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So... i am assuming that most people here have no idea what
"Apologetics" is. Apologetics is the ability to give an explination or
an "Apologia" (where we get the engish word apology from) of your belief in Christ. Giving an "Apologia" was avery greek mindset thing to do. I
in Christ. Giving an "Apologia" was avery greek mindset thing to do. I will give a list of resource books for those interested, below. So
giving an Apologia, was basicly formed around addressing a court - specificly in 1st & 2nd century christianity. The person giving their testamony or "Apologia" would build a case for their belief, based on facts from their own life, in conjunction of logical discorse on how
they arrived at the conclusion for pro or con based on information provided from religious texts, and surrounding historical documents surviving from the 1st & 2nd century. This would be their core defence
in establising logic for their belief.
SOOOOO there are two different contexts for giving an "Apologia". There
is the standard main stream christan mind set. then there is the
Messianic Jewish mindset. Most previous litrature in main stream christanity - at least to my knowledge needs kind of an update in the light of the research done from inside of Messianic judisem. The two
main authors people should be looking into is Josh McDowell, who is the main autority in main stream christian circles. The other is Avi Ben Mordichai, who is one of the most prominate authors in Messianic
Josh McDowell - Started off his in collage as a staunch athiest. during his time in collage during the 60s (i think - its been a long moment
since i read his works) he ran into a group call "Campus Crusiad for Christ". they are a group that does proslotizing on collage campuses.
One day when Josh was arguing with one of the members of the group, they noticed that he was going to collage to become a lawyer. the then challenged him to take all his skills as a lawyer and try to dis-prove
the bible as a legit document. he took up the challenge and thought he would consult alot of his peers and athiest authors he looked up to. as
he went along in his studies, be began to see cracks and holes in his
own philosophies, which were even admited by some of his own authors he looked up to. He ended up becomeing a christian - kicking and screaming
- due to the amount of looming evidance in favor of suport for christianity. His main books are the "Evidance that demands a verdict" series. they are very well thought out, and are definatly worth a read
if you are into biblical studies at all. prepare to learn a bit of greek an hebrew along the way.
Avi Ben Mordicai - Avi is a Messianic Jew who lived in an Orthadox
setting in Jerusalem. I actually know him personally. During his time living in the Orthadox setting, he became a Messianic. Due to his
massive amounts of studying the scriptures from a hebraic mindset, it
put him in the unique position to expound upon the New Testament. Avi wrote 5 master books on Messianic apologetics, Messiah Vol 1-4, and his book on Galatians. His books are VERY VERY deep. You will learn tons
about the Hebrew languange, aramaic, Greek, and tons about the Mishna, talmud, Midrash rabbah, and in Messiah Vol 3 & 4 you will learn how Kabbalah fits into the New Testament as well. which covers the Sefer yetzirah, Sefer Bahir, Sefer Zohar, ect... Each of these books are intensly indepth reads.
Josh McDowell - Evidance that Demands a Verdict series
Avi Ben Mordichai - Messiah Vol 1-4, Galatians
Historical references & extra-biblical texts
Flavious Josephious - History of the Jews
James Caroll - Constantines Sword
Targum Onkolis - 1st century Aramaic translation of the Torah
Targum Yonatan - 1st century Aramaic translation of the Torah
Septuigant (Greek version) - the Septuigant copy on the christian greek side Septuigant (Jewish copy) - Septuigant version on Jewish side that
was modified after Jesus died - inorder to distance Judiasem from christianity.
Pashita texts - The Samaritian Aramaic version of the Torah that went up into India and Turkey and is still in use today.
Midrash Rabbah - an addendum to the Talmud proper, which gives a "behind the scenes account of the storys from the bible in a 1st century perspective. It consists of what is called "aggidik" or "Alagoric" Commentarys on what happened in bibilical times. Sefer Yetzirah - 1st centry Intro book to Kabbalah and the Merkava School of the Prophets in Israel
Sefer Bahir - 1100 AD Torah Commentary on Kabbalah, from Provence France, where one of the main jewish learning centers
was located. also home to Nostradomas.
Sefer Zohar - the pinnical of spanish Rabbinical Kabbalaistic thought
in the 14th century. Kabbalistic commentary on the Torah The 8 gates - 16th Century practical guide to meditations based on
teachings from the Zohar. Teachings from Rabbi Isaac
Luria or The Ari'Zal. all volumes wrote by his student Rabbi Chaim Vitel.
Mormon Lit:
James E. Talmage - Jesus the Christ: A Study of the Messiah and His Mission (Classics in Mormon Literature Series) (a really well written
book from an LDS perspective)
Jewish books:
Art Scroll books
Davidson Tanach - full old testament in hebrew and english. beloved
by Jews and messianics everywhere.
Scottsteins Talmud - Art Scrolls highly esteemed Talmud.
Rashi Torah Set - Art Scrolls highly popular Torah commentary from 1000 AD. Rashi is the Jewish godfather of commentators.
Bal Ha'Turim Torah commentary set - Art Scrolls Bal Ha'turims commentary from 1200 AD Spain. He takes all the letters words, sentances and paragraphs in the Torah, adds up their mathmatical value and then cross references them with other places in the Masoretic texts that have the same math value. Extremely useful set.
Soncino Jewish books
Soncino Talmud
Soncino Midrash Rabbah
Soncino Mishna
Soncino Zohar set
Soncino Software collection of above writings
Rabbi Aryah Kaplan's Books (Orthadox Union)
Sefer Yetzirah in theory and practice
Sefer Bahir
Kabbalah and Meditation
Ladino languange Torah Set
Free resources: - Rashi and many other rare commentaries accessable on their webpage. Ultra orthadox site. - Reformed / conservative Jewish site. Commentaries on the
Torah, and weekly Torah portions "Parasha". - A great website for learning hebrew.
well.... hopefully these books and references should keep you busy for a while doing research. best of luck!
- Gamecube Buddy