If you would like to create another one for approva
l. Please do! LOL, I am no
ANSi/ASCii artist, however I
did create a little info screen forC-N
et for me to use to show features available on my BBS.
I'll try to add itto this post, not sure
how it will turn out in a message. It does have a p
ipecode to pause for Mystic. I am no
t sure if this is universal to other BBSsoftware
, kinda new to the sysop scene. But here i
t is if any one else wantsto use it. █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████████████████████ **** COMMODORE 64 B
ASIC V2 **** ██████████ 64K RAM SY
██████████ LOAD"C=NET",8,1
███This BBS is a node for Commodore Net, join the conversation!
██████████The following are the message bases available in this
newtwork. ██████████
██████████VIC20 Discussion | C64/128
Software | C64/128 Hardware ██████████C64/128 BBS Progra
ms | C64/128 Discussion | Amiga Software ██████████Amiga
Hardware | Amiga BBS Programs | Amiga Discussion ████ ██████General Discussion | BBS/Network Ads | C= Emulation Discu
ssion ██████████C= Buy, Sell or Trade| Sysop/Test Echo | C- Net
working Discussion ██████████
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--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
* Origin: Vintage Pi BBS vintagepi.asuscomm.com (64:1200/2)