• Are There Any TTRPG Gamers Here?

    From Innkeeper@VERT/ECBBS to The Wizard on Sun Jun 23 00:18:54 2024
    Re: Are There Any TTRPG Gamers Here?
    By: The Wizard to All on Sun Mar 03 2024 05:47:50

    I was wondering if there are any TTRPG gamers.....
    Man, I miss Star Frontiers. I still play, but mostly oddball rpgs, and just joined a PbP game of AD&D1e.
    Star Frontiers was one of my favorite settings. Right up there with Paranoia, which is just an incredible game entirely.
    "Oh bother," said Pooh, as he chambered another round.
    ■ Synchronet ■ electronic chicken bbs - bbs.electronicchicken.com
  • From jimmylogan@VERT/DIGDIST to Innkeeper on Sat Jul 13 08:19:00 2024
    Innkeeper wrote to The Wizard <=-

    Re: Are There Any TTRPG Gamers Here?
    By: The Wizard to All on Sun Mar 03 2024 05:47:50

    I was wondering if there are any TTRPG gamers.....
    Man, I miss Star Frontiers. I still play, but mostly oddball rpgs, and just joined a PbP game of AD&D1e. Star Frontiers was one of my favorite settings. Right up there with Paranoia, which is just an incredible
    game entirely. "Oh bother," said Pooh, as he chambered another round.

    I don't do mailruns that often, so I don't know if I responded to the
    OP or not - I am, though not as much as I'd like. And I rarely get
    to play 'in person.'

    I do meet up via Google with my three high school buddies for a
    session infrequently - just because we can't all get clear
    schedules... I ran an FFG Star Wars game for years that way - currently
    we are playing Spirit of 77...

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    ■ Synchronet ■ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From halian@VERT/ABINARY to The Wizard on Thu Jul 18 23:43:00 2024
    Not as much as I used to, mainly because the shine has come off of D&D 5/e for me recently. The mechanics just feel... Bleh. :(

    I've also previously played D&D 3.5/e (for which I
    homebrewed the main species of my soft sf/science fantasy worldbuilding project) and a little bit of BESM over forum (because the fanbase of a webcomic I read was really into it).

    I'm also interested in L5R, Classic Traveller (after I found a starter set at a local rummage sale), Coyote & Crow, and I had just remembered others, but now I forgot them. :(

    TBH, most of my tabletop gaming energy of late has gone into BattleTech. Love my plastic toy robots. :P

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Archaic Binary
  • From Jimmy Anderson@VERT/CJSPLACE to halian on Sun Nov 3 16:23:18 2024
    halian wrote to The Wizard <=-

    I'm also interested in L5R, Classic Traveller (after I found a starter
    set at a local rummage sale), Coyote & Crow, and I had just remembered others, but now I forgot them. :(

    Classic Traveller is no longer a favorite of mine, but I have fond
    memories of it. Thankfully you can get pretty much all of it
    digital nowadays...

    TBH, most of my tabletop gaming energy of late has gone into
    BattleTech. Love my plastic toy robots. :P

    Before Covid, X-Wing was my primary game! Started getting into
    Gaslands too, then after Covid no more X-Wing - now it's not
    being developed...

    And Gaslands - I run games using Photoshop on Slack, but nothing
    in person. Only in person gaming is board games on a rare

    ... Alex, I'll take "things that only I know" for $1000.
    --- MultiMail/Mac v0.52
    ■ Synchronet ■ CJ's Place, Orange City, FL - cjsplace.thruhere.net