e-Ministries #0025
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All on Sun Aug 18 01:35:45 2024
e-Ministries Devotions
article #0025
by: Jon Justvig ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Act of kindness, forgiveness, patience and those good fruits that are Holy
to bring you to a higher plane. When we're born we start at the bottom of
the mountain. It's up to us to see how high we can climb. If you see some
one below you, offer a hand to help as an act of kindness, if you find
some one above you, accept their hand to bring you up. If should ever come
to a point in your life we're you between yourself and another and one has wronged you, remember to always forgive so God can forgive you. Have
patience that you will climb as God prompts you.
Kindness is from a genuine heart, a heart that is whole, filled by the
Holy Spirit. When we accept Jesus into our heart, our old heart is being cleaned out to make it pure. We're still not perfect and it takes a lot to
get all that's cluttered in there to be cleaned out. Start one step at a
time. Perhaps start with the tougher things and work your way to the
more simpler things or vice-versa. It's this mountain that we need to
know that we call our heart that needs to be cleansed and purified by the
Holy Spirit.
It's been said it's easier said than done. Sure, but take a chance to get things back in order in your life and as you do God's will with Love, you
will begin to see a change that He has put in your heart. The more harm
we do to our heart the more difficult it is to clean it out. Some people
have small mountains to climb, some have very steep mountains that takes
a lot of climbing. Know this, the quicker you solve the problems in your heart, mind, soul and body, the quicker you can be whole again.
Baggage we sometimes carry around is that kind of thing we don't want to
let go of. Stuff that doesn't really matter or we make more of it than it really is. Think of it like this. Imagine going on a trip. How much
stuff are you going to carry to get to your destination? Will you take
what's important or your going to take everything? This also holds true
to where your live and how clean your house is. Do you like a lot of
clutter or do you like a clean house? If you don't carry that much with
you and have a tidy home, it's easier to get around and get things done
a lot quicker. There is those things that you have to carry that are
heavy. Be sure to take care whenever you can. Caring is very important.
You may think, why bother, what's in it for me? Don't think selfishly
like this, but think of how you can uplift someone today. God blesses
you when you bless others. What a great thing would it be to bless as
much as you can everyday. How much more of abundance can you have in
your life. Remember, don't be selfish, yet, give love, give charity. If
you find someone in need of essential things, offer something that will
make them better such as a cold glass of water, a healthy meal, new
clothes you bought yourself, but maybe they would really, really like
that, or even find shelter for someone that doesn't have a home. Give
guidance and direction to those people. How much of a blessing would that
be and to see their face as you bless them with things they really need.
It will give you a warmth in your heart and God will continue to do His
work as we do our work. Remember not to really mention it or brag
about it, yet, be silent, be still... God is for us, he first loved us
that is why we love Him. God is a GREAT GOD. God is Love.
That act of kindness will be your reward. As much as you can do each
day, show kindness. Quickly forgive others, although it is painful when someone hurts you, purposely or accidently. Don't dwell on it too much.
Be patient for God is a patient God.
Have a great day! Glory to His Holy Name Jesus!
... Reward for a job well done: More work
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