and King, Christ Jesus. He is simply amazing and that my friends, is an understatement. He's done so much for us than we can even comprehend. He paid our debt in full even though we didn't deserve it. That's how much He loves us. There's a lot to be said about
    Him. He brings us joy when we feel sorrow, he brings us love when there is
    so much hate around us, he brings us blessings when we least expect it.

    With my whole mind, body and sould for the lord of Lords, king of Kings,
    Christ Jesus, I extend my hand to yours for those that are suffering and hurting. I want to be the kind of person to bring people up instead of bringing them down. Turning frowns upside down. There's nothing wrong
    with sharing a smile from time to time. Sometimes a smile can change a person's whole day. So put on that smile and reach out to the world.

    It's my duty to pray for those that need help and need love like never
    before during these days of crisis and pandemic. There's so much going
    on in this world at all time record numbers. The day of the Lord is coming folks. Make ammends with those you can that you may have wronged and be forgiving to those that have done you wrong and just love one another.
    That forgiveness will be returned upon to you.

    An amazing Lord we serve and a God in full command. God controls this
    world and gives us free will. He's always watching from everywhere.
    Perhaps what's going on in the United States is a warning for those that
    have yet to come to repentance and forgiveness of our Lord Christ Jesus
    is a wake up call and a sign of the end times.

    I recently watched a video of that God caused a flood and promised that
    there would not be a flood like there was for forty days back in the day
    of Noah, but he didn't promise the world wouldn't be detroyed by fire.
    Seeing all these fires on the west coast is a wake up call ya'll. Let's
    make this day a day of change; to better ourselves and those around us.
    Let us be positive and look up to the Lord. Let us live in strength and courage. To be a positive influence on those around us. Let us be that
    light that shines an everlasting shine. Darkness cannot hid from the true Light that Jesus provides and his followers provide. Let's shine up the

    In His Holy Name, I pray. Amen.


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