e-Ministries #0019
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All on Sun Aug 18 01:33:11 2024
e-Ministries Devotions
article #0019
by: Jon Justvig ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Greetings breathern and sisters in our Christ Jesus the Lord of Lords, Kings
of Kings.
We will speak of Faith and what it means. Have you ever walked in a
direction and quickly turned in a direction that may have set you off path?
Light your path with God directs you.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
What do you hope for? Happiness? Love? Patience? Care? Understanding?
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
When we walk, if we walk don't turn astray. Continue on your path. Your journey with Him, our God.
Love is of great abundance. For God is Love.
Do you feel unloved? Alone? Depressed or discouraged? Be of great!
God is with you wherever you go. You're never alone, for God is with you whereever you goeth. He sees and knows everything and speaks through us.
Our lips are like a two edged sword to either heal or to destroy. Make
sure you always tell the Truth. The Truth is that God loves us. He sent
His only Son in place of man to be a sacrifice for the sin of mankind.
Jesus said it is finished and that on the third day after He was crucified
He rose from death into light and holds the keys to darkness. Sons and daughters, don't fall into temptation. Resist the devil and he will flee.
What does this all have to do with Faith you may ask? It is that we must
first put on the belt of Truth to be ready and on guard of any situation
may arise. Believe in your heart, whole heartedly that God loves you and
wants what's best for.
Don't doubt or worry. If you feel doubt or worry, stand firm in Faith.
Just believe. Walk according to His will for us all.
Discern the spirits and test them all. Our fight is not against flesh
and blood but against evil spirits in heavenly places.
If something gives you an uneasy feeling, it probably isn't from His
Spirit. The Holy Spirit is like the wind. It cometh and goeth and God
knows where to send it.
Have you ever been in a room and feel a warmth in your heart? That is
God setting your heart at ease.
God bless you all.
May peace rest with you.
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